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<gromero> Hi. In the past, on archs like x86 and PPC64, I would find the precise instructions given a kernel call trace by just using objdump -S ./vmlinuz. But now with UEFI and PE I understand that vmlinuz is pure binary. So how can I list the function names and the asm for the instructions in the functions if I only have the image (vmlinuz) and the
<krzk> lag: robher: tagr: ukleinek: Lee, you picked up MFD patch which unfortunately depends on PWM. Proper cover letters are still too difficult for Qualcom :/
<krzk> lag: can you also pick up bindings for PWM? Thread is:
<krzk> lag: without that patch, next is not happy: mfd/qcom,tcsr.example.dtb: syscon@1937000: pwm@a010: False schema does not allow
<krzk> alternatively the PWM bits could be applied and go via PWM tree - next will be fine, although there will be some bisectability-window when merged to Linus
<lag> I can do it with a tagr Ack
<lag> Does MFD depend on PWM or vice versa?
<lag> Usually other subsystems depend on MFD
<lag> (I haven't looked)
<lag> Oh, it's a binding thing
<lag> How will that harm bisectablity?
<ukleinek> it harms dtb_check I assume
<lag> Who's running dtb_check during a bisect?
<lag> Should be fine for tagr to pick it up
* ukleinek nods
<krzk> lag: it affects check of bindings themselve - dt_binding__check
<krzk> so like a warning, but I agree that it is a minor thing, so can go via tagr as well
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