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<ns12> Hello, how do I use Unix/Linux features in Common Lisp? How do I use fork(), exec(), sigprocmask() in Common Lisp? doesn't really say much about these.
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<White_Flame> ns12: sbcl has the sb-posix package with a lot of stuff in it, not sure about compatiblity libraries for them
<White_Flame> it's not standard CL
<ns12> White_Flame: Most sb-posix functions do not seem to be documented in the SBCL manual
<White_Flame> right, check their docstrings & refer to posix knowledge
<ns12> I guess the full list can only be found in the source code
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<ns12> Does sb-posix work on Windows?
<White_Flame> inasmuch that windows has APIs for posixy things, probably
<ns12> Is see that there is #'sb-posix:fork but no exec()?
<White_Flame> I don't think that would work very well with the lisp image
<White_Flame> why would you fork/exec instead of just launch?
<White_Flame> I guess open FDs would be a thing if you want to share them with pipes or whatever
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<ns12> White_Flame: It is also missing select(), poll(), and signal handling functions.
<ns12> Oh well.
<ns12> Good morning beach.
<White_Flame> there are other libs specifically for that functionality
<White_Flame> and signal handling should not be done with raw posix calls from inside lisp. Use the implementation's wrappers for them
<White_Flame> because you'll probably mung the image's use of them
<ns12> There's trivial-signal for signals
<ns12> But how do I get poll() and select()?
<White_Flame> look in cliki for libraries
<White_Flame> I know usockets uses select() in its backend
<White_Flame> as one example to poke into
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<White_Flame> I do wonder what you're doing, though, as many of these things should more be viewed in terms of the functionality you're going for, not the specific posix api
<beach> Maybe ns12 is writing a Unix shell.
<ns12> White_Flame: I have no particular project. I have been learning about the POSIX API, and I am evaluating Common Lisp's existing ability in this area.
<beach> ns12: It is not about the language Common Lisp.
<ns12> beach: Is it off-topic here?
<beach> No.
<beach> But you said you are evaluating Common Lisp.
<beach> Maybe I should mention this embryonic idea for POSIX protocols:
<ns12> Yes, the Common Lisp ecosystem. Not the language itself.
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<Guest74> how many implementations have posix functions? is there much difference between the implementations? I figure everybody would stay pretty close to the c definitions.
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<ns12> Guest74: "how many implementations have posix functions?" - From my observations, it is not a priority for many Common Lisp implementations.
<beach> Guest74: It gets tricky when the C API uses C structs.
<ns12> There's osicat but it provides limited features.
<White_Flame> and uiop has its own limited set to support what asdf needs
<Guest74> beach: i've been thinking about that, and maybe just treating structs as arrays.  It's the pointers that make things tricky.
<White_Flame> (mostly around the filesystem)
<White_Flame> also the actual C memory layout needs to be consistent, and I don't know how packing plays into that
<Guest74> ns12:  isn't osicat ffi?  I was wondering about implementations.
<White_Flame> eg if there's a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit fields
<Guest74> just treat everything as arrays of ub8 with accessing functions that assemble the bits.
<Guest74> Something I'm toying with for writing reader/writers for binary formats.
<White_Flame> and now you have to deal with endianness ;)
<Guest74> just call a different accessor.
<White_Flame> but yeah, I did write a big declarative spec for binary file formats
<White_Flame> I only ever implemented the reader, though. Can read an entire java .class file into list-based structures
<Guest74> any links? always curious how others attack things.
<ns12> Is there any Common Lisp implementation that provides a larger POSIX API than what SBCL has?
<ns12> I am used to the POSIX functionality provided out of the box in OCaml ( and in Standard ML (
<beach> Guest74: There is at least one library that deals with bits in vectors like that.
<beach> But I don't think that's the protocol you would want to expose to Common Lisp application code.
<White_Flame> the implementation is a mudball as I was adding features
<Guest74> I'm sure there's a few.  I've taken to using nibbles for the reading/writing that everything deconstructs to.
<White_Flame> but it's the spec (and knowledge that it is unambiguously implementable) that's the important part
<ns12> Does LispWorks and Allegro have comprehensive POSIX APIs?
<ns12> s/Does/Do/
<Guest74> white_flame: I hope to have some that reads more like common lisp with a small precise specification.
<White_Flame> well, this is a declarative data specification. the lisp stuff then uses it to interpret how to pull in a file into a tree of values
<White_Flame> and take a tree of values and write it into bytes
<White_Flame> because all sorts of file formats do all sorts of crazy things, it needs a very comprehensive library
<White_Flame> I didn't want a bunch of black-box imperative code defining things
<White_Flame> s/library/vocabulary/
<Guest74> I'm thinking I don't want to support stupid things.
<Guest74> Many years ago I thought I would write a buffer replacement for clx to work with modern extensions.  but it's just too stupid.
<beach> Guest74: We seem to be talking about different aspects. I think as an implementation technique, stuffing things in a Common Lisp vector might work. I am more interested in what data structures will be presented to the Common Lisp application programmer. That's what my page on that link is about.
<beach> ... and that's why I mentioned that structs are tricky.
<White_Flame> ns12: ocaml probably fits the C process structure more cleanly?
<White_Flame> lisp really grew big _as_ an OS
<Guest74> beach: for my current work on ioctls I autogenerate a lisp struct with the same fields, and also generate a reader for that struct that populates the c struct. I find it a bit tedious. I also have the option for the lisp function to take an alist of slots and values which populates the c structs/arrays for the ioctl.
<Guest74> s/reader/reader & writer/
<Guest74> I'm guessing lisp function built upon those autogenerated structs/readers/writers will just take keywords?
<Guest74> though I think I need still allow to pass lisp structs(and maybe even c structs?) for things where it makes sense. e.g. force feedback effects for controllers are nicely contained within c-structs, and having a library of them you could send to the device seems like something useful.
<White_Flame> it wouldn't seem like the end of the word to marshall between a reused lisp struct and a reused C struct
<Josh_2> Good morning
<White_Flame> but I get that some of them can get quite large
<White_Flame> and of course that wouldn't work if they're holding volatile values
<Guest74> I don't reuse any c structs at the moment.  A new one is created for every ioctl call.  I don't know if that's as bad as I think it might be.
<White_Flame> if it's stack-allocated that's reasonable
<Guest74> It only reads or writes to a lisp struct if it was provided by the caller.
<Guest74> i.e. the default is it will just return values as a plist of slot value.
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<Guest74> thankfully it doesn't seem like there's anything too crazy in c stuff for ioctls.  The worst I've run across so far is nested structs and pointers to arrays within the struct, but it's all seemed to work out so far.
<Josh_2> beach: Has anyone worked on a practical implementation of a posix interface like the one you have started specifying?
<Guest74> sb-posix doesn't seem so bad.
<Guest74> well, except sb-posix:ioctl doesn't really work and I have to use sb-unix:unix-ioctl, but besides that, i'm not sure how much more lispy you can get for posix calls.
<Guest74> actually, i shouldn't say it doesn't work.  It probably works as specified by posix but linux changed how it works and bsd users were made sad.
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<pillton> There must be a better way to expose OS functionality then via C APIs.
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<Guest74> i guess it depends on what OS functionality you are talking about.  We could write our own interfaces to file systems.
<Guest74> and love it or hate it, since everything is a file in unix, you can just open-file.
* edgar-rft suggests using assembly interrupts again instead :-)
<pillton> I am not sure that is true. I can't open a file which connects to a website for example. I also can't open a file to execute a command.
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<Guest74> execute a command?
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<Guest74> you can talk directly to the virtual terminals if you want.
<opcode> anyone here run a swank/slynk repl on a remote server accessible via the internet? if so how do you secure it?
<pillton> Guest74: Start another process e.g. fortune.
<White_Flame> pretty sure you can open a file to a website in Plan9
<White_Flame> unix just sucks ;)
<Guest74> but i'm not sure how that's even a complaint when we have drakma/dexador?
<White_Flame> but as long as OSes have a C heritage, it will expose its APIs in C
<Guest74> So all you have to do is write your OS in lisp.
<White_Flame> yep
<White_Flame> or do something other than function calls
<White_Flame> message passing, software interrupts, etc
<pillton> Why do you have to write your OS in lisp? What does it solve?
<White_Flame> the OS API wouldn't be exposed in C
<pillton> Then the people who like C will complain about it being in CL.
<White_Flame> stuff 'em
<White_Flame> ;)
<Josh_2> opcode: Yes, you should use ssh tunnels
<opcode> i was going to use wireguard
<White_Flame> opcode: swank by default only listens to localhost, not external ports
<beach> Josh_2: I don't think so.
<opcode> White_Flame: can't you just set swank::*loopback-address* ?
<beach> pillton: Do you not think my proposal is better than the C API?
<beach> Actually, never mind. I should be quiet.
<pillton> beach: I'd have to think about it. I'd rather people write libraries which solve specific problems rather than offer interfaces to APIs of other languages.
<beach> I fully understand.
<White_Flame> opcode: I mean its default is secured away from outside connections, so it's less of a concern. But anybody with access to execute code on the box can access swank
<opcode> White_Flame: maybe i'm not clear, but I want to have a long-running lisp process on a server, and i want to expose a repl so I can hack on it from home
<White_Flame> right, I've done that
<opcode> but obviously as you said, the repl presents a security concern
<White_Flame> it wasn't on an internet-accessible box, technically, btu we could tunnel in
<opcode> yeah, I was planning to use nftables to only expose swank on a wireguard tunnel
<White_Flame> and I don't think you should open the listener to anything but the loopback device, and externalize the access via ssh or whatever
<opcode> it's my box, I'm not worried about other users
<opcode> ah ok
<opcode> that's probably much simpler than what I'm trying to get going here
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<Josh_2> You should just use ssh tunnels
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<Josh_2> I have 3 lisp images running on one of my VPS's and I can just open my ssh connection with tunnelling and then I can connect to them
<pillton> beach: For example, asynchronous I/O, synchronous I/O and non-blocking I/O. I think CL can do a much better job of offering interfaces to these I/O strategies that actually helps the user organise /their/ application. The underlying C API does not do that. The functionality is "exposed" by a convoluted set of C constants, functions and file descriptor modes, obfuscating each individual strategy. I think the C constants aren't even
<pillton> consistent across the different unixes. And, once you're done with the unix world, you also have to consider the non-Unix world as well.
<beach> pillton: I see.
<beach> The idea of my suggested protocols was to do it in 2 layers. The lower layer would be closer to the C API, and the upper layer would present something much more convenient to the Common Lisp application programmer. Perhaps the upper layer would be the place to do a better job.
<beach> Actually, I didn't come up with the 2-layer idea. But I forget who it was who did.
<beach> Not that it matters. I won't have time to work on it in the near future anyway.
<pillton> beach: Sure. I am just giving my two cents.
<beach> Yes, what you say makes a lot of sense.
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<dirtcastle> i installed slime. but If I M-x slime , it shows " searching for program: No such file or directory,lisp"
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<White_Flame> dirtcastle: you probably have to define which lisp it's going to call, and is just defaulting to "lisp"
<dirtcastle> I fixed it .
<White_Flame> however it's easier to use portacle for an all-in-one solution, or quicklisp-slime-helper to install slime individually
<dirtcastle> u r right
<White_Flame> ah, k
<dirtcastle> I set inferior lisp program sbcl
<dirtcastle> it's there in my init but it won't load properly because my init produces errors
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<molson> yeah, emacs doesn't load the init if it has errors.
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<jmes> Question for Parenscript users: how do I call a macro inside a PS form? When I want to use MY-MACRO (which should spit out some Parenscript code) and I write (ps (my-macro)) it gets compiled to myMacro. I tried to RTFM but my brain might be too small
<jmes> I have a situation more like this, where if I use Parenscript's LISP like so (ps (let ((something 1)) (lisp (my-macro something)))) then SOMETHING will be unbound
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<hashfunca51> White_Flame: i did the exercise of constructing a templated macro without using quasiquotes. but i've been stuck on how i get around splicing lists without using ,@
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<Josh_2> jmes: PS has its own defmacro, try that
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<Josh_2> jmes: (ps:defpsmacro js%console-log (val) `((ps:getprop console 'log) ,val))
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<hashfunca51> White_Flame: especially arguments given to an &body parameter in said macro, because the argument passed is wrapped in a list ... (1 2) => ((1 2)) ... thus the list must be spiced, since, if not, an erroneous function call is made. e.g., ... (1 2) => ((1 2)) => "illegal function call". i've been at it for a long time and still haven't found a way around not using ,@
<jmes> Josh_2: ah, somehow I missed that, thanks! I hope this does the trick :)
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<hashfunca51> White_Flame: sorry, you were involved in that conversation but it was @moon-child that recommended that exercise
<hashfunca51> annnd he/she isn't online
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<White_Flame> you have to use append
<White_Flame> aaaaand he/she isn't online
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<beach> I think this has been said already. Oh well.
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<flip214> White_Flame: list*, concatenate, dot notation, explicit CONS calls...
<White_Flame> hmm, you sure about explicit CONS calls? also dot notation
<White_Flame> for splicing in the middle of lists
<flip214> depending on the input data an (alexandria:flatten (cons list1 (cons list2 (cons list3 nil)))) might work for you as well ;)
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<neominimum> Anyone know of projects that are looking for hands? I have two brain cells that I would like to put to good use.
<beach> Tons! What do you know how to do, and what kind of project would you prefer?
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<neominimum> I'd like to take the opportunity to work in a variety of domains to further my knowledge. I don't think I really have a preference as to what I want to work on, as I hope the problems can be interesting in and of themselves. That being said I have recently begun some study into basic computer architecture, up through to high-level language compilers and I found it pretty interesting. I am sorely lacking in theoretical foundations, but am
<neominimum> willing to learn.
<beach> I'll keep that in mind. You could also start a new project.
<beach> We would help you with advice, code reviews, etc.
<beach> Or you could check with Shinmera (games) and jackdaniel (McCLIM, ECL).
<neominimum> I've been developing an actor runtime for message passing style concurrency, it's rather primitive still, but it has been the vehicle by which I've been learning common lisp. I have coupled that with a basic syntax for coordinating the execution of lisp code using an asynchronous evaluation semantics, so that one can continue to code in direct style as opposed to a continuation passing style.
<neominimum> Okay great I'll take a look, thanks.
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<Shinmera> Games touch on a ton of domains
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<neominimum> I like the world building aspect of game development, not so much gameplay mechanics though, but I'd like to have a go at creating some imersive 3d environements one day. AIUI there is an absolute ton of work that goes into the implementation of game engines.
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<jackdaniel> usually you start from something that is interesting to you and you end god knows where :)
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<neominimum> true! :) Honestly sometimes I feel overwhelmed with how many forks and detours there seem to be in the path. Theres way to much to master in a single lifetime, I get a bad case of analysis paralysis at times.
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<jackdaniel> no worries, if it is true that the world is just, then everyone must have the same share- in other words we reincarnate as each possible person in each possible time with all possible scenarios ,-)
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<neominimum> Personally I can't wait to reincarnate as a sea cucumber. No care in the world, gently being tossed around by the warm sea currents. Magnifique.
<neominimum> Night all
<beach> 'night neominimum.
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<jmes> Does anyone know of an Argon2 implementation (or bindings) in CL? My cursory search reveals nothing
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<jmes> Oh nice, thanks Bike
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<edgar-rft> inert gas bindings are tricky :-)
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<jmes> Let's say I have 2 macros A & B where A calls B. With Sly, if I make a change to B I (seemingly) have to re-evaluate B and then A for the change to fully take effect. If A is a set of macros all using B this gets unwieldy. Is there a clever or obvious way to manage this better?
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<jmes> other "solutions" I've been using are reloading the whole file containing A & B, or reloading the whole project with quickload when A & B are in different files/systems/etc.
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<Bike> when you say "calls", do you mean the A macroexpander uses the B macro, or that A forms expand into B forms?
<jmes> Bike: I mean the A macroexpander uses the B macro
<Bike> mm, well, yes, the compilation process expands all macros, so changes to the definition of a macro don't affect previously compiled uses
<Bike> usually i just do the broad recompiles you described. another thing you can do sometimes is make macros fairly minimal, e.g. have a with-whatever macro expand into a call of the call-with-whatever function
<Bike> then you can change the definition of call-with-whatever and expect that to affect things properly
<jmes> Okay thanks! For my small-ish project it's still fine to reload everything but it doesn't feel right. I just wanted to check and see if any lispers could steer me straight
<White_Flame> do you use an .asd file?
<Xach> For complex macros I sometimes implement it by collecting the incoming source into an object, and then use functions to generate the resulting source code, so changing & compiling the component functions has an immediate effect. That's not super-common for me, but it happens sometimes.
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<jmes> White_Flame: yes
<jmes> Xach: sounds a little odd but if it works it works!
<Xach> The last time I did it, it was for a defclass-like macro that had a lot of interacting component pieces, so gathering the bits in one place and passing it around to simpler functions helped.
<Xach> I didn't have to get everything right in one complicated template-heavy pass
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<dbotton> When doing a change-class will the initforms be set on the slots being added?
<Shinmera> Yes as per shared-initialize.
<Bike> assuming an initarg wasn't provided for them
<dbotton> That is case. I’m seeing some unbound for some strange reason
<dbotton> I’ll keep hunting why
<dbotton> Thanks you, was user error on my part as expected :)
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<dbotton> Is there an easy way to reverse the order of maphash?
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<Shinmera> maphash has no guaranteed order anyway, so what do you mean?
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<dbotton> I wanted to try an experiment with the order that was being returned. I’ll just not be lazy about it. Somehow I was thinking things were returned in order of the keys but no idea why was thinking that.
<dbotton> I think time to take a break. :(
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