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I don't have a board to verify, but suspect that this might be related to the new uboot.
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<0p3st> Good night everyone, I have a tvbox R29_5G_LP3_V1.2_00523, I went to do a linux system installation and the box brickou, only going into MASKROM mode, the reset button doesn't work anymore and neither the short on the mmc works either, when I plug it into the USB it lights up red and goes straight into MASKROM, I've already compiled rkdeveloptool and tried several tutorials to solve it, does anyone have any ideas to
help? I really appreciate the strength there!
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I installed buster-legacy in my rockpro64. Sound etc work fine now, but when I'm trying to install ublock in chromium, I get an error "installation not enabled". Additionally, I was getting an error about /etc/chromium.d/chromium.conf missing, and it was a broken symlink to /etc/armbian/chromium.conf, and I had to delete it for chromium to start.
Got it, worked with --enable-remote-extensions in the cmdline (the defaults were putting it in CHROME_FLAGS)
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