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<bjdooks> does anyone have a qemu branch with pi4? not fancying manually applying a 44 patch series
<ardb> bjdooks: b4 not working for you?
<bjdooks> no-one seems to have merged it into qemu yet
<bjdooks> unless i'm not looking in the right place
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<bjdooks> oh you mean b4 is a tool, not the pi4b
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<bjdooks> i'll go and try that and if not, will see if the original authour can put a git tree up somewhere
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<bjdooks> hmm, b4 am -p qemu-arm isn't working, any ideas?
<ardb> bjdooks: are the patches on qemu-devel?
<bjdooks> I think so
<ardb> you can grab the mbox, gunzip and and use b4 am -m t.mbox
<bjdooks> ah yes, there's an mbox download
<bjdooks> thanks
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<bjdooks> grr, after getting the pi4 in, qemu pi4 doesn't support secure mode boot :/
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