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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<s-liao> beach do you have time to take a look?
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<beach> Sure, give me a minute.
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<beach> What is .BIND?
<s-liao> (defun .bind (parser function)
<s-liao>   (lambda (input)
<s-liao>     (loop :for (value . input) :in (run parser input)
<s-liao>           :append (run (funcall function value) input))))
<beach> So I would have to study smug in order to understand why your code doesn't work?
<s-liao> Okay
<s-liao> Let me try the other case as well.
<beach> Maybe someone who already knows smug would be a better choice.
<s-liao> Yes
<s-liao> (setq qq (.bind (.item)
<s-liao>              (lambda (char)
<s-liao>                (.identity (list :char char)))))
<s-liao> Without the if and apply, it works
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<s-liao> Like (funcall qq "foo")
<beach> I think you need to give more information than "works"/"doesn't work".
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<s-liao> Okay
<beach> But seriously, I am not the right person for this. I don't know smug, so I don't know what .bind does.
<s-liao> Me either.
<s-liao> The bind part, I have not get it yet
<s-liao> That is Okay
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<s-liao> Edit the content again at the linker
<beach> I am sorry do disappoint you, but it would require way too much work for me to understand this code, and since you are not giving us any error messages or anything, that makes it even harder. I just don't have that kind of time.
<ck_> I don't want to appear smug either (scnr), but maybe this is a good opportunity to get into the habit of debugging practices
<s-liao> Okay, you mean trace the function.
<ck_> I don't understand the code either, but I can see that for some of the function calls you have in the body of (.bind (.item) ...), you supply an argument, for some you don't, which looks a little suspicious to me not knowing any details
<s-liao> I just started.
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<ck_> go from the inside out, what do you expect the components to be called with? Call them by hand, see if they work, then build up larger pieces and so on
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<s-liao> Yes.
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<ck_> beach: "rate my educating skills" :)
<beach> Heh!
<beach> s-liao: I think you are grossly overestimating the ability for someone like me to understand your code with that little information available. The very least you need to do is to supply the result of your code, and the result you expected. I also think that it might not be optimal if you are relatively new to the language to use an external library.
<White_Flame> also, the more you understand Common Lisp itself, the better suited you are to debug & understand what's going on, before having all these external complexities thrown at you
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<beach> Exactly.
<s-liao> What I did in the code , just have the input of predicate.Then call the CLOSURE.
<s-liao> The other one does not need the predicate, then call the CLOSURE, it works
<s-liao> The first one has the Evaluation aborted
<s-liao> The second one does not have.
<beach> Again, the very least you need to do is to supply the error message when an error is signaled. Maybe you don't know how to interpret those messages yourself, but that is something you need to learn, and other people here use those messages as crucial clues to the problem.
<s-liao> They port this package into their package. This one is an originate verison of it. That is why I come into Common Lisp. try to understand it more naturally.
<beach> So if you don't supply those message, you are making life much harder for people who try to help you.
<s-liao> Okay. I put the Backtrace as well.
<s-liao> Maybe better there is one person have been working with this lib before.
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<s-liao> I have requested one issue on the
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<s-liao> The issue number is 13.
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<hashfunc750> is there a way to access all the forms that the reader reads when it compiles a file?
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<hashfunc750> like, is there a hook that i can use to somehow save that information?
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<s-liao> why?
<beach> hashfunc750: I guess you could trace the READ function.
<hashfunc`> s-liao: i want to inspect the source code that the reader is reading
<s-liao> read the forms, then save it
<hashfunc`> beach: i like that approach
<hashfunc`> beach: i'll give it a try
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<beach> There are typically going to be a lot of them.
<hashfunc`> s-liao: read the forms, then save it?
<hashfunc`> beach: ok, i'm ok with that
<beach> What is the purpose of this exercise? I mean, you could just look at the code and see every form in there.
<beach> No?
<hashfunc`> beach: i'm going to attempt to rearrange the source code
<beach> Like if you have (f (g a b) c) it is going to read f, g, a, b, (g a b), c, (f (g a b) c).
<beach> How is this information going to help you rearrange the code?
<hashfunc`> dang, i'll have to try to find a way around that problem
<beach> There is no problem.
<hashfunc`> i suppose that might not be a problem
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<beach> Again, how is this information going to help you rearrange the code?
<hashfunc`> if i can introspect the forms then i can perform some analysis => rearrange the code based off of the results of said analysis
<hashfunc`> at least that's the plan so far
<beach> OK.
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<hashfunc`> or i might accidently overwrite my code
<hashfunc`> we shall see
<beach> If you don't care about it being the compiler that reads the code, you can call READ yourself on the code, and then you can use Eclector to have more options, like you can configure READ then to save your forms.
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<hashfunc`> true true. but i think it would be the most practical to have workflow that goes: write-code => compile => code-is-rearranged
<hashfunc`> *to have a workflow that goes:
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<hashfunc`> it seems that tracing read isn't quite doing what i expect
<hashfunc`> i'm getting a bunch of swank stuff in my repl
<hashfunc`> (READ #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM {<memory-address>}> NIL #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM {<memory-address>}>)
<phoe> tracing a standard CL function is often undefined behavior though
<lisp123> hashfunc`: I did something a while back to record source info with sbcl / eclector
<lisp123> is that what you are after?
<lisp123> pjb: main website seems to be down btw
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<hashfunc`> lisp123: yeah @beach recommended that earlier. that seems like that may be the #1 option right now. & i'm looking at that repository you just linked. is that a differnt lisp implementation?
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<lisp123> no its something you can use in any Common Lisp
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<hashfunc`> lisp123: ok, thanks
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<pjb> lisp123: letsencrypt makes me miserable.
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<qhong> Is there a way/hack to access a shadowed lexical variable?
<jmes> qhong: I guess you could bind it to something else at the same time you shadow it. Dunno if that works for what you have in mind
<qhong> jmes: Yes just thinking about the same thing. Was not sure about any performance penalty though, is SBCL clever enough to not allocating a new variable when (let ((x y)) ...) or not?
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<jmes> I'm not sure about the under-the-hood memory management, but I'm sure many others here do
<mfiano> Something has to be allocated somewhere. We're talking about memory here.
<mfiano> It depends on SBCL's register allocator whether it is register or stack allocated.
<mfiano> In either case, I wouldn't worry about performance.
<mfiano> You might want to ask questions related to implementations in their respective forums though. Common Lisp doesn't specify how memory is allocated.
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<gin> sbcl error messages do not show line numbers. without them how do you know where in the code you need to go to debug?
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<beach> You use SLIME and you hit `v' (I think, my fingers know it) on the stack frame you want to look at.
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<gin> thanks beach
<beach> Pleasure.
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<lisp123mobile> pjb: Yeah its a pain. I found cloudflare (free tier) to be really good because it takes care of SSL for you
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<hashfunc750> because the package is locked? now I'm at a loss
<hashfunc750> i want to debug ... compile-file ... in slime, but i'm not quite sure how to go about it. in the repl, i tried wrapping a call to it like so: ... (progn (break) (compile-file "~file.lisp")) ... that got me in the debugger, but stepping or nexting would immediately finish the execution. not what i want. so i went to the file that compile-file is defined in and tried compiling the function with max debug settings, but that doesn'
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<phoe> hashfunc750: how do you want to debug it?
<phoe> if anything, you can (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (break)) but I have no idea how that helps you
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<hashfunc750> phoe: how do i want to debug it? i want to step through it. i want to watch the flow of execution. i want to see what is going on.
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<hashfunc750> phoe: i see what you meant. sorry. yeah ... (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (break)) ... doesn't do the trick
<phoe> compile-file simply goes through every form and compiles it, and then produces a fasl file
<phoe> if you want to debug that, debug the individual forms
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<hashfunc750> phoe: i want to debug the actual compilation process
<hashfunc750> i want to debug the function `compile-file`
<hashfunc750> and all of its subforms thereof
<phoe> this is diving into implementation-specific details
<hashfunc750> that is ok with me
<phoe> debugging the compiler itself is generally complex stuff
<hashfunc750> unless there's a standard way of extracting what the reader is reading
<_death> if compile-file and the functions it uses are compiled with debug information, you can (step (compile-file "..."))
<hashfunc750> _death: yeah i tried to compile `compile-file` with debug information, but i get the error that the package is locked
<_death> well, there is a restart to unlock the package
<phoe> wait, you tried to replace cl:compile-file with something else?
<hashfunc750> _death: tried that and still got errors
<hashfunc750> phoe: that right there is an idea
<hashfunc750> phoe: not sure what to replace with tho
<phoe> no, I mean, it's generally undefined behavior
<_death> "got errors" is not very descriptive
<hashfunc750> _death: i know. i'll try it again rn
<hashfunc750> _death: brb
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<hashfunc750> _death: that works! i guess i never tried the "unlock" option...
<_death> btw there's a :trace-file argument to sbcl compile-file that may be helpful
<hashfunc750> _death: i tried that yesterday, but i didn't get anything useful from it; unless i was using that wrong as well
<_death> see the docstring for details
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<_death> you may also want to check out :sb-show feature.. probably #sbcl can help you further
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