jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<brian|lfs> at SiFuh I might of actually had it right last night my sed not 100% because it turned out only a couple urls were wrong not as many as I thought.
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<SiFuh> brian|lfs: All good
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<kh1b> Hi, looking to compile webkitgtk-41 on another computer, it doesnt have crux tho it has another linux distro
<kh1b> should i follow the Pkgfile build recipe
<kh1b> ?
<ppetrov^> what distro is it?
<kh1b> ubuntu
<ppetrov^> doesnt't it have that?
<kh1b> you mean pkgmk?
<ppetrov^> webkitgtk-41
<kh1b> i suppose it has it
<ppetrov^> so, why do you want to build it there?
<kh1b> i was looking to build it there and copy the package build in my computer
<kh1b> i dont have high specs to build on mine
<r0ni> kh1b it will dep against systemd, you don't want that
<ppetrov^> kh1b, it will link against libs versions on ubuntu, so not a good idea
<r0ni> unless you make a crux chroot on ubuntu i don't think you'll have much luck there
<ppetrov^> if you can't have crux on bare metal there, set up crux in a vm
<r0ni> i have a slackware package which may work if you want to try and extract the libs form it
<ppetrov^> or what r0ni says
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: A CRUX chroot will be better than a VM though, speed wise.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, I know. I simply have had issues with chroot, but that's my own problem
<SiFuh> I use to build my entire repo in a VM though ppetrov^
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<r0ni> egh no my slackware package won't work without libjxl and i dont beleive theres a port for that yet
<ppetrov^> i would kinda understand making a port on an "alien" distro; making a crux package, though -- that's not OK
<ppetrov^> sure, i have ports that _repackage_ debs, but that's a different story
<kh1b> so my better bet would be to crux chroot and try to build it ?
<ppetrov^> or a VM, but chroot would be faster
<r0ni> yes, thats what i would do... if I have time and my pc ends up free I'll try and build one, but it's slow going there as it old but it has 16gb ram
<r0ni> what uses webkit on crux?
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<ppetrov^> r0ni, do i use prt-get dependent with --all option to check this?
<cruxbridge> <jloc0> Not sure if —all would do anything “prt-get dependent webkitgtk” maybe
<cruxbridge> <jloc0> Oh snap I just realized I don’t think glibc. That might tell me no on using slack package
<cruxbridge> <jloc0> He mentioned surf but I don’t see a port for it
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<cruxbridge> <jloc0> I can’t find a single port the deps on webkitgtk lol
<SiFuh> farkuhar: What was the reason for the webkitgtk-41 port? What depends on it?
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<r0ni> i guess surf/serf however its spelt
<remiliascarlet> Compiling dynamically linked binaries on a different distro than where it's supposed to run is always a bad idea.
<remiliascarlet> It's guaranteed to not work.
<r0ni> not always, it's important the needed libs are the same vers, and glibc is kosher, but one could have luck
<r0ni> of course there aren't many distros not polluted with systemd either way... i'd suggest a flatpak honestly for the user, seems the easy way out
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<remiliascarlet> "not always, it's important the needed libs are the same vers, and glibc is kosher, but one could have luck" So in other words, always.
<remiliascarlet> "of course there aren't many distros not polluted with systemd either way... i'd suggest a flatpak honestly for the user, seems the easy way out" Yeah, let's promote some extreme bloat to cope with the dogma of not hating static linking, which is a billion times lighter, simpler, and easier to use!
<kh1b> SiFuh | r0ni | cruxbridge : webkitgtk-41 to build surf from source
<r0ni> i looked at surf and it's asking for webkit-4.0 during build
<r0ni> remiliascarlet maybe you'd like to take the time and build a custom webkit package for the user who has too weak a system to build one themselves. I'm merely trying to offer some help rather than be a curmudgen
<ppetrov^> TIL "curmudgen"
<remiliascarlet> r0ni: I already did that years ago, and no fucking way I will do that ever again!
<r0ni> it'll only take 4 hours or so with a decade old system
<remiliascarlet> And I'm not being some randomly made up word, I'm giving advice to not make kh1b waste their time doing something that won't work anyway.
<remiliascarlet> And in my case it took my 14 days to compile on a ThinkPad X200. Not the GTK one, but the Qt6 one specifically.
<ppetrov^> won't make much dofference if he builds it on ubuntu or repackages ubuntu's package
<ppetrov^> *difference
<kh1b> r0ni: the port webkitgtk-41 is the one built against gtk3 and libsoup3
<remiliascarlet> It would perhaps take even longer if I were to compile on a PowerPC or i386 architecture, but CRUX can't run on these anyway.
<remiliascarlet> So instead I'm running OpenBSD on these architectures.
<r0ni> kh1b: yes I know but the make file is definately asking for webkit-4.0
<kh1b> so that one wouldn't work ?
<r0ni> seems not, 4.0 is gtk3/soup2 based. 4.1 is gtk3/soup3 and 6.0 is gtk4/soup3
<kh1b> oh you are right, 4.0 is soup2
<r0ni> i'm making an attempt to build it... my crux install isn't likely setup to handle this but we'll see if it builds
<r0ni> the last surf release was 2021 and 4.1 and 6.0 vers didn't exist yet then
<kh1b> yeah 4.0 is needed here
<kh1b> there isn't a port for it ?
<kh1b> couldn't find any
<r0ni> no only one is the 6.0 one
<r0ni> but it's hardly a difference of a few build opts
<r0ni> -DUSE_SOUP2=ON -DUSE_GTK4=OFF is what i added
<r0ni> you would be wise to 'prt-get lock webkitgtk' after installing said package
<r0ni> but of course, it'll be a few hours lol
<kh1b> oh right so i could use the webkitgtk port in opt repo and set soup2 and gtk4 off
<r0ni> yes kinda a custom port, you could always make your own ports overlay for it so updates don't try and upgrade it on you, but that's up to you. Locking it is the easy way out if you just want the one local package
<kh1b> r0ni:ok, i am gonna give a try
<r0ni> kh1b I am building the package, so if you fail, I'll have uploaded it when it's done
<kh1b> r0ni : alright, thank you
<kh1b> just another question how do pulseaudio is usual started, do i need to make an init script in /etc/rc.d and add it in services
<r0ni> if I load a DE i ususally open a terminal and "pulseaudio --start" i've had no luck getting it to automatically go for me
<kh1b> that how i was doing it
<cruxbridge> <tim> doesn't your de allow you to define things to start when a session is constructed? pulseaudio was the same as it is with pipewire: I have i3/sway start it for me when starting a session.
<r0ni> i've selected it to auto-start in xfce and it still don't, im unsure why, and audio is something i really don't use much so I haven't looked at it more
<cruxbridge> <tim> problem with /etc/rc.d is that this is a place for system wide daemons. pulseaudio, same as pipewire again, will want to run as a user that actually accesses its stuff. No idea how pipewire does it but I think I remember that pulseaudio will need configuration to start as root, which is very much discouraged to do
<r0ni> yes it should be a user process, but can run as root, i've not tried to run as root myself
<cruxbridge> <tim> i only start /usr/bin/pipewire, and my pipewire config will autostart pipewire-pulse and wireplumber
<cruxbridge> <tim> https://crux.nu/rpaste/1Utp8RTs.txt i just realize i still say -c pipewire-pulse.conf which does not exist anymore, because I split all my custom configs into seperate files in /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d and /etc/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf.d, eg this link is /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/10-sessions.conf
<cruxbridge> <tim> still works like a charm, even on that other device with kde, there it autostarts via the kde autostart settings
<cruxbridge> <tim> wrt running as root: it turned out i didn't need that for what I wanted to archive. For a typical user session, it's certainly not what anybody wants
<r0ni> i've not checked if it's loading in kde for me, I'll have to look into it when I can boot up crux
<r0ni> most likely it's my shoddy setup of my system, since I'm constantly wiping things
<cruxbridge> <tim> might I interest you in lxc containers? :P
<ppetrov^> r0ni, open /etc/pulse/client.conf and set autospawn = yes
<r0ni> tim: I really do need to start with containers ;)
<cruxbridge> <tim> it's easy to get one going, really
<cruxbridge> <tim> braewoods wrote a great script to setup lxc containers
<cruxbridge> <tim> I need to reupload that, I had redone my personal server and haven't moved back all the stuff yet
<cruxbridge> <tim> https://crux.nu/rpaste/h2kYjcRL.sh <- this one
<r0ni> ppetrov^ I'll try that and see if it works
<r0ni> tim: I'll see where that script gets me, might have to start doing some learning
<r0ni> i'll have to change it up as there's no arm64 iso media but i keep a core package dir so should be fine
<cruxbridge> <tim> you will need a set of core port packages that you will need to feed to the script. it will create the container files you can import with lxc commands, e.g. lxc-create -n crux-37 -t local -- --fstree crux-3.7-x86_64-20220906-rootfs.tar.xz --metadata crux-3.7-x86_64-20220906-lxc.tar.xz
<cruxbridge> <tim> true, I forgot, wait a sec, I think I still got a fixed up version to create arm containers
<cruxbridge> <tim> https://crux.nu/rpaste/r3eSddal.sh this should be it
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<r0ni> excellent, as soon as I'm able to boot up crux i've got some toys to play with!
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<cruxbridge> <tim> perfect!
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<r0ni> ppetrov^: it worked! magic! thank you ;)
<r0ni> I also don't know what i installed in opt but my fonts look so much better after installing everything there lol
<ppetrov^> r0ni, you're welcome
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<r0ni> looking at my xfce repo here https://crux.ninja/portdb/collection/crux-xfce/ tells me a bunch of things lack a signature.... but they have a signature... anyone have a guess as to why it says that?
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<r0ni> i'm attemtping to refresh ones it says aren't there, but they all check out locally
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<cruxbridge> <tim> r0ni: maybe wait for jaeger to clarify, seems like its missing on his system running the portdb
<r0ni> oh yeah it's all good, i'm just going through and cleaning up some redundant deps anyway, since thats a lot of the red failures
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<farkuhar> r0ni | SiFuh: the suckless surf browser ships with a config.mk that expects webkitgtk-4.0, but you can edit it to say webkitgtk-4.1 if you have that installed (as I did for the nyxt browser), and surf will still compile. What *doesn't* work is to edit config.mk and specify webkitgtk-6.0. Apparently surf hasn't yet been adapted to GTK4.
<ppetrov^> r0ni, crux.ninja says I have 3 ports from r4-modules missing .footprint, but they don't
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Thanks
<r0ni> farkuhar: yeah no doubt it can be edited but it hasn't seen a release since 2021 so it predates the existence of the other webkit options, I'd think safe bet is building for 4.0 for maximum compat at least
<r0ni> that and the package will be done any minute and i'm not doing it again... i've already built webkit 6 times the past few days for my own slackware repos... i'm webkit-ed out ;)
<ppetrov^> r0ni, and if you have trouble with pulseaudio and bluetooth, let me know, i have a thing or two to say
<ppetrov^> and, yes SiFuh , I know you have that fancy gadget to overcome the BT shite in openBSD
<r0ni> I don't generally use BT, i've but a single kb that uses it and its hooked to my Mac, all my linux stuff is usb
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<ppetrov^> smart decision r0ni
<cruxbridge> <tim> works flawlessly with pipewire for me
<ppetrov^> works flawlessly with pulseaudio for me, too... after I recompiled a few things and added "load-module module-bluetooth-discover" in /etc/pulse/default.pa.d/blueman.pa
<cruxbridge> <tim> neat
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I do
<SiFuh> But it is for audio only
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<SiFuh> And ppetrov^ there is know BT shite in OpenBSD because BT was abolished and eradicated from the source
<ppetrov^> here comes r0ni to the rescue!
<kh1b> r0ni: thank you :) i am gonna try building it rn
<r0ni> hope it works for ya
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<jaeger> r0ni: was the public key added after you submitted the repo back in Jul 2023, maybe? Or did I just miss it somehow?
<jaeger> It's not in the httpup REPO file so it doesn't get synced via httpup, though I can get it from github easily enough
<jaeger> Ah, I see it was added 3 weeks ago
<jaeger> Anyway, I've added it to the repo config, should show up on the next sync run
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<kh1b> r0ni:finaly it worked with the package you provided, although idk why i had to install some wayland dependecies
<jaeger> ppetrov^: I've forced a refresh for the next sync run, hopefully should fix the prtverify status
<jaeger> It's probably time for me to refactor the portdb a bit, it has some issues like the stale prtverify stuff in some spots
<ppetrov^> jaeger, well it doesn't really bother me, but whenever I see something in red there I go and verify
<jaeger> I would prefer that it be correct :)
<ppetrov^> :)
<brian|lfs> waves
<jaeger> o/
<ppetrov^> for the record, my r4-modules repo has a lot of yellow marks, because of redundant R deps and documentation, but I wouldn't touch these
<brian|lfs> I might considered posting my ports multiple places I've got a lot built these days just need to get aa domain to host it on or take the time and pain to use github.
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<ppetrov^> brian|lfs, think of git as of s necessary evil
<ppetrov^> :P
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: coin-or-cbc: 2.10.11 -> 2.10.12
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: coin-or-clp: 1.17.9 -> 1.17.10
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: coin-or-coinutils: 2.11.11 -> 2.11.12
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: coin-or-osi: 0.108.10 -> 0.108.11
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: coin-or-cgl: 0.60.8 -> 0.60.9
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: libbytesize: 2.10 -> 2.11
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: lua-language-server: 3.10.4 -> 3.10.5
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: p5-business-isbn-data: 20240817.001 -> 20240820.001
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-aiohappyeyeballs: 2.3.7 -> 2.4.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-aiohttp: 3.10.4 -> 3.10.5
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-automat: 24.8.0 -> 24.8.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-cachetools: 5.4.0 -> 5.5.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-jaraco-context: 5.3.0 -> 6.0.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-maison: 1.4.3 -> 2.0.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-numpy: 2.0.1 -> 2.1.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-pydantic-core: 2.22.0 -> 2.23.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: svt-av1: 2.1.2 -> 2.2.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: weechat: 4.4.0 -> 4.4.1
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<r0ni> jaeger: yes I added the pub not long ago, that makes sense then if the key wasn't there to begin with lol, thanks for checking!
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<jaeger> No problem. I also see the lxqt submission but haven't had a chance to check it out yet.
<r0ni> no prob, take your time, i thought I added it before but i guess not
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<r0ni> i need to force myself to make some install doc for it before i decide which DE to do next anyway lol
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