would you be in a position to comment on which is a good common lisp programming environment under macos?
i am currently on ubuntu, but might migrate to macos in 6 years time.
i "was" going to migrate to windows and hence use lispworks, but macos is looking very impressive.
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kathe: Clozure CL is probably a good choice, it focuses on Macs quite a bit and I think it even has its own IDE on there (although I've never used it so I can't say anything about its quality)
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semz: thanks for that tip, it led me to discover hemlock.
semz: and due to hemlock, i found out about clx.
semz: many thanks.
hmnn, hemlock is very interesting, but doesn't have the wide array of modes available with 'gnu' emacs.
i think i'd better stick with ubuntu and learn 'gnu' emacs well.
Good morning everyone!
heya beach. how've you been?
beach: i'm here after a long time, been unwell.
Sorry to hear that.
beach: you know me also as "mayuresh" and "mayureshkathe".
Got it.
though i've now settled down with "kathe" as that's also my domain name.
i don't have any background in common lisp nor emacs, and i'm a bit confused about how to learn both in parallel without messing up my thought process.
i used to work with autolisp, so that's my route to common lisp.
i know that there is a tutorial and a manual inside emacs itself.
so should i first work through the emacs tutorial and manual, get well acclimatised with emacs and then start-off with common lisp?
though i have no idea about how to make emacs work with 'sbcl' as an 'ide'.
i had been quite gung-ho about forth, but after my interaction with some people from it's community regarding introducing a "condition system" and an object system via a metaobject protocol were shot down, i'm going to stick with common lisp.
ccl doesn't work on M1 macs at the moment
At this point, IMO, sbcl is the best implementation on macs
thanks EdLangley, i think i'm going to stick with ubuntu. not only does it offer better facilities for development systems but a ubuntu-based setup also costs a lot lesser than a mac.
kathe: pretty much everybody doing CL is using emacs
sorry about the expressing interest in macos before i'd factored in the cost.
White_Flame: so i've heard. even my mentor uses it.
those who don't use emacs are forging their own path, and yeah hopefully other paths get as fully supported
kathe: What text editor are you currently using? Perhaps your current text editor has some support for Common Lisp. This will free up more time for learning Common Lisp.
i cut my teeth on 'sco' openserver so i tend to lean toward vi (not vim), but i'm eager to learn emacs because of the tight integration with common lisp development routines.
after sbcl & emacs, you want to install, in order: quicklisp, quicklisp-slime-helper
you shouldn't really need to adjust any config files after following their steps
White_Flame: i'll look into quicklisp and quicklisp-slime-helper.
https://portacle.github.io is also a good way to get a nice package of "all of the above"
oh wait, I keep forgetting about portacle
it's a "lisp in a box" singel solution
I personally use the SBCL REPL directly (with rlwrap for readline keybindings). That's another way to defer learning Emacs.
kathe: look at PCL: pcl-book: "Practical Common Lisp", an introduction to Common Lisp by Peter Seibel, available at http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ and in dead-tree form from Apress (as of 11 April 2005).
EdLangley: i've heard rumours about 'pcl' being reworked on. true?
ns12: thanks for both those links. very helpful. :)
In the free books list, "Practical Common Lisp" and/or "Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation" are typically recommended to beginners.
also, the #clschool channel is dedicated to learning
I checked out slimv and vlime based setup, but i think i'll go with emacs because i can do almost everything else from within emacs (irc, email, notes, todo, etc.).
#CLSCHOOL is a gem
White_Flame: thanks for that tip.
kathe: Try EVIL Mode in Emacs
lisp123: I wish there were public logs of #clschool.
ns12: i've heard that the digital version of touretzky's book doesn't have corrections present in the paperback one.
i think that org-mode thingy is very impressive.
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i had an exchange with phoe where he mentioned he's redoing the recipes book.
2 things that most impress me about common lisp are the "condition system" and the "metaobject protocol" based object-system.
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i don't remember finding the "condition system" in autolisp, nor did any of the seniors talk about it back then.
"The *error* function takes a single string argument, which is supplied by AutoCAD when an error is encountered during program evaluation. This string describes the error which has caused the *error* function to evaluate." doesn't sound like it has the condition system
it's more like an extended control-flow mechanism. ;)
as phoe calls it. :)
the "condition system" is something else entirely. :)
i went through the sample session in phoe's "Appendix E". it's mind blowing. waiting to complete learning common lisp and buy phoe's book on the "condition system".
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I'd need conformal displacement for anything more than a flat row-major view of the backing storage, correct?
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yeah, standard displacement is all row major all the time
Currently I only need a view of a pixel in a '(width height channel-count) #3a, but I was also thinking of things like a NxM kernel view for convolutions.
Guess I could just derive the shape/extents from a single pixel and mutate the original directly.
Unfortunate, but doable.
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recalling the discussion about software longevity a few days ago, what you guys think about a Nix/Guix replicate that runs in a single Lisp image a la asdf?
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qhong: would you care to elaborate for those who are neophytes?
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I use guix to install nyxt since that's the only way I could figure out how to get all the right versions of nyxt, sbcl, and emacs ... necessary to connect to nyxt's swank server from slime
qhong: what would the nix/guix inside CL do? find, and build CL systems? and allow easy switching between different versions? and also act as a package manager? so it would replace asdf and QL, plus add the versioning?
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what's the difference between slime and sly?
i mean other than sly is modern.
sly has 100% more cats
kagevf: Yes I think so
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kagevf: I also think that reproducibility is a pain point of the status quo of CL eco-system. Hyrum law is real. I have no hope contemporary CL projects still work after just 20 years
moon-child: :)
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Sounds like CLPM
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mfiano: AFAIU CLPM is akin to a traditional package manager (ala pip, npm etc) rather than a functional pm
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Of course. Many existing software systems rely on stateful actions during installation. ASDF is programmable to do anything you could want.
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kathe: I was trying Sly recently last week but had some pretty bad experiences so reverted to Slime
I believe POIU attempted to do something more reproducible
But in general Sly has some more advanced features (like stickers, which allows to mark a region to get automatic printing on the output) and a better search
qhong: cl is in general ideologically aligned towards flexibility over analyzability
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lisp123w: thanks.
UNIX (and UNIX toolchain) allows as much flexibility (albeit much more poorly designed) on its FS state as CL (and ASDF), yet ppl eventually curse it and invented Nix/Guix
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But maybe I'm reading too much and it's a non-problem for CL at least so far
ha, this comes up again
unix is referentially transparent
so chroots are easier
vs fcge
jails > chroots
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mfiano: well, that is interesting, because jails encapsulate non-referentially-transparent things (such as network devices). Probably not super relevant to present discussion
I think rename-package hack will work for most packages?
qhong: in particular, I can trivially calculate (and isolate) the closure of some object in unix, but not in lisp
As for edge cases, Nix/Guix has to deal with them manually too and it doesn't seem like too much a practical issue
No, it really won't. Packages can be created, and sometimes are, at runtime.
Or as part of the compilation process.
and I can observe all the side effects of an arbitrary operation (see ptrace, dtrace, this has been effected in practice)
mfiano: I understand you can certainly break it, my question is how many packages actually do it
THey aren't always statically known.
Quite a few
moon-child: you mean dependency closure or dependent closure?
I think dependent closure can also be calculated in Lisp
qhong: the closure of an object is the set containing that object and all the objects it points to
here I actually meant transitive closure, but
(actually, the implementation generally gets such a closure, e.g. for fasls; but you do not)
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moon-child: you mean one can get who-reference for arbitrary datum? damn I always want it so hard when CLing
kathe: I think Sly works better for multiple REPLs (I was doing a setup where I had SBCL / CCL / CLISP all on 1 command each), but I didn't want to spend time debugging the issues I had (lag on remote connection to an Image, some other strange bugs) so I reverted to Slime and it suited me.
moon-child: guess I should ditch CL and start BASHing
kathe: However, the stickers thing in SLY is really good - so don't discount it based on my words. Its just that I was doing some bespoke setups which Sly had some issues on my machine
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Lispworks's delivery system can do a bunch of stuff that's unsafe if symbols are interned dynamicaly
mfiano: I think dynamic package creation at compile time should be workable
lisp123w: thanks. on a different note, would you suggest that i learn to work with emacs in parallel with learning common lisp?
So, heuristics like "rename package is safe" can get you pretty far
But, you need some way of verifying the assumptions
Can you take care of dynamic runtime code that generates symbols looking for a specific package with uiop:symbol-call, alexandria:format-symbol in macro's, etc?
It's not hard to right code that doesn't do that
Basically, before build, all dependency are renamed to their nominal names, and after build, all dependencies plus newly created packages are renamed to their unique name
mfiano: if they happen at runtime then it's screwed
I wouldn't want anything to do with such restrictions, but then again, I don't like Linux either.
I don't use things like INTERN and UIOP:SYMBOL-CALL very much at all
kathe: Yes, it will be useful for many reasons I won't go into. The trick with Emacs is read the tutorial and guide (don't just jump in), then learn the keybindings C-h k (which lets you see what a keystroke does), C-h f (which describes function at point), C-h v (which describes variable at point), C-h b or C-h m (to see what keybindings are active in the buffer). But I'll shut up now (you can ask #emacs for more help there)
And I can tell when a system uses them, because inevitably my preference of doing (setf print-case :downcase) breaks loading such systems :)
EdLangley[m]: That may be a nice hack to test the FPM assumption!
Lisp is too dynamic :)
* mfiano
is amused at the thought of #'(setf documentation) being changed when you look at it.
Macros that generate symbols need to use this :)
And if they use this they can break FPM assumption while passing the above test...
Anyways, a lot of programs can still run if you delete all the packages
As long as you keep a reference to the entrypoint somewhere
Actually I think there is an outrageous hack to make macros finding specific package at runtime still work
First I assume they will use keyword symbols instead of strings, then we can unintern those keywords after each build, and hack `find-package` so they recognize such keyword
(resolve them to proper dependency)
EdLangley[m]: !!! Thank you for that archaic macro, very useful to protect against unintended consequences
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So, I think the best way (at the moment) to make building systems deterministic is to compute a dependency graph of the system you want to load and then do a depth-first postorder traversal of the graph, building each system you encounter in a subprocess
Then you load all the generated FASLs in order
EdLangley[m]: hmm, interesting. so, because we can't do isolation in Lisp, let's use UNIX process virtualization to do isolation
EdLangley[m]: sounds plausible but I don't really like it because unix :/
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EdLangley[m]: wait isn't that just using Guix
i gotta go now.
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kathe: you can buy the book before completing learning Common Lisp! </shameless_plug>
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phoe: i assure you that i will definitely buy the book, only i want to be ready for it. :)
I dare say if you have completely learned common lisp you will not get much value out of the book, but
phoe: will you please consider writing a similar walk-through for 'clos' using 'mop'? currently there are disparate books, mostly going beyond what's really required to work under common lisp.
AMOP is the one to read.
THough as a technical book, it is quite dry and makes many mistakes.
'amop' is dependent on "keene".
and "keene" isn't readily available. even on amazon.
phoe: thanks a million for considering.
the only sane way to access keene's book is to *somehow* grab a physical copy or to visit Library Generic
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Well I got it a few years ago, but I never opened it yet.
yes, these are the used ones I menioned
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the new ones have insane prices
Mine is new. Arrived in pristine condition too
phoe: a book for the rest of us. please please please. :)
kathe: hm
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Hmm I think I'll read this book this weekend. Looks like I will enjoy it better than AMOP. I found too many errors in that book that stunted my learning and questioned my sanity.
phoe: i think you'd do a better job of writing an error-free book.
kathe: if you're alluding to TCLCS, I simply had enough reviewers from all over my known Lisp world
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that was enough to catch many many mistakes I'd personally made as a writer
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this, and TCLCS is so much *less* complex than the MOP
I heard a bad review of TCLCS the other day :(
phoe: i bet you'll get similar support for a 'clos'/'mop' book which is modern.
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I need to know it so I can possibly improve a future second edition
Let me see if I can find it.
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phoe: there's a book on 'clos' by paepcke from 'mit' press.
‘modern’ is overrated, if something works well that’s more than enough (and hi)
the main issue with keene book is that some examples don't really work anymore, and they're kind of badly chosen (e.g. the lock primitive)
phoe: the 'mit' press book explains 3 different approaches to 'mop' implementation without relying on common lisp.
and paepcke's is kind of a collection of articles rather than a singular and consistent book
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is i agree on that about the paepcke book.
which makes it both interesting for some people and uninteresting for others
in fact most of the paepcke book seems to be available as papers in 'pdf'.
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i found a book called "interpreting lisp" by knotts. is it good?
i gotta go. time for lunch. see you all later.
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looks like it's either going to require extreme dedication for me to erase 24 years of ingrained key-stroke muscle memory, or i'm going to have to use "vim + vlime".
emacs has this interesting thing called buffers which become useful when grabbing code from/to the emacs email client, emacs code editor, emacs irc client and org-mode.
it would allow me to never take my hands off the keyboard and not have to switch between multiple onscreen windows for various applications. emacs has all of it in one place. in addition to having fantastic support for common lisp development.
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kathe: or use evil mode
all the vim keybindings on all of the emacs
e.g. spacemacs has an option to use it by default
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phoe: great! thanks for that tip. will look into it.
How do BSD users get their Common Lisp libraries if they do not use Quicklisp? The ports tree for FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD are mostly devoid of Common Lisp libraries.
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ns12, i don't think there are very many common lisp developers working on any of the 'bsd' systems.
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Is there an equivalent of sb-ext:symbol-global-value on ECL?
ns12: it doesn't, at least for me on mostly default evil settings - but I use smartparens instead
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mgl: maybe #ecl will be able to answer better
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kathe: So what OS do Common Lisp programmers use? Linux? Some Linux distributions use NetBSD's ports tree (pkgsrc). There are zero Common Lisp libraries in pkgsrc.
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linux here
I also know about macos and windows people
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ns12, mostly linux (debian and derived) and macos.
ns12, i think most common lisp libraries are got using quicklisp.
Yeah, Debian has many Common Lisp libraries in its package repository.
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they are a constant source of anguish and conflicts to anyone who has them installed and wants to use e.g. Quicklisp
Isn't that ASDF's fault for not allowing users to arbitrarily add/remove/reorder the directories where libraries are found?
it allows them to do so
but people need to remember to do it, and they don't
AFAIK, it is not possible to make ASDF ignore a single directory such as /usr/share/common-lisp/cl-asdf/
it's possible to remove it from its central registry variable, that's for sure
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Suppose I have installed many Common Lisp libraries using APT. The libraries get installed in /usr/share/common-lisp/ (e.g. /usr/share/common-lisp/cl-lib1/, /usr/share/common-lisp/cl-lib2, etc.).
How do I make ASDF completely ignore the existence of /usr/share/common-lisp/cl-lib1/ only?
Isn't the asdf:*central-registry* method obsolete?
I have no idea how to exclude it the "proper" way, I'
I'd simply clone cl-lib1 into my local-projects and have this one provide cl-lib1.asd
asdf:*central-registry* is NIL by default, so there is really nothing to remove from it.
"I'd simply clone cl-lib1 into my local-projects and have this one provide cl-lib1.asd" - Yes, but then ASDF will complain/warn that there are two different versions of the same library ...
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will it? AFAIK it'll stop on the first found ASD file
but then again, I might very likely be wrong
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I do not have a lot of practical ASDF experience, I use it for simple cases most of the time
"I have no idea how to exclude it the "proper" way" - I actually have no idea whether or not it is possible. I'll read the docs again (for the fourth time...).
Me too, I use it for simple cases most of the time. I just have not figured out how to make ASDF ignore one single library at a specified filepath.
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maybe something like putting (:source-registry (:exclude "cl-lib1")) in ~/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf (I've not tried it.. check the manual for more info)
add seasoning and :inherit-configuration
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minion: memo for marcoxa: a CDR idea would be to make DESCRIBE for symbols configurable, so e.g. if I create some custom namespace mapping from symbols to my custom objects, I can have this reflected in (describe 'foo); the portable DESCRIBE-OBJECT mechanism doesn't allow for that.
Remembered. I'll tell marcoxa when he/she/it next speaks.
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maybe trying to use describe for that is what's wrong
also note that any arbitrary object can serve as a name for something
_death: I'm looking at LISP-NAMESPACE and the horrible hack it uses for actually adding things to DESCRIBE output
and the worst thing is that it seems to work, and that LISP-NAMESPACE is the 51st most popular Quicklisp system
just because someone wrote something doesn't mean it's a good idea?.. and just because it's been downloaded many times doesn't mean it's popular (= used by many)
agreed, and agreed
Perhaps it is best to supply something entirely different both for DESCRIBE and DOCUMENTATION. I mean, no other module depends on them, so we might as well design a new mechanism for them.
That way, we could plan for internationalization, for instance, but also for something other than raw text for DOCUMENTATION.
yes, but that won't work with CL:DESCRIBE, which is *the* object description facility
Yes, that would be the point. Abandon those broken facilities.
they ain't broken, they just aren't extensible
think CL streams without Gray streams
or CL:READ without Eclector :D
I assume we could use a client technique to pass additional arguments to DESCRIBE or DOCUMENTATION, just like Eclector does with READ
Colleen: look up multilang-documentation
Shinmera: Great! Too bad the language object is not that of acclimation.
Granted, I never had the time to actually make use of it. But I hoped it would find some use when the Radiance documentation was translated into Japanese. Sadly it never got beyond the primary documentation file (so no docstrings were localised)
Anyway, I was also thinking of structured documentation that can contain links, and that can be presented in different ways.
But I'll be quiet now.
I think someone here used my documentation-utils package with an extension of their own to provide structured docstrings that are then just compiled down to a plaintext version for backwards compat.
maybe some semantic network package that could allow interactive exploration
* Shinmera
has to return to gamedev
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...the elephant in the room that is here is that none of the implementations seem to define an :AFTER (SYMBOL T) method on DESCRIBE-OBJECT
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so there's a semantic network project called sneps.. sneps3 is from 2012 and seems to use ltk/common-graphics or a java gui.. it also has allegro-specific code for loading (no asdf), wonder how much effort would be needed to get it to work portably.. and it seems they decided to rewrite in clojure :o
anyway, it's a pretty small project (10kloc incl. ltk bundled) so.. not much effort
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with some gamedev toolkit (trial) maybe an interface like http://www.wikiwebapp.com/ can be written for introspecting the lisp image
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I will happily accept contributors to Trial/Alloy :)
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ah yes, I probably meant alloy
Trial is the game engine, Alloy the UI toolkit.
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maybe some weekend ;)
I did just try some alloy examples, and seems to mostly work.. menu-bar items appear to have wrong widths (maybe has something to do with stumpwm?)
_death: The glfw backend uses the fond text renderer, which is abandoned. The maintained backend is the msdf renderer, but that one requires precompiling texture atlases for fonts using an external tool. |3b| has been working on the pure-lisp version of that for some time, and hopefully it'll be ready for use this year so I can switch to that and purge the fond one.
I see
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Could I ask, was there ever a working prototype or theory about how to run a Common Lisp game on Android or iOS?
Iirc there are cl games running on android.
stuff published on the store even.
Would those likely be using ECL and then wrapping the native code?
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replace the last part of the URI with your system name
yes but .. i am *searching* for a library and not sure if the one i found is the one I am looking for
oh I see, thanks
so just quickload it and M-. to it :)
pfft :D
it's not a joke
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i guessed as much, just too lazy to do it, hence the pfft :P
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hey all, pretty new to common lisp. I wanted to ask if there's some library to write html front ends in pure common lisp. I don't really need much js interop I can implement all I need on my own
epolanski: CL-WHO comes to mind
I use clip
for pretty much everything, both static and dynamic.
I may be biased for the usual reasons though
interesting I want to give it a spin, I have recently released a pet project and since I have already all E2E tests setup I thought it would be nice to create an experimental branch and TDD the same application in a different language, possibly common lisp
sounds like a plan :)
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I use spinneret for generating HTML
epolanski: there's also CL-EMB, which has a bit of a JSP vibe
There's a *ton* of HTML generators
not sure if there's as many as there are json parsers, but it has to be close.
it's just so simple to make one
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ok but generating templates is one of the issues, what about interacting with dom APIs?
e.g. making SPAs in scala, elm, haskell, ocaml is possible, wonder if that's true for common lisp as well
You can use stuff like Parenscript to pretend like you're writing CL which is then spit out as JS
But all of these approaches are severely limited and only expose a subset of CL
There is currently no full implementation that can compile to JS, and it is unlikely it would be worth it anyway, due to the runtime size imposed by the CL standard.
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is that because many cl apis are implemented in C?
Common Lisp is a big standard, with a lot of stuff that is needed to make an implementation compliant. For instance, the entire compiler needs to be available at runtime. By necessity this makes the runtime large.
I'm new to CL but I've read that many CL functions are not implemented in CL itself but, e.g. in C
where did you read that
because it's bonkers
I too would like to know the author of that writing.
I've read that in Land of Lisp book
I have that book. Can you give a page number?
It would be another item in my list of points where that book is bad.
Barsky uses and recommends clisp in his books, right?
what's number one on that list?
epolanski: To preempt things, how functions are implemented is an implementation detail. However, all implementations that are in serious use implement most of their library in CL. C is only really used to interface with the operating system or to implement very hairy things like the GC.
I'm not ultra fond of the book to be honest, not as much as I was in SICP when I've first read it
found many enthusiastic comments on hacker news so I started reading it
I recommend Practical Common Lisp instead.
minion: Please tell epolanski about PCL.
epolanski: please look at PCL: pcl-book: "Practical Common Lisp", an introduction to Common Lisp by Peter Seibel, available at http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/ and in dead-tree form from Apress (as of 11 April 2005).
thanks, I will add it to the list 💪
epolanski: But I would still like to know the page number of that.
... of that statement that many CL APIs are implemented in C.
I will check it later as I read it on a different device
No rush.
Shinmera: then I guess that it's similar to how JS node makes syscalls implemented in a different language.
but it's only a detail of the environment rather than the language itself
epolanski: And you can remove Land of Lisp from your list. It contains so many errors that it is embarrassing, and it is likely to give the reader many incorrect ideas.
thank you, never ever gonna trust hacker news on lisp again
iirc, Land of Lisp has a whole chapter that only works in CLISP, which hasn't had a stable release in over 10 years (July 2010)
Snide comment: "don't trust hacker news" seems like a generally applicable recommendation :)
and imo CLISP was never that good of an implementation unless you needed low RAM (because it's bytecode interpreted, not native compiled)
Clearly there should exist a "html templating library construction kit", that makes the user answer questions like "Name of library?", "Use CLOS? Y/N", "Single or multiple packages?", "Coding style? [80's, 90's, ...]" etc and then output the library. This way people could get the feeling of rolling their own, without wasting a bunch of time ;)
There are a few users who post good/interesting Lisp info on HN. I follow lispm, mikelevins, reikonomusha and a few others directly via https://hnrss.github.io rather than going to the site.
HN was always about startups... Lisp and programming-in-general content has gone down and complaining-about-housing-costs-in-SF has gone up as the bull market rallies for over a decade now.
n-gate.com seems to be on hiatus unfortunately
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I got very frustrated trying to figure out Land of Lisp. Now restarting with PCL
indeed LoL has some very confusing code and quite a few errors
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I found land of lisp entertaining, but I was not a newbie at the time, and I wouldn't recommend it to newbies
I think it needs a new edition
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it could probably be fixed
Iirc, I have an ebook PDF of it... from a Humble Book Bundle ages ago?
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aeth: I found the author's lisp style to be confusing
seemed hackerish to me
mind you there was some interesting ideas in the book
tyson2: well, my impression at the time, and it has been years, is that it seemed oudated.
anyway I've committed to PCL, just need to block out regular timeslots for it
my impression of PCL is that it doesn't seem... linear? I definitely read the chapters out of order as needed
definitely more useful than LoL
I decided not to try using PCL on windows, will install it in WSL (probably using Docker image), and develop from emacs on windows, which I'm comfortable with
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sbcl I mean
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qhong: Since you referenced the discussion a few days ago, I'm guessing you're also interested in loading multiple versions of the same system into the same image? Perhaps even as part of the dependency tree of a single project?
If so, I think your rename-package hack will also likely make generic functions way less useful.
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Let's assume there's a system (and package) FOO. It defines the class BAR and has a generic function BAZ with a method specialized on BAR.
Then I have a system qux that somehow pulls in two different versions of FOO in its dependency tree. Let's say they're renamed to FOO@1 and FOO@2.
Under the current practice, it'd be completely fine to share instances of BAR across different branches of the dependency tree.
But if that happens with the rename-package hack, you'll likely end up calling FOO@2:BAZ on a FOO@1:BAR instance. No such method exists for that: boom.
nij-: you may be interested in that ^ as well
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Another reason for first-class global environments.
beach: I really need to read your paper on that. It's very interesting to me, but so far I've been inferring capabilities based on what other people are saying
Need to go directly to the source myself
etimmons: I don't think you have to do that. It is pretty trivial, really.
The only invention is the cell thing to make function calls as fast as in typical Common Lisp implementations.
etimmons: I'm still thinking about what reproducible mean under CL context. I think the problem stems from the absence of distinction between "software" and "config" in Lisp system. Different version of "software" should be definitely isolated, but maybe not so config. We may heuristically count all special variables and generic functions as configs.
beach: I don't think FCGE can help with the above generic function problem
etimmons: But you can obviously read it if you like.
I guess my biggest question is how can different environments interact (if at all). That's not something I've been able to glean from listening to others
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It is also not described in the paper.
EdLangley[m]: the main issue with GENERIC-{FLET,LABELS} is the special operator CL:FUNCTION - we want it to return the GF itself, rather than some intermediate function that wraps over it (as would be the case with FBIND)
But I think I may have a video on that. For the online Lisp meeting.
EdLangley[m]: it seems that a real GENERIC-FBIND trying to bind a function named FOO would need to bind a generic function object as some lexical variable #:FOO, then walk the body form and rewrite it in order to replace (FOO ...) calls with (FUNCALL #:FOO ...) and value occurrences of #'FOO with just #:FOO
and that's ugly but necessary if we want CL:FUNCTION to work correctly in that context
either that, or get an implementation-defined FBIND, or use some kind of DEFGENERIC-with-an-anonymous-name trickeries like that post mentioned
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i wonder if an fbind could be useful for other things. if not generic functions, some other kinds of funcallable instances.
I guess it could, sure
if you have a working implementation-defined FBIND then a GENERIC-FLET becomes easy
but there isn't such a thing, AFAIK, and won't be because FBIND requires evaluation before a function is bound
the best there is is SERAPEUM:FBIND which does macrology and binding intermediate functions to work around this
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"won't be"? i mean, i don't see any reason it couldn't work as a language extension
OK, let me clarify: "won't be" as in "I have no idea if any implementer actually considers it worthy enough to implement it as a true special form"
and it needs to be a special form because it needs to interact with CL:FUNCTION
...or it needs to walk and rewrite bodies as I mentioned above
oh, yeah sure.
guess it could be slightly complicated since now #'foo can mean something other than a known function or global lookup. probably not a huge deal though.
the whole point of it being a special form is it interacting with CL:FUNCTION the same way that CL:FLET and CL:LABELS do
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how exactly its semantics are implemented is a bit more complex I guess, because you need to grab a function as a value and stuff it back into the function namespace
and unlike with FLET/LABELS you have no idea what kind of function object it is, you don't know its lambda list or type
(and unlike with global lookups)
I guess that can complicate a FBIND implementation, unless the programmer provides appropriate FTYPE declarations
like, (defun foo (fn) (fbind ((fn fn)) ...)) - inside the body we have no idea what #'FN is like or how to optimize it
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yeah, but that's also true if you just write #'fn to refer to a global function.
like, a naïve version would be to rewrite FBIND into LET, FUNCTION of FBIND'd functions into variable references, and calls
I can probably grab a code walker and make a portable PoC of sorts
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like, if CL-CONT can do that then so can we
oh i'm just thinking of how to do it as an implementor. if i wanted to try a userspace thing i'd probably just shadow cl:function and #' and call it good
I'd call it sorta ugly and actually rewrite the body instead, so I can keep the original cl:function and #'
i figure it would be fine since if you're using fbind you're already doing an extension thing, and also it's lexical, so the fbind user is also the one using the shadow #'
fbind would toss some information into symbol-macrolet, which the function macro would then use, and if there wasn't any fbind to the name it would just expand into cl:function
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I just want to avoid shadowing CL:FUNCTION for user convenience
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* phoe
has an oh-shit moment when he realizes that agnostic-lizard is GPLv3
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What's the problem with that?
I supplied it as a dependency for a MIT library, and that's not a good thing licensing-wise
I see.
Anyone who understand what GPL means for CL?
qhong: people have issues understanding what GPL means for /C/, Lisp is probably exposing it even more :/
I guess it's same as elsewhere, you need to share source code for everything in your Lisp image when you deliver binaries containing GPL code, plus anti-tivoization clauses in case of GPLv3
figuring out "what's code and what's data" is left as an exercise to the reader
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phoe: so lispworks is screwed?
why would lispworks be screwed
I have no idea :D it probably uses the same mechanism that allows you to deliver GPLv3 code using proprietary compilers, e.g. MSVC or Intel for C/C++
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phoe: but lispworks will live inside the same image/address space…
yes, the main exercise here is that there's no good way to tell apart the code and the platform in image-based environments
phoe: scope of what's covered by GPL or not is apparently non-trivial
But it fails with HTTP 400 being unexpected, regardless whether I target a remote, known-to-work, server, or the local server, done like the example in the repo suggests
Any advise on how to troubleshoot this?
I think GPL has a section about system libraries, which is what allows you to compile with proprietary C compilers but I don't know if something like the entirety of lispworks counts as a system library for the GPL
well, you can't run Lisp code without a Lisp implementation, so
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EdLangley[m]: what i'm envisioning here is situations in which you want to do something with the instance other than call it.
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in which case you can't then work with #'foo, which is just a mundane function
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dbotton: your URL included "web_3" and I was about to rail against that phrase ;)
thankfully, that was not the case
Bike: good point
that said, while i've probably defined more classes of functional instances than 99.9% of lispers, i've never really needed to lexically bind them.
partly that's probably because i'm using them within an implementation, though. people writing software software probably have different patterns
phoe: alexandria:unwind-protect-case implements the technique in your blog post
White_Flame lol well nothing has changed on the web in a very long time, including people trying to hi jack names with version numbers
The fact that CL is so stable is one of its greatest appeals
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fe[nl]ix: !!!
* phoe
updates the post
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If CL is so stable how come my game crashes all the damn time
Checkmate, atheists
fe[nl]ix: updated, thank you!
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EdLangley[m]: (eq #1# #'foo) ;=> NIL
that's the only issue, as Bike mentioned
Yeah, personally I'd put up with that to avoid code-walking :)
Alternatively, FBIND could just have lisp-1 semantics and just LET + FLET foo
I'mma go the rough route
* phoe
quickloads hu.dwim.walker
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shinmera as we I use to say in my corporate days - but it worked on my machine - ie don[t blame for human error ;)
My shitty code doesn't even work on my machine
Ah but do enough ctr-alt-x and nothing works
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Anyway, sure wish I had the money to hire another programmer so I could concentrate on, you know, actually designing stuff instead of fixing the myriad of bugs in my tower of yaks
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I think that is the dream of all developers
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Is it? Some people love to debug.
Those are programmers
Feels like semantics.
I develop software as my artistic expressions
I know how to program of course
That is what I am loving most about CL, the ease to express my ideas
If I had the money I would hire a programmer to add the robustness needed that I get in other languages like Ada that don't come for free but you are forced to address from the start
not the language mind you, add the robustness to my code
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For the scale of the kind of game I'm building I'm definitely way under-budgeted and under-staffed :/
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I feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount of json libraries, that all look good
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For all who are interested: I will be hosting a webinar on the April APL compiler (compiles APL into Common Lisp) tomorrow at 16:00 UTC. You can see the webinar at https://zoom.us/j/858532665, the passcode is 391680 It may be early for American viewers; that's 8am on the US west coast
This webinar is hosted by the British APL Association, so it'll offer a look at April from the perspective of APL users, as opposed to my last presentation which was directed at Lisp users
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nice! will there be a recording? (I won't be able to attend)
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