ChanServ changed the topic of #armlinux to: ARM kernel talk [Upstream kernel, find your vendor forums for questions about their kernels] |
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<jclsn> Seems like the Pi5 will have a fully functional kernel before RK3588-based boards after all xD
<jclsn> I have this thing laying around for about a year now and there are still hardly good images for it, since the kernel support is lacking
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<CounterPillow> rk3588 has a fully functional vendor kernel, which is the only thing pi will ever have
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<jclsn> CounterPillow: No, the vendor kernel of the rk3588 is not complete. Anyway, with kernel 6.6 everything should be merged into mainline except some codecs.
<CounterPillow> wrong on both points
<jclsn> How?
<CounterPillow> Downstream rockchip kernel brings up all hardware, and 6.6 mainline is far from having everything supported (e.g. GPU, video output, cpufreq, etc.)
<jclsn> Meh
<jclsn> I hope the GPU driver will have made some progress until then. Last time I checked the cursor was still flickering
<CounterPillow> you are not running mainline if you see a cursor at all
<jclsn> Of course I am not, but I am not willing to boot the thing up again before there is mainline support
<jclsn> Maybe on Christmas
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<jclsn> But I see now how the Pi in general is a better choice due to the better community support. There are far more cases and extensions available for it. For the Rock 5b there are only two cases available and they don't make it easy to access the SSD for installing a new OS.
<jclsn> Maybe I should install the UEFI for ARM they have on their website. No idea how that works tbh
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