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Never trust shell commands? That's a funny stance, considering how often people have problems with ffi and linux is pretty much built on cli.
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Guest74: do ffi calls mainly end up as cli calls? i've never used ffi before
nope. i think people have problems, besides the usual ffi problems because programs tend to keep a consistent command line interface and change their c/c++ interface a lot more.
in lots of other languages a lot of people use cli as well. for example writing frontends for ffmpeg or mplayer.
I wrote a simple shell interface for mplayer and it works no matter what changes they make to the codebase. Even works on mpv!
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that's a good point
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Guest74: although, where would you draw the line between using ffi and cli for speed-efficiency reasions? do you know offhand of any examples where utilizing ffi over cli is like 10x faster (more or less)?
usually for things that don't have a cli, probably for speed reasons.
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in a MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND statement how do you ignore the first value?
meaning i'm not going to be using the first value, so i don't want to bind it, but using NIL won't work (multiple-value-bind (nil myvar) variables ...)
you can put in a declare ignore
and if you just want one value, you can just use nth-value instead
Bike: ah true. thanks
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hashfuncadb: out of curiosity what are you working on?
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Working in other languages, I really miss structured editing in Lisp
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Good morning everyone!
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Good night all.
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Any chance of making a Portacle Flatpak? For Flathub. Both GNOME and KDE seem to be pushing Flatpaks these days and it seems to be the preferred way (via "Discover"?) to install software on KDE Plasma, in particular things shipping with KDE hardware.
It doesn't look like my distro enables Flatpak by default in KDE Plasma's Discover app, but it's just one button to "Enable Flathub" in the settings.
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pretty much everyone trying to use the Linux desktop mode of the Steam Deck used Flathub to install software.
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(through KDE Plasma's "Discover" app)
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* travv0
hey all, i've been working with CL after a long absence and while using Windows have run into some gaps that've caused me to i've learned me some CFFI, specifically for modifying file times and checking for symlinks (reparse points in windows lingo)
whelp, that sent early and in italics but i think the gist is there
actually it's not, is there a library i could contribute that stuff to?
just looking for a place the average CL user is pointed to for filesystem stuff i guess since i'm a bit out of the loop
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travv0: if you are on SBCL/Linux, libio exposes a lot of POSIX stuff, and can be used as a template for further access.
travv0: I guess your use case involves manipulating the various Windows APIs for a use "outside" of CL.
If you just need to manipulate files in CL, ASDF/UIOP probably has the go-to abstraction for loading resources it can address which abstracts the file times/symlink stuff.
For Windows APIs there are undoubtedly specialized CFFI abstractions but I don't have any familiarity of them to speak of.
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And ASDF can be extended via CLOS to address the loading of new kinds of resources for a given CL process.
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I think I almost finished the slides for my ELS talk on the lexical environment protocol implemented by Trucler: I take remarks, of course, but keep in mind that I will be taking around them, so they are not self contained. Some things are missing I think, but I'll fix those before ELS.
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there's a typo on slide 23 (problme instead of problem)
fixed! Thanks again.
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Hi all. How can I check if a struct slot is packed (or what was that word)? For instance, how can I check if (vector double-float 2) will be fully contained in a struct?
Also, are there any ways at all of parametrizing structs (+ generic functions)? The best I can think of is defining my own defstruct and defmethod which would work kind of like templates in C++, and the struct names would be appended with type names. Perhaps, there are existing solutions or libraries attempting/emulating that?
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VincentVega: i don't think any implementation would do the former. i would be very interested in hearing otherwise.
VincentVega: Common Lisp uses what I call "uniform reference semantics", so a vector would be contained in a struct by having a reference to it in the slot.
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Xach: beach: understood, thank you!
Mezzano has an extension to allow vectors to be embedded directly in structs
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froggey: cool. any chance it will be ported to sbcl or are there compatibility limitations?
VincentVega: it's just non-conforming.
pjb: ah, ok
THis is why it's an _extension_.
got it
Extensions could always be incorporated in another implementation. But this one goes quite against the gist of the language.
That said, CLOS lets you determine the layout of an instance. structures are completely implementation dependent.
So writing some CLOS metaclass you could define classes that would take copies of vectors, and perhaps even ensure unboxing of numbers.
right. it's a very niche feature. not likely to be ported anywhere
clos metaclass is an interesting direction of thinking for this type of feature, indeed. thanks for the clarifications.
What are you planning to use it for?
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VincentVega: I am asking because you are then exposing yourself to some of the screwy semantics of languages like C++, and that's usually precisely what we want to avoid.
beach: Graphics. It's probably premature optimization at this point, and therefore evil, but I do like to be providing the most performant variants if the need arises, or at leasting considering it, which I think is good for initial architecture planning as well, even if I don't end up implementing anything. Otherwise, I despise C++ as much as the next guy, and hope to avoid any pitfalls or uneccessary complexity, but hey, performance
is performance : )
I see.
Good luck.
thank you
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wouldn't inlining a vector into a structure just save 1 or 2 indirections? is that a big deal for what you're doing?
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random-nick: Not really a big deal, no. I just assumed it was done, so I got curious how to check such a thing. Otherwise I am more concerned with typing and dispatch.
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what kind of graphics are you doing VincentVega:
VincentVega: you are 10000% guaranteed doing premature optimisation if you're thinking about struct memory layout.
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i think that's what they're interested in. I seem to recall lots of people saying they're working on graphics, but all seem to get mired down in premature optimization and then I never see any graphics.
Yes. It is a big curse in gamedev. Everyone seems to think they're making a AAA game.
And then we get 30024425 different engines that never go anywhere and don't get used for even a 2D game.
if it isn't as fast as handwritten assembly for the latest cpu it is too slow
which i don't understand. Doesn't anybody who actually plays games realize it's the story that matters?
VincentVega: note that there is already (defstruct (foo (:type vector) (:initial-offset n)) …)
Guest74: that's your opinion, and one that is a "hot take" as one would call it these days.
VincentVega: ie. you can make structures that are actually vectors, and with some free space for your own vector datra.
pjb: those vectors hold anything.
And for games, it's the GPU that matters anyways.
Guest74: yes.
vector of T.
which is not what they're asking about.
Shinmera: what else is there? nb, i do see novel gameplay as story.
Guest74: defstruct is a macro!
Guest74: you can write your own macro doing the same on a (vector (unsigned-byte 8)).
there's really only one story, told over and over again. Your god seeks to possess the amulet of yendor, and with it gain deserved ascendance over the other gods.
Guest74: the foremost goal is a backend-agnostic api with some basic geometrical shapes.
although i guess there's no story in picking up bananas,oops, amulets of yendor, on a race track.
Shinmera: you are right, i have gotten over it though : D
pjb: hah, that's a cool feature
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Is there a good hash table implementation somewhere?
I need a quotient filter and I don’t want to reinvent linear/robinhood probing again, but I don’t see how to do it by hacking the built-in hash tables
(built-in hash tables used way too much memory and devoid the supposed advantage of AMQ completely)
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::notify beach slide 12 "No functionality for information about tabodys" should be tagbodys
kpoeck: Got it. I'll let beach know as soon as possible.
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Are there any extensible calculators written in CL? Perhaps somewhat inspired by emacs-calc?
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jmes: there's maxima, and a few other mathematical program that could be used.
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qhong I think SICL has a hash table implementation with linear probing