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<maz> well, it looks like my brand-new RPi5 isn't happy and turns itself off as soon as it sees power. I guess that's one way of saving energy.
<Xogium> maz: did you get their non standard psu ?
<Xogium> yes because pi 5 wants 5v 5a. They require a non standard psu to manage this though, because, because well, rpi foundation just didn't want to add a stepdown converter on the board
<Xogium> so instead of doing the proper thing and requiring 12v for giving out that 5a and getting it down to 5v, they decided, hey lets make a non standard usb-c psu that will deliver 5v 5a
<Xogium> honestly I already was no huge fan of the rpi before the rpi 5, but this rpi 5 business requiring a non standard psu and meaning you can't use any random usb-c psu definitely put me off ever getting a rpi even to toy with it
<sven> huh, did they mess up so badly that a normal type c psu won't even work with limited performance?
<Xogium> sven: I am not sure. But this is the first thing I thought of when maz said their rpi 5 wouldn't power on
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<Xogium> iirc regular psu have max 3a @ 5v
<sven> would be disappointing if that's not enough for average load :/
<Xogium> honestly some kind of mess up seems almost unavoidable to me given the rpi is cheap in the power management department
<Xogium> for instance rpi 4 couldn't use any random usb-c psu either, in fact it would especially dislike the psu that did the proper thing with usb power delivery
<sven> oh yeah, didn't they also mess up the CC line resistors in some previous board which then failed if the charger actually followed the USB PD spec?
<Xogium> yep
<Xogium> exactly that
<Xogium> I'm still surprised that rpi is still getting so much traction given the increasingly weird things they've been up to
<Xogium> rpi 5 took out the hw h264 decoding
<sven> i still like the rp2040 / pico boards
<Xogium> yeah, those rae not too bad
<Xogium> *are
<Xogium> but personally, I'd sooner buy an orange pi 5+ than a rpi. Way more attractive
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<maz> Xogium: yeah, the custom, nih. not that it change anything as it doesn't work with *any* other PSU.
<Xogium> ah
<Xogium> that was my first idea
<Xogium> maybe you got a defective rpi :/
<maz> and for the record, the spec doesn't say it *needs* 5A. it says that if the PSU isn't capable of 5V@5A, the amount of current on the USB ports is reduced. not quite the same thing.
<Xogium> ah, so they did the right thing for that, after all. Good
<Xogium> still a dumb idea to have not put a stepdown converter, but
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