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<tmlind> scosu: hmm i'll take a look
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<tmlind> scosu: on my sk-am62 i can cat /sys/bus/platform/drivers/ti-sysc/ just fine
<tmlind> scosu: the child 8250 ip for that target module is currently set reserved and claimed by the firmware, so if you expect to see the uart, you'd need to set the uart to enabled and add an alias for it, then it would show up on linux but i think that would race with the firmware :)
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<pyzozord> hey i'm trying to cross-compile basic printf from my x64 ubuntu (22.04, kernel 6.2.0, glibc 2.35 ) thinkpad to my armv7 kindle (paperwhite 2, kernel 3.0.35, glibc 2.20). I installed arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc on my ubuntu and ran arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -static test.c. Then I transfered a.out to the kindle executed it there from the terminal. In the kindle I am getting FATAL: kernel too old. I'm have
<pyzozord> experience with C but I'm not a big C programmer. Any ideas how to solve this?
<pyzozord> I don't*
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<CounterPillow> pyzozord: that sounds like you need to build/link it against an older glibc.
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<pyzozord> hello, has anyone answered my question? i accidentally diconnected out and forgot to join again
<HdkR> pyzozord: `< CounterPillow> pyzozord: that sounds like you need to build/link it against an older glibc.`
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<pyzozord> HdkR: thank you. That's it?
<pyzozord> HdkR: well, i use -static so as far as I understand the glibc version doesn't matter?
<pyzozord> although maybe it does?
<HdkR> even though you're compiling with static, that just means you're compiling glibc in to your application. Which still has this limitation
<pyzozord> so it's glibc that produces the "FATAL: kernel too old"?
<pyzozord> in my case statically linked 2.35 glibc that is executed as part of my binary on the kernel 3.0.35
<HdkR> Yes, it's glibc that produces the message
<pyzozord> oh, hmm interesting
<pyzozord> do you know how could i compile for arm for a different libc?
<pyzozord> i tried with musl but it has it's own musl-gcc that does not compile to arm
<HdkR> Probably get an older arm rootfs with an older libc and pass that in with the `--sysroot` option to your cross compiler
<heat> pyzozord, if you get a proper toolchain for musl it'll 100% work
<heat> at the very least it'll work better than statically linked glibc
<pyzozord> heat: "proper toolchain"?
<heat> yeah, building a toolchain against musl, with musl targets
<heat> instead of musl-gcc which is just a gcc specs file hack
<heat> if you look around you'll probably find prebuilt arm musl toolchains
<pyzozord> heat: what do you mean by "building a toolchain"?
<heat> building binutils and gcc
<pyzozord> compiling the compiler?
<heat> yes
<pyzozord> ugh
<pyzozord> that's what i was afraid of
<pyzozord> that feels above my skill level
<heat> fwiw you can take one of these, these are prebuilt and community maintained
<heat> (not mine)
<pyzozord> i seen that website but it looks so supecious
<heat> it's an option, you can also just compile your own (musl-cross-make is a popular choice for that)
<heat> but anyway musl should support 3.0.35
<pyzozord> oh ok, that's good to know, thanks for that info
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<pyzozord> so musl-cross-make is a set of make scripts and auxiliaries that will build the muscle cross compiler for me?
<heat> yeah
<pyzozord> neat, thanks :) I'll try that
<pyzozord> wow the amount of compiling and logs this is going through
<pyzozord> the config example comments said that it all works locally, i really hope this won't garbage up my system
<pyzozord> wow it's still going
<pyzozord> but i didn't do anything, just run it with two commands, so not much effort on my side :)
<pyzozord> heat: it worked! thanks so much :)
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<heat> np :))