jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<alexmat> hello, having some issues getting crux to boot on a laptop with hybrid intel/nvidia optimus GPU setup. Boot menu loads, but selecting install crux leads to a blank screen. This is the case for the official and updated ISOs. Ubuntu and Alpine install isos both seem to boot up fine. Any idea how to get crux working?
<ukky> Could you try selecting fb1280/fb1024/etc at boot? If that doesn't work, try adding 'nomodeset' to kernel command line.
<alexmat> thanks, I'll give those a shot
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<alexmat> That doesn't seem to help. Any other options? Can I try to side load Crux using another distro I can boot into?
<ukky> You can create a password for root, start dhcpcd, then sshd, and then ssh from another system.
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<alexmat> So the idea is the system is actually booting up and I just can't see the output. So I wait for it to boot and type in the commands blind then try to ssh?
<ukky> oh. I thought you can boot until installer, but loose your screen after install starts.
<alexmat> No I can only boot to the first screen that says install UEFI mode, reboot, etc. Once I select install screen goes blank and doesn't come back
<ukky> Does your laptop boots in Legacy or UEFI mode? Can you select Legacy boot in the system BIOS?
<alexmat> Only UEFI, no legacy option
<alexmat> This is a recent Alienware laptop
<ukky> Probably ISO cannot handle your graphics
<alexmat> That's my guess as well
<alexmat> I'm just hoping there's an alternative way to install Crux so I can build a recent kernel with a working driver
<alexmat> It's working in other distros so I know it's at least possible
<ukky> It is possible to boot from other minimal ISO (debian, gentoo, etc) and mount Crux ISO, then start install process
<alexmat> Is there any instructions on this posted anywhere?
<alexmat> If I can get to chroot Crux iso from alpine I can take it from there
<ukky> I don't think so
<alexmat> I'm just stuck on how to chroot into the iso environment from another system
<ukky> On Crux ISO you have rootfs and /media directory where packages are located
<serpente> maybe try to blacklist nouveau in modprobe.d
<serpente> or disable nvidia in bios
<serpente> so it doesn't try to switch gpu
<alexmat> Can't disable Nvidia, only the on board Intel ;_;
<alexmat> First thing I looked for
<ukky> Do you have two PCI GPU devices?
<serpente> not me, but i helped a friend with a rog laptop in the past
<alexmat> One is the CPU one is PCI I think
<alexmat> How would I blacklist nuevou? Edit the Crux iso by hand?
<ukky> You can blacklist nvidia, as serpente said
<ukky> no, just add command when you boot
<alexmat> Ah ok, I'll give that a shot, thanks
<serpente> here in this part of the crux handbook it shows how to properly chroot
<alexmat> Yep that's great but it's after the install is completed. How would I do what setup command does manually? Just extract roots.tar.gz into mint?
<alexmat> *mnt
<alexmat> I guess I'd have to look at what the setup script is doing
<alexmat> I'll start with trying to blacklist nvidia and then look into that. I'll report back if I get it sorted. Thanks for the help so far
<ukky> Try adding nouveau.modeset=0 to kernel command line before installing from chroot env
<r0ni> i've used the gentoo bootcd to install crux, but that's with a rootfs on arm64... i'm not sure if the iso ships a rootfs or just the packages themselves, but one could extract the pkgs to a specific folder (/mnt in the case) with the -C flag on tar IIRC
<r0ni> once the packages are in place, i think even gentoo ships a setup-chroot like script but their iso is laid out a bit different overal
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<jaeger> If you happen to see this in the log, check from an ISO that does boot what modules/firmware is loaded for the console if you can.
<jaeger> lspci -k, dmesg | grep firmware, etc.
<jaeger> And yes, you could easily install from another live ISO either by installing a temporary pkgutils from the package on the ISO, or even just uncompressing the crux packages into a target directory and then chrooting. The disadvantage of the latter method is that there's no package database but you can populate it later if that's the only option.
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: grafana: 11.1.4 -> 11.2.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: picard: 2.12.1 -> 2.12.2
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-pefile: 2023.2.7 -> 2024.8.26
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-zope-interface: 7.0.2 -> 7.0.3
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: pyright: 1.1.377 -> 1.1.378
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: prometheus: 2.54.0 -> 2.54.1
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<uwumeowm`> I enjoy CRUX GNU/Linux so much, but it takes time to comprehend all of it elegant intricacies.
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<ukky> Term 'CRUX GNU/Linux' makes no sense. Crux does not support non-Linux kernels. GNU cannot be used in a distribution that includes proprietary or closed firmware/software. Crux, Crux-arm, Crux-musl explains it all.
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<SiFuh> ukky: I use CRUX-MUSL for my crypto miner
<SiFuh> It just runs and runs and runs. No issues at all
<ukky> SiFuh: Good to know that it is stable.
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-zipp: updated to version 3.20.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-importlib_metadata: updated to version 8.4.0
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: pv: updated to version 1.8.13
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: docker: updated to version 27.2.0
<jaeger> Is that something you're maintaining or just using an old version?
<jaeger> Ah, or maybe emmett1's version, looks more recent
<SiFuh> jaeger: No, I made it based on the latest CRUX. I had no intention to maintain it. I just made for those who wanted a MUSL version based on your CRUX ISO build but with most of the core ports and some optional ports.
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<SiFuh> jaeger: emmett1's doesn't follow the CRUX build of yours
<jaeger> That's perfectly fine
<SiFuh> I think ukky uses his own and farkuhar is using the one I built. Emmett1 said he would use the one I built too as his base.
<SiFuh> All three of them are building their own ports for it.
<SiFuh> jaeger: The version I have has gone through the complete bootstrap process as per your ISO build.
<SiFuh> jaeger: https://076.moe/repo/3rdparty/iso/crux-musl/ remiliascarlet's friend is hosting it here.
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: thunderbird-bin: updated to version 128.1.1esr
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: rsyslog: updated to version 8.2408.0
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: nvidia-fb: updated to version 560.35.03
<cruxbot> [compat-32/3.7]: nvidia-fb-32: updated to version 560.35.03
<jaeger> r0ni: added the lxqt repo, sorry for the delay. Should show up after the next sync runs
<jaeger> Maybe it's time to disable the repos at crux.ster.zone, they haven't synced in nearly 3 years
<SiFuh> jaeger: Sopped using them about 2 years ago.
<jaeger> noted
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<lavaball> already her.
<lavaball> e
<r0ni> jaeger: cheers, no prob, thanks!
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<uwumeowm`> ukky: The "CRUX GNU/Linux" merely translates into the "an operating system called CRUX, based on GNU utilities (coreutils, compilers, etc) using the Linux kernel", which makes sense. What wouldn't make sense is the "GNU CRUX GNU/Linux", because that would imply that CRUX itself is a free GNU/Linux distribution like, for example, the GNU Guix GNU/Linux distribution.
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: wine-staging: updated to version 9.16
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