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<Clement52> Hello, I have a quality question : In the kernel source code directory, there is a file named ".clang-format" which helps to format the code you are developping whith common IDE. In this file there is the property "SortIncludes" which the value is "false". But in the online documentation of the kernel it is advised to use clang-format to sort
<Clement52> #includes. Does someone know why the SortIncludes value is false ?
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<frieder> Clement52: Seems like the reason is given at the bottom of the docs page you linked:
<Clement52> Thank you, didn't notice it at first read sorry
<frieder> Clement52: you're welcome, no worries.
<Xogium> does anyone here has a trick to get the actual backing device of root= via userspace or maybe something parsable in /proc ?
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<Xogium> as in, say mmcblk2p2 is the root=, I just want to figure out mmcblk2. Or the device that backs a specific partition via its partuuid
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<Xogium> in case there'd be tools suitable for that I do have udev
<Xogium> tools from udev that is
<javierm> Xogium: maybe lsblk -dpno pkname $part ?
<Xogium> javierm: what do I substitute %part with ?
<Xogium> err $part, sorry
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<Xogium> I tried 2 and p2 and it just said not a block device, so I'm assuming I got it wrong
<Xogium> nvm I found :)
<Xogium> yes, I think this should do nicely
<Xogium> the rootfs can be move around in this context so a nice systemd generator will help a lot in figuring out the proper one
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<Xogium> javierm: thank you, that worked. Hopefully this is fairly stable and doesn't break any time soon :D
<javierm> Xogium: yw
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