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<hggg123> Hi.. Hope this is the right forum.. I am trying to bringup SMP on a new soc with 2 arm cores. Now when trying to start 2nd core, with multple fixes along the way, I got to the point where secondary_startup (head.S) tries to enable the MMU. Now we set up the TTBR1 with the pagetables already setup for core0 and then enable MMU. At this point, it takes a data abort, basically because the identity mapping
<hggg123> entries do not exist. But this seems to be a classic problem. So how does it work on other socs?
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<hggg123> so __turn_mmu_on does seem to be in .idmap.text section.. So guess the real question is why the mapping does not exist in my case.
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<hggg123> found the problem..virt_to_idmap() is not defined properly for XIP_KERNEL which was something I was trying to get working with SMP at the same time. Thanks for your help.. Cheers!
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<arnd> krzk, robher: can you confirm that the addition of lots of "bootph-all" properties in etc is what we want for the dts files in the kernel? I hadn't seen those before, but I can see it following the schema in
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<robher> arnd: Want is an overstatement, but allowed, yes. One difference with the prior u-boot only tags, is that parent nodes are supposed to be implicitly included. Before, the node would obviously remain, but all the properties could be dropped.
<robher> I suspect without enforcing that, folks have just done a search and replace...
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