jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.6 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<jaeger> brian|lfs: is your ports repo still available?
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: dracut: changed to pre-built manpages and removed the asciidoc dependency
<brian|lfs> I need to get it back up
<brian|lfs> but thanks for asking
<brian|lfs> how are things going jaeger
<brian|lfs> ppetrov I got librsvg to build
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<brian|lfs> jaeger, how would I move my ports to git I'm not good with git
<jaeger> No problem. Going decently here, just keeping busy. Did some traveling recently, now back to work
<jaeger> You don't have to move your ports to git if you don't want to, you can still use httpup or rsync
<brian|lfs> ya understand just haven't figured out how to open ports with ipfire
<brian|lfs> I was trying to compile firefox becuase the bin one takes forever to open but now running into issues with clang
<jaeger> firefox-bin takes a while to start on my laptop but not other systems, haven't figured that out yet
<brian|lfs> oh so the issue with apps that need clang did you see my error
<brian|lfs> seems the options for clang changed after a certain version
<jaeger> Anyway, you can put your ports into any git repo, github/bitbucket/gitlab/whatever... then you create a brianlfs.git or whatever your repo is going to be called with URL=, NAME=, and BRANCH= in it
<jaeger> I saw it, though I don't use clang myself
<brian|lfs> ok so any easy way for me to compile firefox then its pullintg clang in
<brian|lfs> as a dep for something
<jaeger> Not sure, I use firefox-bin because I got tired of building all that stuff, heh
<brian|lfs> lol
<jaeger> you could try downgrading to a previous version of clang
<brian|lfs> ya I tried that it bombed out compiling
<brian|lfs> so where do I go to setup a git bucket
<brian|lfs> and how do I uplaod to it
<jaeger> I'll try to build it in a container
<jaeger> If you're brand new to git I'd suggest starting with the book, it's good: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
<brian|lfs> ugh ok
<jaeger> is cruxbrianlfs.org no more?
<brian|lfs> I still have the DNS
<brian|lfs> but I switched my home network to ipfire
<brian|lfs> and I was pulling my head gettig ports to forward witha ll the zones
<jaeger> ah, just curious
<brian|lfs> I probably will switch to 2 nics instead of 3 and put my asus route on the backend for my wireless devices
<brian|lfs> then I should have better luck forwarding ports from a wired device
<brian|lfs> so I removed llvm and clang and built clang and llvm from the BLFS book now lld is broken and won't recompile
<brian|lfs> lol
<brian|lfs> jaeger, do you live in the USA if you do 988 goes live tomorrow
<jaeger> noted
<brian|lfs> I should call them tell them I hate Donald Trump
<brian|lfs> he cases heartace
<jaeger> Not so much a politics line
<brian|lfs> ya I know
<brian|lfs> so I've done lot of distro spinning lately
<brian|lfs> I treid an LFS built to use crux as a package manger
<brian|lfs> also tried venom which seems like a copycat of CRUX they just renamed the package manager to scratch
<brian|lfs> also both Lunar and sourcemage
<brian|lfs> I liked Venom but I didn't feel like rewriting all of plazma for it to work with scratch
<brian|lfs> but lot of intersting stuff they added that crux doesn't have
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: iwd: update to 1.29
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: looks like mpd was not the only codebase that needed updates to work with fmt 9. I just ran into errors rebuilding waybar, because the fixes haven't yet been merged into a tagged branch: https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar/pull/1617/commits/24a8332b62b5c1c8d480116655ce9c582d1f4516
<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.6]: mesa: update to 22.1.4
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<ppetrov^> farkuhar, waybar from jmq or poq, right? It is not in opt or contrib?
<farkuhar> ppetrov^, waybar from jmq is several versions out of date, but even bumping the version to the latest tagged branch does not pull in the fixes for fmt 9. I'll push an update to my ports collection once the github PR gets merged.
<farkuhar> Supposedly github provides an API for downloading a tarball based on the commit ID, but I prefer to stick with explicit tags so that the prt-get version comparator doesn't get confused. Cluttering the ports tree is the likely side effect, if I add a one-time patch to the source array for the current version, and then delete it later when the next version incorporates the fixes.
<ppetrov^> btw, is there a plan to make ports work with git stuff directly?
<farkuhar> My latest version of pkgmeek does have support for git urls.
<ppetrov^> some of my ports use a certain commit, so i just set the first 7 characters as version and get it over with... on SBo, people would first put the date and then the "small" commit id, but i am too annoyed to do this
<ppetrov^> that's cool, hopefully such functionality gets implemented in the official tools
<farkuhar> I realized with gerrit.libreoffice.org that not every git url follows the naming convention (http|https|ssh|git)://$host/$path/$project.git , which is what pkgmeek was trying to match when deciding whether to use git instead of curl or wget. But the exceptions to that pattern are too rare to bother writing a new regex for.
<ppetrov^> ah, at some point I tried to figure out some rules about git paths and then gave up... I roughly have an idea what may work, but that's not always the case and to be honest, i don't care anymore
<ppetrov^> downloading tarballs from github is an unnecessary PITA
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: imlib2: update to 1.9.1
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: gvim: update to 9.0.0054
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: graphviz: update to 5.0.0
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: git: update to 2.37.1
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.6]: fetchmail: update to 6.4.31
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.6]: vim: update to 9.0.0054
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<jaeger> brian|lfs: clang built for me in the container, though firefox then failed with a pulseaudio issue
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<stenur> Hey. irssi > 1.4 proxy/client need "/server modify -nocap yourserveraddress" on the client eh server that connects to the proxy.
<stenur> Or add 'no_cap = "yes";' to the servers{} entry that actually is the proxy (on the client, eh, server).
<stenur> Thanks to Nei: on #irssi!
<stenur> (Thing is irssi proxy does not yet support IRCv3, client does a larger bit already.)
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<ppetrov^> graphviz breaks
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