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<jmes> Are there any math rendering libraries in CL? I'm looking for something like MathJax but for use outside a browser.
<_death> run TeX?
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<jmes> That could be an option. I would need to make it live update without throwing errors on malformed input and stuff.
<_death> maybe look at emacs package texfrag for ideas
<jmes> Thanks, I'll look into it :)
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<hashfunc569> would it be a good idea (or is it common) to have test cases alongside the implementation source code? maybe using a reader macro?
<hashfunc569> e.g., (defun square (x) (* x x)) #TEST(assume 25 (square 5))
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<Guest74> I've only seen tests in separate packages/systems.
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<beach> jmes: You might want to try Climaxima.
<beach> Or, perhaps just the rendering engine of Climaxima.
<jmes> beach: Climaxima looks interesting - thanks and good morning beach
<beach> Sure. Talk to loke[m] for more information.
<loke[m]> Yes, please let me know if you have questions.
<jmes> loke[m]: first I'm interested in trying it out so I'll have to build it. I'll make a package for my distribution, then play around with it, then bother you later I'm sure :P
<loke[m]> jmes: If you just want to try it out, just install the flatpak from flathub.
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<jmes> I'm OCD about not using flatpaks and stuff. I usually package stuff to satisfy that (though I've submitted to the ease of quicklisp for pure lisp stuff)
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<loke[m]> jmes: Why not using flatpaks? They quite convenient, and provides better isolation than normal packages.
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<loke[m]> Anyway, if you want to build it from source, you need to make sure some dependencies are installed:
<loke[m]> First, you need to build Maxima from source and install it somewhere.
<jmes> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm a masochist maybe (gentoo user)
<loke[m]> Next, create a symlink in quicklisp/local-projects to the Maxima source directory
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<loke[m]> Then, make sure that the freetype renderer is activated for McCLIM.
<loke[m]> (this requires that you have the development packages for freetype, fontconfig and harfbuzz installed or you'll get a build error)
<loke[m]> At this point you can load and build the program.
<loke[m]> However, you may wish to run the documentation parser which converts the Maxima documentation to sexps, this is done by quickloading the package "infoparser" and then run (infoparser:generate-doc-directory)
<loke[m]> You run the application using (maxima-client:maxima-client)
<jmes> okay thanks I'll do that! This is another reason packaging it makes sense because I can actually install the deps and all that automatically
<loke[m]> Note that you'll get compile errors if the freetype renderer isn't activated, so add (push :mcclim-ffi-freetype features) to %HOME/.sbclrc
<loke> Sorry, make that (push :mcclim-ffi-freetype *features*)
<loke[m]> And $HOME of course
<jmes> gotcha
<loke[m]> This is what it's supposed to look like when it's working:
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<mayuresh> good morning everyone. :)
<jmes> loke[m]: Impressive!
<mayuresh> anyone here worked through weitz's book?
<mayuresh> i think he's the one who wrote that book on algorithms in common lisp. right?
<loke[m]> mayuresh: I have it
<mayuresh> googled around but couldn't find a table-of-contents.
<mayuresh> ah, loke[m] could you share what's covered therein?
<loke[m]> Let me get it off the shelf
<mayuresh> loke[m]: cool. thanks. :)
<loke[m]> OK, what do you want to know?
<loke[m]> The toc can be found here:
<loke[m]> Actually a large chunk of the book is there
<mayuresh> ah, right, that's the book on recipes.
<mayuresh> actually, i'm looking for a book on algorithms using common lisp.
<mayuresh> okay, found it, written by domkin.
<mayuresh> does anyone here have that book?
<mayuresh> loke[m]: thanks for that link though. :)
<loke[m]> jmes: let me know if you have any problems
<mayuresh> "programming algorithms in lisp" by vsevolod domkin. does it use 'cl'?
<loke[m]> Vsevolod is a CL'er, so I'd expect so?
<mayuresh> the google books page for that book doesn't have any peep inside thingy.
<Guest74> uses a lot of rutils if i'm recalling correctly.
<jmes> loke[m]: will do, I appreciate it
<mayuresh> Guest74: okay. thanks for the tip. :)
<Guest74> I think they also have a lot of the chapters on their blog.  Might give you an idea if you can read that stuff.  I can't.
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<doulos05> I'm having a bit of trouble writing a function. I'd like the user to be able to specify which slots on a CLOS object get printed.
<doulos05> My current function looks like this: (defun test-slots (p &key slots-list) (with-slots slots-list p (format t "~A - ~A - ~A" slots-list)))
<doulos05> But that doesn't work because with-slots doesn't know that slots-list is a list. Setting slots-list to a default list doesn't help.
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<beach> Well, WITH-SLOTS is a macro and it doesn't evaluate the first argument.
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<beach> You probably need to iterate over the list of slots and call SLOT-VALUE for each one.
<doulos05> So I'd need to collect those responses into a list and then pass the list to format?
<beach> That, or iterate the call to FORMAT too.
<beach> I suppose there is no restriction that everything has to be printed using a single FORMAT form.
<beach> But what you want to do is strange. First of all, slots are implementation details, so really should not be exposed that way. Instead it is better to use accessors.
<beach> Also, the term "CLOS object" is meaningless. Every Common Lisp object is an instance of some class and classes are CLOS concepts.
<doulos05> Aha
<doulos05> Well, let me try to explain a bit more what I'm trying to do. I've written a project tracking program in Common lisp, it's modeled on taskwarrior.
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<doulos05> What I'm trying to do is handle printing out the reports about the tasks the user needs to do.
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<doulos05> So I need a way for the user to specify what columns a report contains, and then I'll use FORMAT (or something else if there's something better) to print that information out.
<beach> I don't know taskwarrior nor what a project tracking program is, but there is nothing wrong with FORMAT. What is problematic is to expose slots as they are implementation details. The common way of accessing information provided by some object is to use functions, so in case of an instance of a standard class, such functions would sometimes be slot readers.
<doulos05> Think like a command line todo app.
<contrapunctus> doulos05: I wrote a program like that in Elisp 🤔 Some day I'll port it to CLIM...
<doulos05> So what I should do instead is have them pass a list of the acceessor functions and them mapcar #'apply that list to generate my call to format?
<doulos05> contrapunctus: Cool! Yeah, I like taskwarrior a lot, but it's terrible at the project level.
<doulos05> So I'm trying to write a layer that "sits on top" of taskwarrior to allow you to keep track of projects better.
<beach> You can use FUNCALL and iteration, rather than MAPCAR. Again, I see no need to do the printing in a single call.
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<contrapunctus> doulos05: oh, mine is not based on TaskWarrior, but I could look into implementing that 🤔
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<doulos05> Ok, I think I see what you're saying. I'll go muck around and see if I can think my way out of this wet paper bag.
<doulos05> Thank you!
<doulos05> contrapunctus: Cool! I'll take a look
<doulos05> Oh man, contrapunctus! This looks like it actually solves another problem I was noodling around. This is fantastic
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<jackdaniel> I think that "CLOS object" as a short version of "an instance of a standard-class" is something that most people understand without thinking
<rotateq> hehe, this topic like some days ago ^^
<jackdaniel> an instance of an instance of a standard-class even ,p
<beach> No, the first thing you said.
<beach> But, it could also mean a standard object (i.e., and instance of the class named STANDARD-OBJECT) which is not the same as an instance of a standard class.
<beach> And since it is not clear what it means, it is preferable to use the right terminology.
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<jackdaniel> my point is that the term "clos object" is not meaningless from the conversation perspective. whether it is a good term I know your opinion about it
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<jackdaniel> s/term/term,/
<beach> I see.
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<drbluefall> I don't suppose there's a means of achieving wrapping arithmetic, is there?
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<Bike> (mod ...arithmetic... (ash 1 64))
<Bike> sbcl is smart enough to compile it down to machine operations when possible
<drbluefall> huh
<Bike> actually logand might be better
<edgar-rft> drbluefall: LDB/DPB are useful for fixed-bit-width arithmetic, too
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<drbluefall> duly noted
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<edgar-rft> do you want to emulate fixed-bit-width hardware of what is the intended use-case?
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<drbluefall> what I'm attempting to do is replicate the Rust reference implementation of BLAKE3, and part of that involves wrapping addition
<drbluefall> * wrapping addition around `u32`s
<yitzi> Ironclad has blake2. Maybe a PR to add blake3 would help everyone vs writing a library from scratch.
<yitzi> Unless you are just doing for learning purposes.
<drbluefall> It's mostly a learning exercise.
<yitzi> Gotcha.
<edgar-rft> drbluefall: there was an SBCL-specific paper named "Efficient Hardware Arithmetic in Common Lisp" written by Alexey Dejneka and Christophe Rhodes in 2004, describing the SBCL optimisations Bike already mentioned above, what is pretty much exactly your use-case, but I stupidly cannnot find an internet link right now :-(
<drbluefall> feelsbadman
<drbluefall> much appreciated ^~^
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<hashfuncf39> is there way to specify that the type of a struct field is a cons of a particular type?
<hashfuncf39> (defstruct A (sym :symbol)) (defstruct B (var (:cons :A)))
<Bike> sure, use :type whatever in the slot specification
<hashfuncf39> ^something like that
<Bike> :type (cons a)
<Bike> (defstruct b (var default :type (cons A)))
<Bike> that will declare that the slot is a cons whose car is an A
<hashfuncf39> ok thanks, i'll give it a go
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<hashfuncf39> is there a way to declare that a slot can only be one of, say, two unique symbols/
<hashfuncf39> ?
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<Bike> use the type (member sym1 sym2)
<hashfuncf39> ah ok, thanks
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<yitzi> clhs 4.2.3
<yitzi> hashfuncf39: ^
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<hashfuncf39> yitzi: i was looking for that the other day, thanks
<yitzi> no prob
<hashfuncf39> data structures are the paint and algorithms the painting. i'm trying to get my paint the right combination
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<NotThatRPG_> Anyone know how remote attendance to ELS will work? Given the TZ difference, I expect I would mostly want to watch video NOT live.
<mfiano> NotThatRPG_: You buy a ticket from the <programming> group.
<mfiano> It's not free.
<NotThatRPG_> mfiano: so it's full price even remote?
<mfiano> The details of how they stream and if they are archived don't seem available.
<mfiano> NotThatRPG_: 50 Euros = ~54 USD
<NotThatRPG_> oh, I see! I was afraid it was the full 160E
<NotThatRPG_> I'd still need to know that the presentations are watchable on-demand, or it's a non-starter. I won't be watching keynotes at 0400!
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<mfiano> It's a non-starter for me as I don't want to support an organization I don't trust, with very few details about the streaming process, for a fee that is the cost of student tickets to the actual in-person event.
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<NotThatRPG_> mfiano: Entirely understandable
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<Guest74> is there any way in emacs to change all occurences of a function when you change its name?
<Guest74> I just finished adding workspaces to my wm and it's annoying to find an unchanged call site by the wm not working properly.
<Demosthenex> find and replace?
<Guest74> across multiple buffers?
<Guest74> and i don't know whichbuffers they are, or whether the file containing an occurence is open in a buffer.
<Xach> Guest74: you can look up callers with who-calls and do some things from there
<Guest74> Xach: I was hoping I wouldn't have to and somebody else already has.  But I guess I'll have to make some refactoring tools.
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<Catie> There's iedit-mode, but that doesn't work across buffers
<Catie> You know, an hour late
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<_death> there's deadgrep-edit-mode
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thegreatcatadore has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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