jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<kh1b> hi, i am doing a fresh install of crux and i am having some issues with the mouse which isnt working and also with installing some packages like python3-pip
<meowmeowuwunyan> kh1b: Hi, I had the same issues and I managed to resolve them :-)
<kh1b> well it would be good if you give some directions
<meowmeowuwunyan> kh1b: As for the mouse: you need to recompile your kernel to support mouse.
<meowmeowuwunyan> kh1b: There are different types of mice: usb, bluetooth, ps2, etc... So you should change directory to where Linux source code is stored and run ``make menuconfig`` to set some kernel parameters.
<kh1b> clear until now, any specific config that you changed that fixed it for you, if you remember
<meowmeowuwunyan> kh1b: As for the pip: I had some files missing and footprint mismatch--whatever it is--wouldn't let me install pip3. I updated my system following the corresponding directions on the CRUX GNU/Linux handbook and then I was able to install pip. You should be careful with updating, though. There is some script on handbook to handle dependencies, it's better to use it.
<meowmeowuwunyan> kh1b: Wait a moment, I'll check the config.
<meowmeowuwunyan> kh1b: Device drivers -> Input device support -> Mice -> <here you toggle things that you need, I enabled PS/2 one because I use Qemu>
<kh1b> thanks for looking it up, i changed that now i will recompile the kernel
<kh1b> and as you told me after that i am gonna try to update my system to fix the packages issue
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<kh1b> meowmeowuwunyan: i did recompile my kernel it fixed my mouse issue, but for the pip one it still persisting even after the upgrade
<zorz> kh1b: ports -u && prt-get depinst python3-pip
<kh1b> its still failing, and also i got all dependencies checked except python3-pip the package itself
<kh1b> zorz:
<zorz> kh1b: something else is your problem. i just installed it works fine prt-get: installing python3-pip 24.0-1 -- Packages installed
<zorz> python3-pip
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: box2d: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: egl-wayland: 1.1.14 -> 1.1.15
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: influxdb: 2.7.8 -> 2.7.9
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: prometheus: 2.53.1 -> 2.54.0
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: [notify] polkit: 124 -> 125; new dependency: consolekit
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: python3-phonenumbers: 8.13.42 -> 8.13.43
<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: rust: 1.80.0 -> 1.80.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: rust-wasm: 1.80.0 -> 1.80.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: dua-cli: 2.29.0 -> 2.29.1
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive: 21.5.1 -> 21.5.2
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<cruxbot> [opt/3.7]: fmt: 10.2.1 -> 11.0.2
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<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: handbrake: 1.8.1 -> 1.8.2
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<kh1b> i have an issue with X session i only have one resolution 640x480 when i check with xrandr i dont know if its something at kernel level that i need to change or something else
<cruxbot> [contrib/3.7]: libreoffice: ->
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<zorz> kh1b: its good if first you go and read this http://odi.ch/prog/kernel-config.php or try to install a modular kernel at first place
<SiFuh> kh1b: If you want to find out what your kernel needs. Use the kernel config under contrib/ on the ISO. Built it completely. Use the lsmod command to see what your system loaded. Then tweek your new kernel to whatever you want. Take in to count that not all modules be loaded. For example loop will need to be manually loaded.
<SiFuh> But on a normal 64 and 86 system the kernel is pretty much complete and fully modular.
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<ukky> kh1b: upload your Xorg.log to dpaste or similar
<kh1b> here is my xorg.log http://0x0.st/XWcD.0.log, now i am trying to look up kernel configuration to see if i am missing anything that i need to enable
<kh1b> ukky:
<ukky> kh1b: your X problem is that you don't have /dev/dri/card0
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<ukky> kh1b: upload output of 'lspci -nnk' to 0x0.st
<kh1b> ukky: any suggestions on how i can proceed to fix that
<kh1b> ukky: ok i am gonna do that
<ukky> kh1b: You need to enable DRM in kernel config and also specify which kernel driver to use for DRM, unless you want proprietory nvidia/amd drivers
<ukky> s/proprietory/proprietary
<kh1b> ukky: output of 'lspci -nnk' http://0x0.st/XWTs.ls
<ukky> kh1b: you need to enable (M or Y) DRM_I915 in your kernel config. And make sure that DRM is enabled too.
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<farkuhar> r0ni: prior to commit 5c9800e553bd3e4d3cdf8c2990ddacc8876735af in the opt repo, ntfsprogs and ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs also had overlapping footprints (similar to what you observed with exfat-utils and exfatprogs). Performance-wise, I never noticed much difference between exfat-utils and exfatprogs, although I rarely mount any exfat volumes these days.
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<r0ni> farkuhar: I was thinking maybe one should be system level /sbin and one should be user level /usr/sbin ? I dunno if that works in theory, i'd assume the fuse driver would be /usr/sbin, but I also see that would be a system issue for paths, unless only root can use one. The problem only arises if you try and install both anyway
<kh1b> after installing crux i have an issue with pulseaudio the package doesnt want to install, i had the same issue with python3-pip but i fixed it with updating the dependecies of that package 'curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
<kh1b> establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
<kh1b> '
<kh1b> how to fix it, please visit the webpage mentioned above.
<ukky> kh1b: check version of your 'ca-certificates' port. Try updating it if old, and then retry curl
<jaeger> Looks like their certificate doesn't contain 'freedesktop.org' as a CN or SAN
<jaeger> It was renewed a few days ago, maybe they changed it then
<kh1b> i have tried building it from source and here is what i get when trying to run it
<kh1b> 'No supported PnP or PCI card found.', 'Would you like to probe legacy ISA sound cards/chips?' i dont know if missed to enable something before compiling the kernel
<jaeger> maybe the module for your specific sound card
<jaeger> according to your lspci output that's snd_hda_intel, which suggests you already have it compiled. Is your user also in the 'audio' group?
<kh1b> no it isnt
<jaeger> That other paste indicates it wants consolekit, may need to install that
<farkuhar> consolekit is only a problem for starting pulseaudio, though. Has kh1b tested whether the soundcard is recognized by pure ALSA? (aplay -l)
<farkuhar> `aplay -l` is one of the first things I test when booting up my laptop with Sound Open Firmware. Most of the time it reports "no soundcards available", but after I rmmod and then modprobe snd_sof_pci_intel_icl, the `aplay -l` output shows the internal audio device. Assuming it's an issue with module loading order, I haven't yet figured out the appropriate "softdep" entry to put into /etc/modprobe.d.
<kh1b> here is aplay -l https://0x0.st/XWaD.txt
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<farkuhar> It would be nice to have a graphical presentation of the relationships in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.dep, similar to what we get from `prt-get deptree $port`. That way we could compare the dmesg output for failing drivers, against the topological sorting that depmod has calculated for all the compiled modules.
<farkuhar> kh1b: Your latest paste suggests that ALSA should have no problem using the card. So I'm guessing the message "No supported PnP or PCI card found" came from pulseaudio?
<kh1b> farkuhar: it actualy came from alsa, i dont know the issue tho
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