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* conchuod lag: do you rebase your for-*-next branches, or are reverts required to remove patches?
<conchuod> huh, did not intend the /me
<lag> I reserve the right to rebase
<conchuod> 👍
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<ukleinek> krzk: if you need/want a formal patch for that fixes: check, tell me
<ukleinek> krzk: otherwise feel free to pick up the patch
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<krzk> ukleinek: you mean for the script?
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<krzk> if yes, then no need, I
<krzk> I'll make the change :)
<ukleinek> krzk: 👍
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<ukleinek> krzk: there are also a few other offenders in next. These are not automatically reported, are they?
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<broonie> ukleinek: sfr reports fixes issues with fixes using I think roughly the same script
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<ukleinek> broonie: fixes that don't reference commits from the reachable history wasn't blamed on the pwm list for the commit under discussion however
<broonie> ukleinek: I'm not sure if the scripting will recheck commits it's seen before, can't remember. And there is a manual reporting step which may or may not happen depending on business I guess.
<broonie> (I tend not to bother when I'm running -next.)
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