jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<r0ni> is there a way to get revdep to skip rebuilding packages when using with prt-get -fr? or maybe use a standard *-bin for repacks that revdep is also trained to skip?
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<ppetrov^> r0ni, what do you mean?
<cruxbridge> <tim> r0ni: if you know what you are expecting just pass along "--ignore=myignored-bin,.."?
<r0ni> if I do a 'prt-get update -fr $(revdep)' it rebuilds -bin packages that of course won't do any good
<ppetrov^> but, why would your -bin packages be reported by revdep?
<r0ni> tim: ahh ok I didn't know we could add --ignore to it
<ppetrov^> do your ports create the corresponding file in /etc/revdep.d/ for the -bin package?
<cruxbridge> <tim> ppetrov^ has a point too, maybe the package in question can be made better?
<r0ni> hell I didn't even know it could be skipped somehow
<r0ni> the 'jdk' package is a bin repack, should be ignored
<ppetrov^> r0ni, you know what /etc/revdep.d/ is for?
<r0ni> for defining where to find said libraries used by the installed applications
<ppetrov^> yep
<r0ni> AFAIK
<ppetrov^> so, do your port create the said file, so revdep knows where the libs are?
<ppetrov^> *does
<r0ni> not my port, just one I happened to install but i noticed it's a bin repack (as are most java dev kit packages) and it's constantly rebuilding it
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> which one and from which repo?
<r0ni> that i'll have to check on real quick ;)
<ppetrov^> they are not that many
<r0ni> heh i found the problem
<ppetrov^> ?
<r0ni> so its in opt-arm64 and it hasn't been touched in 5 years, but also it added 'amd' dirs to revdep instead of 'aarch64'
<cruxbridge> <tim> heh :D
<ppetrov^> ...
<r0ni> I think arm deserves a better jdk package, I'll have to make a newer one
<r0ni> add to my list of things to do
<cruxbridge> <tim> there was a time i was trying to get openjdk to work properly, but bootstrapping java on arm wasn't really a good thing to try :P
<r0ni> zulu has openjdk17 for arm64 i can prob get going
<r0ni> and yeah, until recently java on arm was sketchy at best
<cruxbridge> <tim> yeah I guess you can use just any available jdk to bootstrap a proper package, i just never wanted to go that route but instead tried to go from gcj6 I think, which was destined to be extremely painful
<cruxbridge> <tim> https://git.crux.nu/tb/java-scratchspace maybe that helps. most stuff is from j_v
<r0ni> i avoid java like the plague, i'm just hoping to make arm64 port better is all
<cruxbridge> <tim> :P
<r0ni> but wow, theres a lot of stuff there!
<cruxbridge> <tim> maybe it still helps. you might be able to create a boot version with a prebuilt jdk like zulu and have a vanilla openjdk port, that would be fly
<r0ni> for sure give me a model to follow if anything
<cruxbridge> <tim> https://github.com/openjdk/aarch64-port/blob/master/doc/building.md they also have a special aarch64 repository it seems
<r0ni> welp thats a big read there ;)
<cruxbridge> <tim> i have no idea how much time j_v spent on that, but I can tell how much romster and me tried to polish it up and have it all build from gcc6 upwards
<cruxbridge> <tim> java is no fun at all
<r0ni> no doubt a considerable amount of time, I'd think
<cruxbridge> <tim> i tried the flow sometime last year and failed to get it going again :/ I still want to keep working on it but again, the neverending list of things to do
<r0ni> yeah, i'm still cleaning up redundant deps in my repos, while making local fixes for arm64 ports and attempting to consider new things to port yet... I still haven't done gnome like I said I would, and i'm thinking I should do that one next
<cruxbridge> <tim> you gotta do what the heart tells you to :D
<r0ni> I've considered what It'd take for me to completely leave my comfort zone of using slackware as well as crux... and I really think it's that I just never 'ported' all my slackbuilds over to crux, if I completely did that, I might just become a single distro baby. My heart has been telling me for years I need to get away from slack-land.... ppetrov^ has to know what I mean there lol
<ppetrov^> r0ni, i know
<ppetrov^> i converted all my slackbuilds to Pkgfiles
<cruxbridge> <tim> mad lads
<ppetrov^> for a while i came back to slackware and realized i spend x10 more time maintaining the slackbuilds, compared to ports
<r0ni> i had started to, and really i'm wanting to do it completely but I honestly feel bad dumping them poor saps
<cruxbridge> <tim> i won't tell anybody to ditch anything for CRUX. I am the one telling you that you gotta do what the heart tells you to :P
<ppetrov^> r0ni, i have several ports that repackage stuff. revdep has been invaluable when figuring out what's missing for these
<ppetrov^> when i asked at LQ for a similar tool for Slackware i was told sth along the lines "you know, may serious slackware users have their own home-made tools for that"
<ppetrov^> gee, thanks
<ppetrov^> got some examples, none worked as expected
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<r0ni> I need to map out what I need to do yet... I've got so many things that need to be converted yet, like lxqt-wayland stuff, cosmic, gnome, i need to make a simple converter script or something
<ppetrov^> and finally, i rely way too much on my R libraries collection for CRUX
<ppetrov^> i am not rewriting cran2crux to generate Slackbuilds, at least not in the forseeablefuture
<ppetrov^> and even if I did, adding a separate category, say, "R" at SBo would take ages of negotiations
<ppetrov^> and finally, r0ni , i am not "ditching" anything... i am not married to slackware or crux, for the moment the latter does the job better, that's all
<meowmeownyanuwu> On Gentoo GNU/Linux I have a complete set of source code and instructions to build it needed to deploy my system at any given time. How about CRUX GNU/Linux? Is source code stored somewhere or does one rely on build scripts only?
<ppetrov^> source code is downloaded from upstream
<meowmeownyanuwu> But is it stored somewhere? For example, if upstream is down and one is in desperate need of rebuilding a package.
<ppetrov^> well, it is stored locally on your hard drive
<ppetrov^> you can set a dedicated folder
<meowmeownyanuwu> This is wonderfull, CRUX GNU/Linux keeps surprising me with the technical excellence of its implementation.
<ppetrov^> meowmeownyanuwu, i really love how it's organized
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: fd: 10.1.0 -> 10.2.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: networkmanager: 1.48.6 -> 1.48.8
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: patool: 2.3.0 -> 2.4.0
<cruxbot> [compat-32/3.7]: readline-32: 8.2.10 -> 8.2.13
<cruxbot> [compat-32/3.7]: libnm-32: 1.48.6 -> 1.48.8
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<cruxbot> [core/3.7]: libmpfr: deleted unused patch
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<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: firefox-bin: updated to version 129.0.2
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: scite: updated to version 5.5.2
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: bindutils: updated to version 9.20.1
<cruxbot> [xorg/3.7]: libinput: updated to version 1.26.2
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: pmwiki: updated to version 2.3.37
<ukky> Apache ant and maven were also pain to compile
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<markboston> hi trying to install crux in a virtual machine using qemu and getting a weird message that i thought was a failure but maybe not? when trying to format the boot partition im getting an odd error about a failure to convert from code 950 to ansi somether or other
<markboston> code 850*
<markboston> at first i thought it wasn't actually formatting but doing a fsck it says its fine
<markboston> although i get the complaint about the failure to convert
<markboston> is this just some odd dos thing?
<markboston> ok i take that back
<markboston> closer examination of the output says theres zero files
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<markboston> am i still connected? just checking this client im using times out if i don't give it focus
<crash_> markboston: does it say the same in virtualbox,vmware? i was just thinking if it was a qemu error?
<markboston> hmm well now im not sure if its relevant or not
<markboston> just installed grub and it seemed to work fine
<markboston> so when i reboot ill see
<markboston> this is my first time using qemu im more used to virtualbox
<crash_> ok so it is maybe because the locale is not correct?
<markboston> hmm that could be
<markboston> i just set those now
<markboston> i mean i could try formatting it again but ill only do that if it won't boot
<crash_> try and reboot if grub install correctly now
<crash_> *installed
<markboston> well i don't have linux installed yet so im kinda doing this backwards :P
<markboston> just realized
<crash_> ok so your are still compiling the kernel?
<markboston> haven't done that part yet
<crash_> ah ok
<markboston> so just ignore everything ive said
<crash_> :(
<markboston> <<<.....walks away
<crash_> >>> come back and finish the CRUX install
<markboston> haha
<crash_> :)
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<markboston> well now is the moment of truth
<markboston> will it boot?
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<markboston> hmm it does boot but i think i have a typo in fstab
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<kh1b> Hi
<kh1b> i am having an issue with pulseaudio
<kh1b> 'pulseaudio --start' only work when i do it as root
<kh1b> if run it as a user i get 'no audio driver'
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<markboston> kh1b the lack of any detail is not allowing anyone to answer your question
<markboston> for example what are you trying to do?
<markboston> what commands are you runniing
<kh1b> markboston: just starting pulseaudio
<kh1b> so i did 'pulseaudio --start'
<markboston> try pipewire
<markboston> its the new hottness
<markboston> and at some point pulseaudio will be deprecated
<markboston> if you really need pulseaudio for some reason you can install pipewire-pulse
<markboston> all of it is just a frontend for alsa anyway so really that might be where your issue is
<markboston> also im not sure how crux does it but on some systems you need to be a member of a certain group
<markboston> thats why root works
<markboston> check to see if there is a audio group
<kh1b> tried adding user to audio group same
<markboston> if there is join it
<markboston> you need to do that as root obviously
<markboston> and reboot just for shits
<kh1b> didnt reboot tho, i am gonna try
<markboston> shouldn't have to
<markboston> but you never know
<markboston> computers are odd sometimes
<markboston> the gremlins that live inside them like to make our lives interesting sometimes
<darfo_> use vigr to add user to group then user needs to logout and back in to pick it up then new group.
<darfo_> groups cmd will show what groups a user is in
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