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<qzcdfn> hello, how am I supposed to configure wlan if in the image I installe there's no wpa-supplicant, connman, nm, nothing. And that utility armbian-config that all tutorial pages are refering to is also missing. So I have no network to install missing packages and no packages to configure the wlan network
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> is this armbian at all?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> It would be better to go to #armbian-csc, and also let us know the armbian image that you're using and the specific hardware
<qzcdfn> ah, no it's just plain bullseye debian. They didn't even included wpa-supplicant motherfu-rs
<Armbian-Discord> <T​heBug> Again you haven't given any useful information
<Armbian-Discord> <T​heBug> What image, what board
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> appratently some debian image from internet , can't help with this
<Armbian-Discord> <T​heBug> Not all Armbian images are produced directly by us either, anyone can use the build system to make customer images so of it's a trunk image it may not even be one we produced
<qzcdfn> yes, I thought its armbian, so I asked here. Apparenty its offtopic here
<Armbian-Discord> <T​heBug> What image and what board?
<qzcdfn> I need to get a cable
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​heBug> Lol if you can't answer that then please go to forum...
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> "plain bullseye debian" is not armbian.
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<Manouchehri> woah, the RK3399 has kvm?! :O
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<Manouchehri> that's frigging awesome
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<ArmbianHelper> ^ Armbian the Virtual Machine - Other families - Armbian Community Forums
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<stipa> I​gorPec i think armbian project is far from relying on VM
<stipa> like, running stable reliable VM on an ARM sbc supported by armbian
<stipa> i wouldn't go there with support ATM
<stipa> and promotion
<stipa> including half working boards into supported is one thing but going VM is too much
<stipa> VM is a cool thing now and there's market of ppl knowing of only VM and nothing below
<stipa> it could be a shit show
<stipa> on an RK3399 maybe
<stipa> it barely runs DE
<stipa> like, of millions users of that feature there'll be one dev
<stipa> but, who am i do disagree
<stipa> i can't even imagine VM supported instructionos
<stipa> i mean, where are the designers of that stuff
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<steev> i keep meaning to play with crosvm
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