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<hashfuncadb> i have subjective question. while developing my project in CL, i feel that i'm inevitably following an imperitive pattern, where the end-result of my application is essentially (function0 (function1 (function2 (function3 (function4 ...)))))
<hashfuncadb> am i doing something wrong? or is this just a natural process that will change as the application changes?
<hashfuncadb> maybe i'm just overthinking
<Guest74> does your application only do one thing?
<hashfuncadb> Guest: yeah, that's probably why i'm feeling this way
<hashfuncadb> ** Guest74:
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<brandflake11> pillton: Thank you for the recommendations. I will look at that Rhodes paper!
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<pillton> brandflake11: You are welcome.
<pillton> brandflake11: The paper doesn't target tail call optimisation specifically. It just gives a rationale and guidance on how to write portable programs that use implementation specific features if available.
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<pillton> brandflake11: Another example is P:CHECKED-THE which acts like CL:THE but ensures the value is of the specified type at runtime. Some implementations of CL:THE perform the runtime check and others do not.
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<brandflake11> pillton: That sounds very useful to know about, and I definitely would not have found that on my own
<brandflake11> I'll add it to my digital lisp library
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<hashfuncadb> at how many lines of well-written/organized code would you consider something to be a product?
<hashfuncadb> (highly subjective question)
<Xach> hashfuncadb: if it is the right line, one
<Xach> hashfuncadb: in my experience, a product becomes a product when it fulfills a useful purpose to somebody, regardless of size or quality
<hashfuncadb> Xach: lol i guess i'm trying to ask all of the experienced lispers here at what point have you considered something a product
<hashfuncadb> and definitely with the amount of experience that you have, Xach, i'm just curious how many projects have panned out to where you would consider it a product
<Xach> Hmm, I don't know
<brandflake11> You can just run (productp) on your code, and it will tell you ;)
<hashfuncadb> do you know of any instances where the product wasn't much code at all, but incredibly valuable? or is that not usually the pattern? or another question, how much code is considered "not much" in your opinion (from a product perspective?)
<Xach> hashfuncadb: i saw a nice talk one time from a guy who made a relatively small packet engine that did something novel. he put it on expensive dell servers and charged something like six figures for it because it met a need among deep-pocketed customers.
<hashfuncadb> by small would you say under ~1000 lines of lisp code?
<Xach> I don't know how much code it was.
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<Xach> but the price was related to value provided
<hashfuncadb> ok just curious. thanks for your feedback, i appreciate it
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<neominimum> hashfuncafb: I think that if it fulfils a need, and the market is willing to pay for it, then it is a product.
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<neominimum> Actually, make that: If the market is willing to pay for it, then it is a product.
<neominimum> :p
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<lisp123> any good lisp algorithms for dealing with spreadsheet-like data?
<lisp123> e.g. have 50,000 rows of data with 30 columns, but 30% of the data repeats itself so replace that with a pointer [e.g. from row 2 to 2500, for col 3, value = 'xyz']
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<beach> jackdaniel: I must not have expressed myself very well (as usual) because you got it wrong. I have nothing against the OPTION of setting memory limits. My problem is when you are OBLIGED to do so, as when you start the SBCL process.
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<whereiseveryone> Does anyone happen to know what might be missing to make this warning/error go away in CI?
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<King_julian> Hi newb here, trying to see if I am getting this connecting to IRC right
<lisp123> King_julian: You asre
<lisp123> Welcome to #commonlisp
<King_julian> 🙏🏽 Tx
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<jackdaniel> beach: I see
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<flip214> > It is time to plan your week in Porto and register to the conference!
<flip214> ELS is mentioned on the frontpage as well, but no registration yet that I can find
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<flip214> "for(i=0; i<max; i++) {"
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<pjb> flip214: let's assume they explored duplications at the level of the algorithm, not of the instruction.
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<flip214> pjb: well, yeah, lots of MOV, CALL, and RET in your code that you copied from mine, right?? ;)
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<Shinmera> flip214: Registration is open but there's some internal kerfuffle about the pricing going on.
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<flip214> Shinmera: thanks, but where?
<Shinmera> Their site is confusing, but you can find your way here
<Shinmera> I would hold off for another day or two though.
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<flip214> Thanks, will wait. Didn't see that link anywhere.
<flip214> is the cheaper ticket a standing only, and the expensive one includes a seat?? ;)
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<flip214> quite a price difference to 2019
<Shinmera> that is why there is a kerfuffle.
<flip214> thanks for reaching out!!
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<Shinmera> Sure
<beach> I'll say this again. I think it's a bad idea to co-locate with <programming> The previous times were both bad in some ways.
<Shinmera> I agree.
<Shinmera> Now more so than ever, but I'll refrain from saying more as Didier asked to keep this quiet for the time being.
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<jackdaniel> we could just buy 10l of gasoline today and sell it tomorrow, that would make the price difference in the ticket ;)
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<flip214> jackdaniel: well, just buy 5l today and bring it to ELS, you can pay there directly by handing over the bucket ;)
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<jackdaniel> stop, somebody could mug me is I handle that in the open!
<flip214> just carry a (lighted) lighter around as well, everybody will behave their best around you
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<luis> phoe: seems like this person has gotten a bit farther in getting smokeqt5 going on Linux?
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<Xach> Oh no, I forgot to celebrate SBCL's birthday on february 7
<Xach> It turned 22!
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<ck_> that's 18 in octal years! the steel bench.. all gown up
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<hashfunc569> is there a simple strategy for converting the printed represantation of an object to a string && escaping the double-quotes within it?
<hashfunc569> e.g., ... (escape-double-quotes *package*) --> "#<PACKAGE \"TEST\">"
<Guest74> ? have you tried format?
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<pillton> hashfunc569: The lisp reader will signal an error when encountering #<. You'll have to customise the printing of package objects.
<pillton> clhs #<
<hashfunc569> Guest74: pillton: ok i'll have to try to figure something out. thanks ya'll
<pillton> clhs
<specbot> Couldn't find anything for
<pillton> clhs
<specbot> Couldn't find anything for
<pillton> clhs
* pillton did it!
<pillton> clhs 22.1.2
<Guest74> pillton: they just want a string.
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<pillton> Guest74: I am not sure what you mean?
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