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<arnd> ndesaulniers: I think I see two bugs in that report: the missing dependency causes the crypto_register_skciphers() to fail, and a bug in the cleanup code causes the WARN_ON() by trying to unregister it when it wasn't actually registered.
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<ukleinek> linusw__: I wonder if you (and Bartosz) still have on your radar?
<linusw__> ukleinek: I think Bartosz has made a few patches to make the situation better, a few of those queued for -next.
<linusw__> git log --oneline --author=Bartosz drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c brings some interesting improvements
<linusw__> 3386fb86ecde gpiolib: fix reference leaks when removing GPIO chips still in use being the most obvious
<linusw__> But also the notifier patches are supposed to make this better.
<ukleinek> This doesn't address all my concerns. I'll archive the mail here anyhow and let linusw__ track this
<linusw__> ukleinek: afaik Bartosz is working on several improvements so what's merged is just the beginning, but it makes things better at least.
<ukleinek> linusw__: then s/linusw__/Bartosz/ :-)
<linusw__> ukleinek: your point on gpiod_request_commit() seems still in need of adressing, I think we should use a scoped guard there.
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<ukleinek> tagr: can you please push out your for-next branch with the commits you already took?
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<Xogium> is linux support for device tree overlays good ? How does this work anyway ? The whole concept of overlays is confusing to me. But I need to use it, I think, so that people can carry a generic dt and then apply overlays to enable additional functions like for example a connected pwm buzzer on some timer
<Xogium> I read a little on the ideas of overlays, but I'm still unsure
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<CounterPillow> the current mainline approach is to have u-boot apply overlays to the tree it passes to the Linux kernel
<broonie> Linux itself tries to avoid thinking about overlays for things that are hardware defined, the main exception is around FPGAs.
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<Xogium> I see
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<Xogium> also, is there any way to add nodes into a dt node that hasn't any label / phandle defined ? For example I want to connect a pwm buzzer and this is on timers3. St did not define a phandle and simply call it timers3 in the dtsi
<Xogium> so I can't do &timers3 for example
<Xogium> this is also outside of the overlay context btw
<Xogium> but I guess it applies in both cases
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<robmur01> Xogium: you just have to spell out the full path from the root node, e.g.
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<Xogium> robmur01: oh, I see. That's a cool trick
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