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<biju> Reverting 561c58efd2394d "sched/fair: Fix pick_eevdf()" fixes the issue
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<biju> geertu: Ok I have provided feedback to the patch thread.
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<ajb-linaro> do all Neoverse derived cores imply ARM SMMU's and GICs or do some SoCs ship with different stuff?
<robmur01> there's no requirement, but off-hand I can't point at an example of anyone licensing Neoverse CPUs without also taking the matching generation of GIC/CMN/SMMU system IP
<robmur01> Ah, maybe Marvell - looks like the OCTEON 10 stuff puts Neoverse-N2 with at least their own interconnect, not sure whether they'd still be using the ex-Cavium GIC/SMMU implementations as well
<maz> I hope not. this thing was a train wreck.
* maz eyes the TX1 that's sitting right next to him...
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<maz> robmur01: or maybe you were thinking of the BCM-designed versions?
<robmur01> maz: yeah, TX2 plus the assumption that they were probably iterating on those for TX3 at some point. Thanks (not) for reminding me that TX1 exists :(
<robmur01> I'd say you're about 3 weeks early for horrors like that...
<maz> huh
<maz> at some point, I'll need to pick your brain about getting the SMMUv2 up on running on this crap -- the DT is wrong, and the ACPI tables are worse. but hey, it boots mainline...
<bjdooks> out of interest, anyone know what handles the secondary core startup for the qemu aarch64 virt machine? I know it seems to be writing into the start of sec-ram so i'm assuming there's some sort of microbiois / startup code that is doing a sit in WFI loop awaiting the command to go
<Guest8843> bjdooks: I thoguht that always used PSCI?
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<robmur01> maz: oof, TX1 DT hacking... according to my local branch it's now almost 7 years since I last went there :)
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<maz> robmur01: I'm not surprised. but if you push that branch out somewhere, I can take it for a ride on this box (MT30-GS0 relocated in a PC enclosure, surprisingly silent...)
<bjdooks> mrutland: when running tf-a the tf-a takes the psci and writes to magic sram area
<robmur01> bjdooks: I think that's your answer then - presumably QEMU sees that write as a signal to start the CPU. The beauty of being a "virt" machine is that you're not constrained to always behave like physical hardware would have to :)
<bjdooks> yeah, was wondering if that's a physical driver, or just firmware it is loading would be nice to know
<robmur01> If you're already in TF-A, then anything below that is the "hardware" of QEMU's implementation.
<robmur01> I guess you could pretend there's an invisible MCU polling the SRAM location and releasing the main CPU(s) from reset in response - that would be one physical equivalent
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<robmur01> ...although from the comment here - - maybe there is actually just a spin loop in the TF-A "ROM", and it is the secondary CPUs themselves that are polling the SRAM?
<arnd> robmur01: I think I hadn't realized that octeon10 is derived from thunderx/cn8xxx/cn96xx/cn98xx rather than armada7k/cn91xx, but I suppose that makes sense as they have pretty much killed off all the other armada (and vulcan) derivatives
<robmur01> arnd: TBF I don't know if it's "derived" as such or something completely new yet again, just inferring they're still doing at least *some* degree of in-house stuff since "XCalibur Interconnect" doesn't sound like Arm CMN
<arnd> robmur01: I checked the public sdk sources that groups cn92xx/cn96xx/cn98xx into the same family as cn10k, and they all use the same device drivers. The main difference seems to be finally killing off their custom cpu cores that they had inherited from thunderx1
<arnd> I haven't actually seen any of those in products, but I've seen plenty of cn91xx based machines mentioned, and those are just new revisions of armada7k/8k (cortex-a72 based) that have nothing in common with the cn92xx despite both being named "Octeon TX2" in marketing material
<arnd> and of course neither of the two Octeon TX2 families have anything in common with ThunderX2, but I think that is widely known
<robmur01> Well, AFAIK Octeon TX2 is the "real" ThunderX2 that was in development when they acquired Vulcan and decided to release that as cn99xx "ThunderX2" instead
<arnd> right, that was my conclusion as well. The cn92xx/96xx/98xx material just mentions it's an Armv8.2 with 66K L1I$ and 41 L1D$, but that is clearly different from ThunderX, ThunderX2 and any Cortex/Neoverse cores
<arnd> and of course they have the nitrox crypto unit that comes from the mips octeons
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<broonie> What's the command to generate a minified defconfig again?
<Xogium> broonie: mmake tinyconfig ?
<Xogium> err make
<broonie> I mean a reduced config from your current .config
<Xogium> ah huh
<Xogium> like a defconfig based on your .config ? make savedefconfig I think
<javierm> broonie: if building on the target, I usually do `make localmodconfig`
<Xogium> ah, yeah that works
<Xogium> I wasn't sure in what sense broonie meant reduced
<javierm> broonie: if is a DT platform, there's also ./scripts/dtc/dt_to_config
<Xogium> holy damn I never heard of that script before
<Xogium> wait so it builds a kernel with *only* the drivers you would need ?
<broonie> That's not it either, the goal is to not include options that are at default so the comfig is as physically small as possible.
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<Xogium> and here I was, strugging to take out all the stuff I wouldn't ever need from the multi_v7_defconfig...
<Xogium> *struggling
<Xogium> broonie: sounds like you want a defconfig then, so my make savedefconfig seems to be the right thing ?
<javierm> Xogium: yeah, what it does basically if identify all the compatible strings in your DTS nodes and then find the files where those are defined and from there get the Kconfig symbols
<Xogium> defconfig only saves the config options that are not the default
<javierm> Xogium: I just learned about that script recently thanks to geertu :)
<Xogium> javierm: well... I guess one learns something new every day. So that would completely remove things that are useless like sata in my case... Nice
<broonie> savedefcnfig that's it - thanks!
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<Xogium> broonie: np :)
<Xogium> well, dang. This will save me a LOT of time trying to figure out what I need or don't need in a config... And still making the build as minimal as possible
* Xogium was trying to master tinyconfig and just giving up at the complexity each and every time, going back to taking huge chunks out of the multi_v7_defconfig
<Xogium> 2016... Wow
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<Xogium> javierm: hmm I don't quite get how that script works here... It doesn't seem to figure out a lot of things on my dts file and claim nothing has a valid config ?
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<Xogium> I just get a bunch of entries like this
<Xogium> # ------------- : /soc/dma-controller@58000000 : st,stm32h7-mdma : no_driver : no_config : x
<Xogium> # no_config
<Xogium> maybe this script broke on recent perl version ?
<Xogium> perl 5.38.0-1
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<geertu> Xogium: strange
<geertu> drivers/dma/stm32-mdma.c: { .compatible = "st,stm32h7-mdma", },
<geertu> drivers/dma/Makefile:obj-$(CONFIG_STM32_MDMA) += stm32-mdma.o
<geertu> So I'd exoect it to work, as that one is easy to parse
<Xogium> geertu: aye
<Xogium> geertu: this is all I get with a basic --config-format then --config and dts path
<Xogium> seems like perl might have exploded it ?
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* Xogium scratches head
<Xogium> I can't easily downgrade to an earlier perl unfortunately
<Xogium> to test that theory
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<geertu> Xogium: TBH, I never really used scripts/dtc/dt_to_config
<geertu> Xogium: Does it work with which predates dt_to_config?
<Xogium> geertu: how do I try this, just grab that script and run it instead ?
<geertu> Xogium: yep
<Xogium> m'kay
<Xogium> testing
<geertu> BTW, you have to run all these scripts from the git repo containing the kernel sources
<Xogium> hmm well this is a tarball of a git repo, but it does have all the source
<geertu> Does git grep work?
<Xogium> geertu: this is a tarball so nah. This a tree made from git source by buildroot
<geertu> Xogium: That explains it, both scripts use 'git grep"
<Xogium> oh
<Xogium> hmm so in theory I can make it work if I grab my .config and put it in my git tree instead ?
<Xogium> hmm that seems better yeah ;)
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<Xogium> geertu: what would you recommand, start with tinyconfig or take multi v7 ?
<Xogium> to get the most of that script
<Xogium> because this seems to not do like disabling all configs you might not need
<Xogium> this makes a kconfig fragment to be applied on your existing config
<Xogium> the dt_to_config thing
<geertu> Xogium: I started from the multi configs, a long time ago.
<geertu> Remove support for all SoCs you don't care about.
<geertu> That's the easy part. The hard part is removing all the other stuff you don't need.
<Xogium> this is exactly what I'm trying to reduce. I was hoping dt_to_config would help me doing this
<geertu> These scripts are meant to add hardware support, starting from a pure software policy config.
<Xogium> reducing the kernel starting with such a big defconfig takes a long time and a lot of trial and error for me at least. No idea for others ;)
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<Xogium> and it's rather tiring to have to do it with every single board / project you work on
<geertu> You can start from tinyconfig and add hardware support (and will have to fight with hardware support options that depend on another symbol that is not yet enabled).
<geertu> You still have to manually add pure software things, like EXT4, NFS, IPv6, ...
<geertu> When making a config for a new board, I usually start from a config for an old board.
<geertu> Remove hardware support for the old board, add hardware support for the new board.
<geertu> Yes, it sounds simpler than it is :-(
<geertu> All (most of) my boards use a Debian nfsroot, so most of the config is very similar.
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<Xogium> geertu: I mean I guess I'm lucky in the sense that these days I generally stuck to stm32mp based boards... But mp15 vs mp13, y'know ?
<Xogium> and kernel config is still rather overwhelming after 6 years of toying with boards
<Xogium> I guess, I wish that it was a matter of parsing out the dt, finding all that the hardware needs to work and taking out the whole rest of the hardware that is not needed
<Xogium> ;)
<Xogium> I'd be fine dealing with adding ext4 and nfs and overlayfs and whatever really
<Xogium> it's just the taking out the stuff I never need part that is really a lengthy process, even more so if you use a screen reader and have to listen to ever yhelp entry being read and that takes you at least 10 or 30 seconds possibly more on each option
<Xogium> *every
<Xogium> maybe I should ask Nicolas Pitre how he does it ^^
<Xogium> it's ironic really considering my tts reads text at 500 wpm
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<ukleinek> [florian]: did you know that there is a formalism for "This change depends upon:"? You can use git format-patch (or send-email) --base
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<krzk> ukleinek: no, it is not equivalent. base works for known commits. You cannot use it for work in the fly.
<krzk> Plus it makes sense only for Kernel test robot, because for example my repo for maintained subsystems will not know these IDs... (unless that's the point :) )
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<ukleinek> krzk: well, if it's a patch that was just sent before, you can find it.
<ukleinek> ..ooOO(would be nice if you could search for a patch by patch-id on lore.k.o)
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