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hey I'm trying to wrap a C library using cffi/the groveller
one part I've not used before is the wrapper functionality
in the docs:
`The internal package is created by Lisp code output from the C program written by CFFI-Grovel; if your specification file is exampleint.lisp, the exampleint.cffi.lisp file will contain the CFFI definitions needed by the rest of your project. See Groveller Syntax.`
I can't see .cffi.lisp file being generated, but my package loads correctly, just the functions in the grovel wrapper aren't available
my specification file is in grovel-wrapper.lisp, I can see it being compiled into a .c file when loading the system - but the equivalent lisp file is not created.
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digging through /tmp I think I found the file it might actually be referring to, but it's not suffixed with .lisp
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is there a binary tree library that doesn't absolutely suck?
cl-containers take 30k cycle to do a single insert on a small tree
Strong words.
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qhong: You use very strong language in the README to named-closures as well. What is a "function symbol"?
qhong: There is no such thing in the Common Lisp standard.
beach: A symbol intended to be used as a function
You mean a symbol as a function designator? To be used in FUNCALL?
qhong: And how is that not a closure?
"Comparing to function symbols, closures are nearly unusable..."
You can definite store a closure into its function cell, but that's not the typical use case. I'm talking about the closure you get by writing a LAMBDA form with free variables
(let ((x 0)) (defun f ...))
moon-child: now you can only have one "instance" of this closure
qhong: Still, the concept of a "function symbol", especially as being separate from a closure, seems very strange.
beach: what is a better term? I thought it's rather unambiguous given the context, but this might be my confirmation bias
beach: global function definition?
Nope, see the example by moon-child.
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I'm now inclined to say "first-order function"
but it's probably even more obscure
Plus, you can assign an anonymous function that does not close over anything to a lexical or special variable. Then it is not a "function symbol" and not a closure.
qhong: I would interpret 'first-order function' as a function which takes and returns non-functions, not one which is not a closure
And, again, your language is very strong. In SICL, I occasionally use closures precisely because they can not be introspected or altered. So that's in no way "broken".
yes, closures are (afaik) the only true abstraction boundary
modulo first-class global environments :)
qhong: Do you take remarks about your grammar in that README?
qhong: I don't have time to give any right now, but I might some time later.
beach: which part? you mean "broken" or "function symbol" or both?
qhong: There are tons of minor English grammar problems in your README.
I was wondering if you like those to be corrected.
beach: oh sure
I don't insist on strong language either. Maybe I should rant somewhere else rather than README
And I suggest you moderate your language. Rather than "closures are broken", perhaps something like "there are some use cases where it is desirable to have the ability to modify the static closed-over environment of a closure".
beach: I still don't like preventing introspection/mutation "by force"
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If someday some user just want to introspect/mutate it they can be very frustrated
like I can't change microcode of my CPU from lisp repl, wtf
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I agree, I don’t believe closures are broken, they work as intended
Their design may not be amenable in the way you like, but luckily you can write your library and use it
I would present it as a new utility rather than pitting it against closures
This will likely make it easier for people to accept
maybe this: closure is a useful low-level construct, but almost always have better alternative when using from "user-level"
e.g. an object system (say CLOS) can be implemented using closures, but using CLOS is almost always more appropriate than using closure+message passing style directly
I do not think it would be inappropriate to have, say, private slots
(and indeed, you can _almost_ get them, viz (defclass x () ((#1=#:x))) (defun f (x) (frob (slot-value x '#1#))))
moon-child: I think it can be appropriate to have a slot that don't expose accessor function to discourage *programs* from mutating it, but I think it's always appropriate to make it invisible from inspector, or *prevent* any program from mutating it
what do you mean by 'inspector'? A good debugger should show you the environment of a closure, sure
moon-child: it doesn't always tell you the name of variables
hence the qualification 'good'
sure, I agree good debugger is good
and it should also be able to be invoked programmatically
so a program can always get around the encapsulation easily, if deemed fit
I disagree
I don't think in any case one should prefer "prevent" over "discourage"
one does not prevent; hence your library
I still can't programmatically modify closures created outside my library
sure, yes. I suppose it depends on what you mean to discourage. I think it should be possible to express strong abstraction boundaries, and a few minutes ago, I think you agreed
I agree you should be able to express. Anyone should also be able to decide to ignore your expression if they want to
then it is not a strong abstraction boundary
qhong: Also, in the term "function symbol", you seem to exclude function names of the form (SETF <symbol>).
beach: yes that's an issue...
moon-child: if your strong abstraction boundary means this, then I disagree
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qhong: For a Lisp OS, it is essential to limit direct access to certain aspects of the environment.
beach: what about discourage?
I think it is meaningful to distinguish 'strong' and 'weak' abstractions; the difference being that the latter can be broken, and the former can not. What do you mean by your words, humpty dumpty? :)
qhong: Not good enough in the presence of malware.
beach: what about a program can break it only if it holds some certain capability passed/written explicitly by the user?
in that way, if the user want a program to break the limit, it can be done easily
That's the idea, yes.
qhong: another issue is: making closure environments first-class may inhibit certain optimizations
I was about to say that.
moon-child: I'm aware of that. Basically every nice feature I want (which almost always happen to be: bind xyz later!) add hell lot difficulty to optimization
I think the ultimate solution will be to generalize the dependency maintanence protocol to every objects, rather than just metaobjects
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so that the compiler can always assume something don't happen, but if it happen, affected compiled code can be fixed
(this will also helps compiling F-expr)
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is there a utility somewhere that acts like COPY-LIST but only N first conses are copied?
phoe: SUBSEQ?
phoe: I guess you want to share the tail, yes?
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beach: yes
It feels like a standard function ought to be able to do that, but I can't think of any.
I can do it easily by copying a SUBSEQ and then setting the last CDR, but it is kinda inefficient to traverse the list twice
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For LDIFF you also need a cell, not a number, so the copied part would have to be traversed twice.
(loop for i upto n for x on list if (< i n) collect (car x) else nconc x)
phoe: But if that's not an issue then NTHCDR + LDIFF should dot.
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Never mind, my brain is offline today.
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I guess moon-child's loop is going to be the solution for today
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I see (sort items #'(lambda (a b) (...))) type of code often. Is #' really necessary here? is there any best practice or coding convention for this?
It is not necessary.
Is (sort items (lambda (a b) (...))) preferrable?
I would not use it
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thanks moon-child beach
(I think it may have been necessary in some proto-lisps?)
gin: the operator lambda is a macro that expands to (function (lambda …))
so it is implicit if you don't put #' in there
thanks jackdaniel
you may thank islisp for that - common lisp added this macro (if I recall correctly) for compatibility
islisp is loosely speaking a subset of common lisp
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It's more to type in the best of scenarios, and can cause harm in the worst.
the primary difference between #'(lambda …) and (lambda …) are visible when you quote them; consider (quote (lambda …)) and (quote (function (lambda …)))
or, perhaps, /the only difference/ :)
Also consider that some parts of the standard require you _not_ to use #'
I can think of at least one place off the top of my head that calls for a lambda _expression_.
they probably expand to a form where the argument is put in the operator position
or add (function …) on their own
I think that something in condition handling requires that
Right, the :report
also there are macros defined by the programmer (i.e in a library) and they may expect one or the another
that shows that two namespaces are cool until they are not ;)
Yes. lambda may not even be cl:lambda
well, it isn't applicable only to lambda, I gather that :report would complain if you'd fed it with #'foo too (instead of foo)
report-name::= string | symbol | lambda expression
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also I remember I had some problem with load-time-values depending on whether I had (function (lambda …)) or not, but I don't remember details
i.e whether the code was quoted or not
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I would guess that would occur if you C-c C-c'd and a new identity was installed for that function.
Anyway, like I said, worst case you hurt yourself, best case you type more. I can think of no reason you would ever want #'(lambda ...)
one reason is readability - functions in argument position are usually denoted with the operator function
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what if someone else passes you a function and then you pass it on?
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well, then you would not use function
I can see what you are trying to tell, but I don't find it relevant
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On the flip side, I find it ugly and hard to read when people do not refer to a function object in code like: (map 'list 'identity "foo")
Unless maybe if you're in the lexical scope of a local function and you want to make the distinction between the global environment, but i would probably choose better names at that point.
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if I happened to shadow, I would rather use a symbol as a function designator than rename. I don't know how likely I would be to shadow, though
I may or may not. It would probably depend on both costs
shadowing vs the expense of looking up the function object at runtime
Like, if it's in a tight loop or something
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if it's in a tight loop then grab the function object once, outside the loop, and bind it to a lexivar
If you can without passing that through many frames, or using a runtime special variable.
I suppose you could grab it once around the flet/labels though.
I never thought too much about this. Just goes to show how flexible Lisp is.
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array question: I am working on a sequence function and I would like to generate specialized versions of my code depending on the types of the arrays that are passed in
I have two input arrays, and they can come in various combinations of types: two simple-base-strings, simple-base-string + string, simple-base-string + simple-vector, ...
I am following SBCL compiler notes when it comes to type ambiguity
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(macrolet ((xxx..)) (typecase a (array (xxx)) (array* (xxx))))
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jackdaniel: I tried doing this to make a simple 5x5 matrix for (simple-base-string simple-string simple-bit-vector simple-vector (simple-array * (*))) - until I ran into an issue where SBCL notices, rightfully so, that element types BIT and CHARACTER are not compatible
so I need to be smarter
in particular, it isn't possible to REPLACE from a bit vector to a string and vice versa
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It isn't possible to REPLACE from a non-sequence anyway, which a 5x5 matrix is not
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mfiano: I meant a 5x5 matrix of *types*
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* mfiano
so 25 function variants in the end
some of which are highlighted as illegal at compilation time
I've been doing matrix math all week. Please excuse me
no problem
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just list valid combinations
yes, and I kinda wish I didn't need to go through all the valid combinations manually
* phoe
writes an utility for doing that automatically
or since sbcl notices that then simply muffle the warning - dead code will be removed
agonizing over small code snippets is higher on my gross top 10 list
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Whenever I read something a question with "LSP", I read it as "LISP" and I'm thinking in terms of the superior SLIME/SLY...and then I catch myself before answering the question.
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Worst acronym ever for my brain
wait until you hear about (RFC 6830
I already did. It was annoying
Yet clearly a joke
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A joke in what sense?
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In that it is a draft and references CONS and EMACS drafts.
Here's the current version of that function
you'd need like (a b &optional c) => (a b (if c-p (list c) nil))
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True, to do it correctly, should adjust for c-p (assuming that means if optional argument c supplied)
For now I was just passing through the default values, but if its possible to fix, I'll try and do that (will think now how to do it)
that is what i meant, yes
It looks like my help is no longer wanted.
... which is great! :)
if you guys like the idea, you can improve and then use it :)
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you'd need like (a b &optional c) => (a b (if c-p (list c) nil)) -> The issue here may be that if the default value is nil, then passing nil if c-p is false means the receiving function cannot distinguish whether a call was made
whether an optional argument was supplied*
sorry i wrote in a confusing way
what I meant was the receiving function may not know whether an optional argument was supplied or not
unless the call itself was adjusted not to include the optional
which means this function can't be written perfectly ever
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One alternative is to explicitly pass through c-p, but then the lambda-list of the generic function gets polluted / confusing
I have no idea what the idea was. Maybe I need to go back and look.
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Can't figure it out from the conversation. So what is the idea that we might like?
Its just to simply writing interfaces - instead of writing two functions (defun move-character () (let ((client *client*)) (move-character-with-client client))
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Ah, OK.
and (defmethod move-character-with-client ((client (eql 'clim)) ...)
I bundle the defgeneric & defun into a macro
Got it.
and leave the methods to be written
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you may put an altered version of the specific *system* (not a package) in local-projects
oh, I guess quicklisp doesn't do per-system updates in general anyway
ack yeah sorry my bad i meant system above
a dist is a collection of all packages at one point in time where they pass some form of tests in loading all their dependencies from within the dist
s/packages/systems/ :-P (I blame you ;) )
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and so bundles snapshot from within the current dist
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White_Flame: ah, i see. so in general if you wanted a new version of something, you'd either update everything or go the manual approach with local-projects
you can have multiple dists, and choose which one is "current", but I would only select that at the start of an image, not after things are already loaded
there will be some degenerate cases with that, though, if your code requires old-a and new-b, where new-b relies on new-a
but it's incentive to keep current
we're not yet at our final form of system packaging
atm we have a project where we do dependency management entirely manually and we've not updated any of our CL libraries in like. idk, a decade. i'm looking at quicklisp bundles as a way of keeping up to date while still keeping the library sources in the project source tree
sure, we've done that, copying src directories from quicklisp into our project subdir to snapshot manually
for repeatable builds
something something if it ain't broke, but the way it is now also just makes it a pain to manage these deps (plus we've all sorts of duplicate library sources and stuff, not ideal)
yep, disruptive janitorial work will always be inevitable for long-lived projects
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White_Flame: i wish everyone thought that way :)
i mean it would seem like an unavoidable fact to a degree
but i guess people's willingness to do such work varies greatly
I love the saying "At some point, it's no longer technical debt, it's debtnical tech"
White_Flame: "You know you are drunk when there are traces of blood in your alcoholstream."
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Bike: regarding portable code walking, you mentioned that there are some tricks that can be done with CLtL2's ENCLOSE
could you elaborate on this a little bit?
i wouldn't characterize it as a trick. but basically, when you're walking and hit a macrolet, to walk the body you have to make the actual macro functions available, meaning you have to evaluate some code to get a function
I can first PARSE-MACRO to get a lambda expression
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yeah, but then how do you get a function out of that. if you use eval or compile, it's in a null lexical environment
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so e.g. in (macrolet (...) (macrolet (...) ...)), if one of the inner macro functions used one of the outer ones you'd be out of luck
so I can ENCLOSE this lambda form in the original environment, right?
like, I grab the original &environment object, ENCLOSE the lambda expression in it, and boom, I have a working macroexpander function
then I can AUGMENT-ENVIRONMENT that env object to get a new environment object
and now that I have a new environment object, what do I do? do I keep on walking the body of SYMBOL-MACROLET?
i mean, if you're a code walker, yeah
otherwise i don't see how you could walk macrolet
I see that agnostic-lizard doesn't use ENCLOSE whatsoever
...neither does hu.dwim.walker
......neither does iterate?
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yeah, and this conversation started the other day because iterate doesn't walk macrolet, didn't it?
does any code walker that is in use actually use this technique?
i don't know how widely supported ENCLOSE even is
cl-cont doesn't use it either
well, let me check
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SBCL, CCL, LW seem to have it
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ECL, CLISP, ACL, ABCL seem to not have it
ACL has something else though - excl:compile-lambda-expr-in-env
which seems equivalent
Clasp seems to have it too
so that's 5/8 implementations
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so, not bad
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NotThatRPG: how does that sound?
there is no portable way to change initargs passed to effective-slot-definition-class, is there?
don't think so
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jackdaniel: it seems that there is, but only if you use c2mop everywhere
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plus a custom library that seems to depend only on c2mop
...and a custom mixin class
so, welp, not really portable
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and what c2mop brings to the table?
I can't find anything there mitigating this particular issue
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looks like there's the ability to write a custom method on compute-effective-slot-definition that calls the next method to get the ESD
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and once you have the ESD, I assume you can reinitialize-instance it with some initargs
which *should* be equivalent
but don't trust me on that
it is not, because you may decide on the slot based on initargs in effective-slot-definition-class
s/on the slot/on the slot class/
OK - then the best thing I can think of is a method on c-e-s-d that binds a dynavar and uses it as a side channel for passing information to e-s-d-c
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I don't understand how that helps with overwriting a default value (of say, :allocation initarg)
but well, that's not all that important
I was just wondering whether I miss something obvious
my line of thought is this: if you have a custom metaclass, you can define custom methods on c-e-s-d and e-s-d-c, both of which do call-next-method
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I know that I can define them but I don't see how this helps with the problem at hand
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since you have a custom method on e-s-d-c, you have control over what arguments are passed into the main method, so you can e.g. pass a different :allocation to the main method
since you have a custom method on c-e-s-d, you can bind a dynamic variable to pass information to e-s-d-c that e.g. conveys the value for :allocation that should be passed there
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no, because e-s-d-c takes initargs and the user might have specified :allocation :instance explicitly, then I don't want to overwrite it
@phoe: Need to catch up to the discussion. Reading now...
and since I don't have an access to the "original" initargs, only full list with defaults supplied, I can't overwrite the default value
jackdaniel: ...well, you can bind another dynavar where you have access to the list of original initargs, so you have access to them in c-e-s-d and e-s-d-c
I don't understand what you are saying
but as I said, not that important, so I'll just add a separate initarg
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I'll try to make a prototype of my idea
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phoe: None of these capabilities are ANSI CL, are they?
I see them in CLtL2, but not in the hyperspec.
NotThatRPG: correct
it would mean that this sort of codewalking is only possible on implementations with enough environment support
or, alternatively, that ECL and ABCL have some catching-up to do, and that CLISP needs to get environments implemented at all
phoe, your use-case of nested macrolets work in hu.dwim.walker... but the point is to implement it simpler than parsing macro lambda lists and other complexities?
attila_lendvai: the point is to let the implementation do the heavy work of local macroexpanders into the lexical environment object
s/of local/of adding/
phoe, thanks for the clarification! my CL-macro-env-fu got kinda rusty... i quickly added a test/macros/macrolet/nested to hu.dwim.walker, though.
there is also trucler at al that is meant to provide better protocol for this deprecated functionality
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attila_lendvai: I should look at your walker's support for macrolet.
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* attila_lendvai
wishes he had enough steam to finish hu.dwim.iterate to the point that it can be a drop-in replacement for iterate
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Hi there...
Getting bogged down on my Mac with SBCL.
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it's a huge hack, but the goal of "can I check in e-s-d-c whether the user provided :allocation :class themself?" is there
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perhaps I wasn't clear enough - I want to decide on the effective-slot-definition-class result based on the allocation initarg
i.e on :allocation :trash I want to return (find-class 'trash-slot-definition)
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and I want to change the default of the initarg allocation, so this code doesn't solve this
also, it is about default's, i.e that when user doesn't add :allocation :foo in the slot definition, I want it to default to something else than :instance
this code is overly complex even for the purpose of checking whether the allocation class was supplied by the user, it is enough to read the slot-value slot-definition-allocation to learn what user provided
(if anything)
or you can read the initarg in initargs directly in effective-slot-definition-class
OK; I thought the issue was more general than that
effective-slot-definition-class is called with default initargs filled, so for no-initarg-slot initargs will have :allocation :instance
notice that in your own snippet there is no result no-initarg-slot-definition
yes, that's one issue that I'm still working on
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that's the issue I was asking about
if you look for an easy solution just use sb-pcl::compute-slot-definition-initargs or whatever it is called
so, direct slot definitions already seem to have :ALLOCATION installed, hence compute-effective-slot-definition already cannot recognize whether the default was provided
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I don't know what does it mean "installed", usually it is compute-effective-slot-definition method who conses the definition initarts based on direct slots
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Hi, Does someone know if LQUERY has similar :CONTAINS selector as JQUERY has? Here's example of jquery's selector: https://api.jquery.com/contains-selector/
jackdaniel: that's the issue, the direct slots already have :ALLOCATION filled in
"The :allocation argument is a symbol. An error is signaled otherwise. The :allocation argument defaults to the symbol :instance." yeah ok.
Bike: which page is that?
oh, okay
found it
"Initialization of slot definition metaobjects"
OK - then a placeholder value for allocation can be provided by the custom DSD that E-S-D-C can then notice and replace with something meaningful
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should be much cleaner than my dynamic variable hackery
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right, subclassing standard-direct-slot-definition and providing default-initarg makes sense, thanks
* phoe
learned something today
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Bike: is ENCLOSE in scope of Trucler-Native? I can't see any mention of it in the library
I assume because ENCLOSE seems to not be used much
i don't think so. trucler is basically about accessing parts of the environment. enclose is an evaluator.
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a peculiar evaluator that requires access to a lexical environment object
hence my question
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my understanding would be more that you could use trucler accessors to get the information needed to implement enclose
OK, that works too
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has Michael Raskin been around recently?
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* Shinmera
hopes his ELS submission gets accepted
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Anyone else here going to the in-person ELS?
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I am considering
where are the exact details of it?
The website has all the infos
Registration isn't open yet.
Found it, is on my b-day 3/22
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attila_lendvai: the case that seems to not be caught by hu.dwim.walker is (macrolet ((foo ...)) (walk-form (macrolet ((bar ...)) ...))) where WALK-FORM invokes the code walker
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I see that hu.dwim.walker:parse-macro-definition calls EVAL on a NAMED-LAMBDA, which means that the macro body of BAR is compiled in a null lexenv, which effectively prevents BAR from referring to the local macro FOO
which is the case solved by ENCLOSE
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or is that the case?
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* phoe
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maybe it's not, because the final MACROEXPAND-ALL is called with the original lexenv, which already includes the expander for FOO
then I am still misunderstanding this affair
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should just be if you try to codewalk (macrolet (...) (macrolet (...) ...))
the environment the code walker is called in shouldn't matter, code walking should be as insensitive to that as eval is
macroexpand-all is defined to be (unwalk-form (walk-form ...))
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with an environment object
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what's happening here, i guess, is that a lexenv is constructed, and then used to macroexpand-all the body of the macroexpander, thus ensuring outer macros are expanded before the implementation EVAL sees anything.
yes, I can see the functions for augmenting a lexenv
so this, basically, manually macroexpands absolutely every-fricking-thing before proceeding with actual walking
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which sidesteps the need for an ENCLOSE
and for PARSE-MACRO as well (by reimplementing it)
it kind of is ENCLOSE.
sweet gods, a portable ENCLOSE written in itself
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i mean, it makes sense. if you have a code walker an evaluator isn't far off.
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except this time you don't need to have an evaluator, you simply need to make sure that the macrolet bodies are possible to compile in a null lexenv
and you achieve that by macroexpand-all-ing their bodies in the current lexenv
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and then augmenting the environment with the freshly compiled macroexpanders
...and macroexpand-all-ing the macrolet body, in turn
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which, in turn, means that ENCLOSE, required for a full code walker, can be defined in terms of AUGMENT-ENVIRONMENT plus either EVAL or COMPILE plus (optionally) PARSE-MACRO plus a code walker
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* phoe
is mind-blown
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so all that's *really* needed is an implementation-defined AUGMENT-ENVIRONMENT plus a quasi-portable PARSE-MACRO
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phoe: the advantage of having this stuff available in the language is that the implemetnation necessarily has all of it, so exposing it reduces duplicate work
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(i have written parse-macro before and it is kind of a pain in the ass)
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Bike: yes, naturally
I'm just looking for patching holes in implementations which don't expose some of this
oh, yeah, it was me or at least i rewrote it. thanks blame.
"Handle destructuring &whole parameters", gotta get all those commonly used features
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i have an application i want to deploy to a server, and I would like to have a REPL running in it that I can connect to/detach from, a la that JPL satellite debugging story. Is the canonical way to achieve this to embded a slynk/swank server?
you should be able to just load swank and start a server
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that's what I meant, I think. I was asking if swank is, uh, the most common way to do that, or if there's some other lib out there that all the leet haxors are using these days
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opcode: starting in screen/tmux is not uncommon
and then you can start swank/slynk servers as well
ok thanks
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is this what happens when someone replies to a clasp issue from five years ago
it's what happens when my cat decides he needs dinner early
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opcode: ideally you shouldn't be starting stuff in screen/tmux
unless you like jank
opcode: it's best to make long-running servers start using the system's/distro init system
e.g. systemd
AeroNotix: what is the connection between screen/tmux and jank?
Xach: because it is generally a poor manager of long-running services.
AeroNotix: how so?
tmux/screen aren't inherently _for_ doing that, it's just you can do that with them
there's nothing in screen/tmux that restart things, centralize logging, allow you to manage that service once you've started it within screen/tmux
Ok. Thanks for your perspective.
by all means, do it, but there are far superior ways to do it
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writing a systemd unit is literally less work
and you get a tonne of QOL and management features to boot
Too many subjective adjectives for me.
keep doing it, if you're doing it
but if you suggested doing something like that in a professional setting, you'd be laughed out the room
AeroNotix: I'd much prefer to leverage systemd, but I also want to be able to connect to the running instance without porting my entire emacs config to the server
opcode: you can still do that...
emacs can connect to remote swank servers
Luckily, FreeBSD doesn't have such monolithic software built from a corporate agenda
and there's no link between systemd/swank, swank is started in your code. Nothing about _how_ it's started
mfiano: oh true colours shown. ;)
mfiano: it's a shame the systemd portion is what you focused on
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I focused on the suggestion. Excuse me for dragging this discussion further off-topic.
the suggestion is to avoid using tmux/screen for long-running services, an example of how _not_ to do that is to use systemd
but by all means replace systemd with your init system of choice
mfiano: did you see the freebsd port of launchd?
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moon-child: No, that I even know what 'launchd' is though.
not that*
Apple's thing
for service management
apple init d, served as a model for systemd
(just as apple's coreaudio served as a model for pulseaudio)
That would explain why I wasn't aware.
Hey there's some activity on SWIG to reintroduce the cffi output
I've been hacking on some pieces which always annoyed me
the tl;dr is that it'll spit out the missing pieces that you would otherwise need to manually create a grovel file for
there's still more to be done but hope is that this could be upstreamed in swig and it could be a one and done mechanism to use foreign code
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I know there's shitloads of attempts to do this, but they all fizzle out due to the single-maintainer problem many CL things have
having it in swig itself, might help
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>and there's no link between systemd/swank, swank is started in your code. Nothing about _how_ it's started
Yep understood.
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I was asking mostly about swank because I'm a newcomer to lisp but not to linux
you start the swank server when your application starts
in emacs you connect to that remote swank server
then everything works as a local swank connection
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all you need is (swank:create-server) in your application code somewhere
M-x slime-connect and provide it the host:port of the remote
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Thanks. Is there any significant reason to choose swank vs slynk?
From me personally, no. I wasn't even aware of slynk until it was mentioned
I used slime for many years, but I like a lot of little features of sly and I've switched completely in the last year.
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is there a document describing the pros/cons?