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is there a built-in hash function in common lisp? like sha1 or sha256?
Some implementations include their own extensions for sha256, etc. If you need implementation independent support see ironclad.
There is sxhash, but Common Lisp doesn't have cryptographic hashes.
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yitzi: ok thanks.
semz: yup that'll do for the time being
semz: thanks
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Good morning everyone!
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is there a standard idiom for a loop with a trivial test condition?
(loop until <test> ...) or (loop while <test> ...)
ah ok thanks
i'm always not-to-eager to use the loop functionality tho
I am sorry to hear that.
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it's almost like whenever i use it, i feel like i'm doing something wrong
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I am very sorry to hear that.
Maybe the best solution here is to change the way you feel when you use it.
by feeling, i mean an intuition that i can't quite put a finger on, that's telling me that i should be using recursion?
In Common Lisp, recursion is mainly used for tree-like structures where it would be very messy to iterate and where the depth of the recursion is limited, typically to log(n).
Recursion is also good for macro functions where performance impacts compile time only and where the structure (i.e., code) is naturally recursive.
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Recursion could also be used for numeric intervals where you need to divide it in two halves in each recursive call. The call structure is then tree-like even though there is no data structure.
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"Seriously" what?
The recursion joke
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the recursion joke is that recursion jokes are implementing in recursion jokes, cause that's easy to optimise
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I was just about to complain about posting a reddit link which is just a link to the content, instead of the content itself ;)
That must be why I didn't see the joke, and what the link pointed to gave me no desire to continue.
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How do you guys stay motivated throughout your personal projects?
constantly move to another project :-P
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That would be a lot of dead projects.
i have plenty of dead projects... but this time I will surely finish one of them....
SR-71: Personally, I am guilt-driven and it works great for me. I announce a project to the world, and then I am too ashamed to abandon it, so I keep going.
SR-71: you just have to revisit them, not always cycle to _new_ projects
beach: lol
I try to let go of the tension caused by attending to the end goal too much. I find I have more focus and enjoyment when I'm not looking too far into the path ahead. You can only think about one thing at a time so don't spend impractical amounts of time thinking about things that aren't immediately actionable.
SR-71: Actually, that's not so much "motivated" as "forced to continue".
I'm just coding to code, so I'm not ashamed about how many past projects I have (incomplete or not) I don't even keep count.
beach: Oh, I might just try that.
It doesn't work for everyone, but it does for me.
yeah, slot yourself in a conference to present a project, then you'll get it done :)
White_Flame: That would be too embarrassing..lol
beach: I usually spend a lot of time reading code than actually writing code.
the majority of time in coding is not spent writing code
White_Flame: Majority of the time is spent staring at the ceiling thinking.
And the rest reading.
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And a small fraction actually writing code.
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It's just, I want to actually complete one of my projects. And motivation is hard to come by lately.
then replace motivation with discipline ;)
That's true.
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So, what are you guys working on lately?
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personally, my forward chaining algo has cracked the nut of linear memory usage, and I'm figuring out how to integrate real backchaining into it
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minion: Please tell SR-71 about SICL.
SR-71: SICL: SICL is a (perhaps futile) attempt to re-implement Common Lisp from scratch, hopefully using improved programming and bootstrapping techniques. See https://github.com/robert-strandh/SICL
(that, and I'm doing a bunch of data movement/transformation stuff for "real work")
minion: That's cooool
what is?
(shh, nobody tell SR-71 that minion is a bot)
minion: Thanks!
minion: Are you a bot?
Are you a bot: I can't be expected to work when CLiki doesn't respond to me, can I?
SR-71: Last couple of days I have been rewriting parts of my primitive asynchronous message passing runtime to make it non consing.
neominimum: Did you publish your code on github?
I have nothing published as of yet, but I have been considering it for this project as I'd like to get some feedback from anyone interested about the implementation. Although there is no time frame currently as I need to get it where I'm happy to release the code.
*get it to a stage
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White_Flame: You seems to be well versed on AI, Can you recommend a good resource for learning NLP?
no, I've not really found a NP architecture or technique that I'm happy with yet
but prolog had tons of the basics
White_Flame: I was just interested in writing my own chat bot.
A grammar checker would be good to have. For English and French to start with.
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natural languages need new grammars to simplify things
I agree. Some grammars are made to get a complete structure of a sentence, but that's often overkill for grammar checking. For instance.
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how can i make this custom _absolute_ sort by its position in the cond, and not by its position in the list?
(sort '(howdy yo hi sup) (lambda (x y) (declare (ignore y)) (cond ((eq x 'yo) x) ((eq x 'hi) x)))) => (HI YO HOWDY SUP)
(sort '(howdy hi yo sup) (lambda (x y) (declare (ignore y)) (cond ((eq x 'yo) x) ((eq x 'hi) x)))) => (YO HI HOWDY SUP)
I have no idea what that means and I don't understand the examples
you have equal elements according to your predicate, there's no absolute order between those
also, I don't think yuo can know which is going to be X vs Y
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And of course, SORT is destructive so should not be used on literal data.
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Is there a implementation of CL on Windows (excluding Portacle's genius) that I can run without installation and unlikely to be detected by Corporate IT
Not sure if I should risk silently installing CL at work (it will never get approved since I'm not in the IT dept)
White_Flame: how do i specify absolute ordering in CL?
with your predicate
your current one returns the same boolean result for HI/YO and HOWDY/SUP
making those equivalent
and you have no idea what's in Y
HI or YO could be in htere
White_Flame: i see
the whole thing is pretty whacked, to be honest. I don't think my assessment is even correct, given that Y is ignored
lisp123: do you have access to ssh? or to http?
lisp123: there's no need to run locally.
White_Flame: you don't like the idea?
lisp123: or you can run it in the browser.
hashfunc50e: I don't really know what your idea is.
but using that lambda as a sort predicate really doesn't make sense
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http / ssh, I'm worried they will catch on at some point if they monitor traffic. I already got pulled up once before for a security breach (to be fair, I was 100% at fault)
White_Flame: the lambda is just temporary until more complex logic is needed
because parameters of (HI LO), (LO HI), (HI SUP), etc are all indistinguishable
and it's blind luck that it even puts those 2 in front, as it could just have easily had YO, HI as only ever appearing in Y
you need to actually, you know, _compare_ the two arguments ;)
White_Flame: essentially i'm trying to convey that YO always has a higher precedence than any other symbol
portacle technically works, I have ways to get it into my computer, but I heard somewhere SBCL might get flagged for executable memory
but you don't compare it against the other symbols
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White_Flame: i see, yes. i understand. thanks for the help
and it has the same precedence as HI
lisp123: https and ssh are encrypted. They won't know what you do, only with what host you do it, and how big it is.
I will try clisp first, but that cl on linux idea seems like it could also work pretty well, since its all in the browser
cant imagine anyone detecting js running a lisp
It's just some javascript in your browser.
wouldn't it be better to use sbcl since it's faster and so more efficient?
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White_Flame: i suppose this will have to do for now:
(sort '(sup yo hi) (lambda (x y) (cond ((eq x 'yo) x) ((eq x 'hi) (unless (eq y 'YO) x))))) => (YO HI SUP)
(sort '(sup hi yo) (lambda (x y) (cond ((eq x 'yo) x) ((eq x 'hi) (unless (eq y 'YO) x))))) => (YO HI SUP)
random-nick: I work in a bank now, so if I ever get caught I could get fired
hashfunc50e: I still don't really get the strategy
hashfunc50e: Please do not sort literal data.
(that, too)
beach: You mean cause SORT is destructive?
hashfunc50e: Also, the predicate is supposed to return a generalized Boolean, so why do you return an element instead. You might as well just return T.
or chain an OR clause together, since it's all boolean
White_Flame: i can't find/think of the mathematical concept. but i guess the closest thing i can relate to it is essentially assigning an absolute value to a symbol
or position within a refernce list
(which is just a computed version of the same thing)
There was once a time I thought there is also NSORT, like REVERSE vs NREVERSE, maybe due to hysterical raisins.
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CL needs NSETF
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White_Flame: beach: alright thanks for the help
Good luck.
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Hmm, I need a bit of help with the 'graph' graph theory library: https://eschulte.github.io/graph/ and graph theory in general.
graph theory is full of interesting problems and clever solutions to them :)
I have a directed graph with edges A->B and B->A, and I want to find the shortest path from A to A, which is obviously NIL because you are already there, and using the SHORTEST-PATH function returns that indeed, however, I want to find an actual path, even if it means leaving the node and coming back to it.
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So you mean the shortest path of length at least 1.
Yes, I am wondering if this library has something of the sort. This is the only library I know of that has other functions I need. cl-graph does not, and is also buggy/unmaintained.
For every successor of A, compute the shortest path to A. Take the shortest of them all and add 1.
I got everything except the "add 1" part.
To the length of the shortest of them all.
But maybe you don't need the length. Just the path.
I need the path A->B->A
Then prefix the path from X to A by A -> X.
That is all
Then B is a successor of A, so compute the shortest path from B to A. That is B -> A.
Then add the prefix A -> B, and you have A -> B -> A.
Ok that makes sense. Thank you.
Now I have a real problem.
I figured as much.
As part of my test suite I am ensuring that the graph has a single component; that is, the graph is strongly-connected.
But I need to ensure it is connected with this new constraint.
So graph:strongly-connected-components is not going to do anymore.
What new constraint is that?
well graph:strongly-connected-components returns a list of lists. If that list is of length 1, the graph is strongly-connected, which I am using to test if my algorithm has all of the direct paths needed.
Well maybe it is okay, actually.
I need to think a bit more.
Thanks for your help.
I see neither a constraint nor a change of the connectedness.
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You are correct. I was confusing myself with another problem I have.
As long as the graph is strongly connected, your solution will work.
It will work even if it is not.
Perfect, thank you.
How so?
There must be a path from B to A.
IF it is not strongly connected, there may not be.
If there isn't then it will return no result with is correct.
Ok sure, the constraint I have is that it must always return a result, so I must have a strongly connected graph.
Whether the graph is strongly connected or not, my technique will return a path of length at least 1 from A to A if such a path exists.
That is just not true.
You can have a vertex D with no successors, but still have a path A -> B -> C -> A.
I must have a path from every node to every other node. That is one of the constraints in my underlying algorithm.
That is the very definition of strongly connected.
Right. So given two nodes A and A. I require that it returns a path of at least length 1. I think we are saying the same thing though. You said your algorithm will return a path "if such a path exists". I am saying, it will always exist because of the strong connectedness.
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I will say, that this library seems very wrong, at least at its documentation level.
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There are no successors or predecessors functions. There is a "neighbors" function, that is documented as "Return all nodes which share an edge with NODE in GRAPH.". This seems to behave like a successors function when the graph is directed...it never returns predecessors.
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