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<Lightsword> anyone know how one might go about determining the correct irq and reset gpio's for configuring a touchscreen in a device tree?
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<jn> Lightsword: if available, i'd look at the schematics for the board in question
<Lightsword> jn, yeah...that's kind of the problem, vendor does't provide schematics, it's similar to one that has schematics but this particular touchscreen is a different model from the one with schematics
<jn> which are unfortunately often unavailable for proprietary electronics, in which case, you'd have to look at existing code which uses the IRQ/reset pins (software reverse-engineering), or trace the board (hardware reverse-engineering)
<Lightsword> jn, yeah so I decompiled the vendor device tree...however the irq's/gpio's configured there for the touchscreen don't seem to be configured entirely correctly there either as the vendor kernel throws a bunch of irq/rst gpio related warnings on startup(although it does eventually seem to start up), in my build it sometimes sorta works but seems to glitch
<jn> hmm
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<Lightsword> is it possible to apply a pinctrl configuration only when the touchscreen i2c register is present?
<jn> i don't think so
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<Lightsword> one issue I think is that the device has multiple touchscreen variants that need to by dynamically detected based on the i2c register addresses, currently there's multiple touchscreens configured in the i2c node and I'm thinking they may conflict somehow
<jn> ah
<jn> i've seen this kind of situation before, but i don't know if there's a standard solution for it yet
<Lightsword> jn, yeah like the vendor device tree has 3 different touchscreen drivers configured and I think only one is ever actually present
<Lightsword> jn, yeah so the cleaned up decompiled vendor device tree looks like this
<Lightsword> ctw6120_tsc@38 is the normal touchscreen controller on the board their custom board is derived from which seems to work ok, tsc@0x24 is the one I'm trying to use and I haven't seen the hardware using tsc@0x48
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<ukleinek> mmind00: I'll mark as handled-elsewhere in the pwm patchwork.
<mmind00> ukleinek: sounds great ... and I've seen your mail reply now too :-D ... I'll pick this patch together with the rest then
<broonie> Lightsword: dianders has a patch on the list for exactly that scenario at the minute
<Lightsword> broonie, oh, cool, have a link to that? I'll try and test it out
<broonie> Lightsword: not off hand sorry and I’m literally on a plane with in flight WiFi. Should be a very recent post on the DT list I think?
<broonie> That’s it yes
<Lightsword> oh, neat, that looks to be what I'm looking for
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<ukleinek> mmind00: 👍
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