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<stipa> there are other editors
<stipa> like VIM
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> nano
<lanefu> Evil mode for emacs
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<stipa> yeah, it's dangerous to do that stuff, it's loosing of the users even if the software is free
<stipa> if you don't value users time it's bad
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> users then does not value developers time are also very bad. its two sided
<stipa> yeah, but it's better to be honest about it then to be a prick
<stipa> more economical
<stipa> from both sides
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<Armbian-Discord> <R​ichN> so the PBP back
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<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> curious what happens when you run phytium with 2 sticks of ram instead of 1?
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> i don't know if membench perf varries on size
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> cuz i did go from 16GB to 32GB
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<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> still far from leader of the pack apparently
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> 7zip seems multithread seems flush with rock 5 tho
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> 7-zip total scores (3 consecutive runs): 16744,16654,16604
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<stipa> like my athlon from 2009
<stipa> i mean, phenom
<stipa> that's like DDR3 ?