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I have some recipes which don't follow the naming convention (I assume that there is one) for recipe files. How do I write a .bbappend file for a recipe like this?
The recipe that I have trouble with is just named "" without any version.
This seems like a stupid question .. name.bbappend should work, right?
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wojci: I believe it should yes
hi all i have a question how can I run function which is in my include file for layer configuration just once? because if i have it as anonymous it is being run multiple times and I just want it to be run once
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dvergatal: when does it need to be run? event handlers may be an option...
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RP: to download tarball
from some secure storage
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RP: i think at the very beginning
during the start of building of everything?
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dvergatal: you probably need to use this from a class, not a conf file
ok cool
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landgraf: if you're battling wic and its fighting against you, consider genimage instead
I have a python script that needs to run natively in a target recipe, this python script has a /usr/bin/env python3 shebang but it seems to be using the host's python instead when executing
is this supposed to work? or is there some sed magic I need to run somehow?
instead of the one from the native sysroot
qschulz: do you mean you want it to use the python in python3-native? by default python is the host python, yes.
rburton: oh ok, I thought it was a case of host poisoning
nope, there's a perfectly good python on the host (as it runs bitbake) so we use that unless told otherwise.
So follow up question, why would one want to use host's python rather than the one built by Yocto (or vice-versa)
the host python is already there
RP: can i inherit a class in layer.conf file?
rburton: ah yes, BitBake needs python, had forgotten about that /me facepalms.
qschulz: you only need to use the native python if you also depend on some third party modules (and tbh i want to allow recipes to pull in pure-python modules so that doesn't involve building python)
rburton: mmmmmm, that means I should be able to have a very simple native recipe that just installs this python script in the SYSROOT_DIRS and not have it DEPENDS on python3-native
yeah just drop the script into bindir and it will just work
thanks, very helpful (feels dirty though :D)
you don't feel dirty about using sh on the host though i presume?
rburton: I really don't like it
you could just do all the builds inside the build appliance, which is a container for building yocto built by yocto.
not the running on host's shell but rather it's running on whatever is the default shell no?
hosttools will symlink to the host /bin/sh
yeah, that I don't like, can allow to have bashism (or any other shell-specific thingy) creep in tasks :/
i wonder what distros have sh->bash still
rburton: wdym? what did I miss?
our tasks run in sh, which on debian is dash not bash
dvergatal: you can set INHERITS
qschulz: the accidental bashism thing happens a lot less these days so i wonder if most distros don't use bash as sh now
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RP: in layers.conf of the layer?
rburton: fedora seems to default to bash? at least fedora:41 container seems to be doing that?
khem: qemuriscv32 has kernel warnings in master ( [NOTE]: 'CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET' last val (0xC0000000) and .config val (0xc0000000) do not match). presumably an easy fix as its just case :)
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rburton: podman run --rm --security-opt label=disable fedora:41 ls -l /bin/sh
RP: currently i have "inherit ${@bb.utils.contains('IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD', 'true', 'user-keys', '', d) }"
and how to use INHERITS?
dvergatal: I said INHERITS, not inherit
RP: yes and i asked how to use INHERITS
dvergatal: sorry, it is INHERIT
INHERIT += "autotools pkgconfig" something like this?
dvergatal: if you grep for that you'll see examples in core
dvergatal: but yes, like that
ok testing it
RP: thx it is working, btw. how can i do same thing on build finish but as failure?
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RP: does this bb.event.BuildCompleted is also on failure?
dvergatal: I'd have to check the code to be honest, I don't remember
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RP: what code? can you recall?
dvergatal: If you grep bitbake for "BuildCompleted" you'll see some lines like, buildname, item, failures, interrupted), self.databuilder.mcdata[mc])
dvergatal: it is also in the bitbake manual
dvergatal: that implies to me that there is failure information in the event
RP: i will search for it
RP: failure information for event? i don't see it in bitbake manual
ahhh to catch it when completed
RP: actualy it does not matter if it has failed or not i would like to run some code when completed or failed
RP: so if BuildCompleted is on failure as well than it's fine
dvergatal: the event happens regardless and contains information about whether there were any failures
tlwoerner: finally managed to post those Rockchip DDR bin customization patches :)
RP: cool which is what i wanted to read :)
RP: thx a lot
RP: btw. did pidge mentioned you about the issue with USER_ADD and sstate cache? because we had a session together and finally we know what is the cause when building from just sstate_cache without build directory
dvergatal: I thought we'd fixed those issues? Are you saying there is still a useradd bug left?
rburton: looks like exactly what I need. Cheers (I have a year old ticket to take a look at genimage even :D )
dvergatal: First I've heard of it, I would like to understand/fix it though
RP: than you need to ping pidge she knows exactly what happens
RP: when building from sstate-cache dependency postinst scripts are not being pulled only the one from the package
dvergatal: ideally we'd write a test case for selftest that illustrates the problem
RP: yeah pidge knows already about it, because as i said i had a session regarding this issue with her
RP: and i demonstrated the issue how it is occuring and so on
dvergatal: with master?
dvergatal: I'm not going to go and try and extract this info from pidge, it needs a bug report or patches or a test case reproducing it
RP: with scarthgap dunno if with master
RP: i can create a bug report regarding the issue
dvergatal: checking it master has the issue would be very helpful
RP: it is harder for me to do it
dvergatal: and harder again for me to since I know nothing about it!
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guest21: with a bbappend that replaces that file. the docs cover doing that
rburton you mean by copying whole script file and only changing ARGS in my own layer? I though there could be something more elegant
guest21: you could extend the recipe to be more elegant and submit a patch, but the easy way is to copy the script. its not exactly a complicated file
rburton thank you very much
RP: what if i have in this class which i'm using in this INHERIT a call to d.getVar('LAYERDIR') and it reurns me None?
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dvergatal: LAYERDIR doesn't make sense outside of a layer.conf file
"which layer?"
RP: mine layer
RP: i call it in this class which is added to INHERIT in layer.conf
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RP: because i'm downloading some stream which is *something* and want to put in a location of THIS layer
dvergatal: My point being that INHERIT is a generic deferral mechanism so it has no idea which layer the inherit came from and bitbake would have no idea how to set LAYERDIR correctly for that
RP: ok
dvergatal: define some variable to point to LAYERDIR in your layer.conf, then use that
RP: ahhh ok cool thx
but watch out for hardcoding buildpaths into the task hashes
sure thx a lot
We have this in all our layers: LAYERDIR_foo := "${LAYERDIR}" (where "foo" is the same name as used in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS). It also needs LAYERDIR_foo[vardepvalue] = "" to avoid affecting the sstate cache when using the variable.
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RP: yeah it works
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Saur: this was to mee?
dvergatal: Yes, it was. :)
Saur: k thx
dvergatal: Those two lines in each layer.conf file has solved all our problems where we need to refer to some specific file in another layer.
Saur: ok will do that thx a lot
Saur: can foo have - sign in names?
dvergatal: Yes. It should be the same as with, e.g., LAYERDEPENDS_foo and LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_foo.
yeah exactly
as it is
Saur: thx
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btw. can i use if else when assigning to this variable?
Saur: RP: ^
because i'm trying to use my normal approach like in different places e.g. INHERITS += "${@'user-keys' if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("VAR")) else ''}"
and it doesn't work
dvergatal: Why would you want to do that? Those variables are intended to give the path for each layer.
dvergatal: it will depend on where VAR is defined. You're probably doing an immediate expansion and if it wasn't set yet...
Saur: because i want to set it when i need to
RP: ok
RP: it was
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RP: VAR is being passed with BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS and as bitbake variable when bitbake is run
RP: if i changed d.getVar("VAR") to 'true' than it works as expected
RP: and when using VAR from bitbake variables than it doesn't work
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and before when i had this as ${@bb.utils.contains('IS_OFFICIAL_BUILD', 'true', '', '', d) }
than when VAR was containing true the include file was included
dvergatal: I tried to give you a hint this morning on a specific issue but I'm not really able to help you debug everything. This all sounds expected behaviour to me...
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RP: OK i get it but is it that variables which are passed through BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS and bitbake are not immediate?
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RP: Sent patch for SPDX dep code. It passed the sstate_allarch_samesigs test locally. The offender was OVERRIDES not being vardepsexclude'd
JPEW: that makes sense, thanks
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RP: i'm a morron VAR was not being set to true but to false...
RP: sorry for pissing you off:P
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RP: Weird incongruency for gcc-source: SSTATE_ARCHS has "allarch" but SSTATE_ARCH is "all"; meaning SPDX can't find a document written earlier in the build since it uses those 2 variables
Should SPDX be doing something different?
Sorry, SSTATE_PKGARCH is "all"
rburton: ah CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET yes, we should perhaps review the defconfigs with 6.12 I have not booted qemurv32 in a month or so
JPEW: I wonder where that comes from? :/
<JPEW> does `PACKAGE_ARCH = "all"`
JPEW: we could try changing PACKAGE_ARCH in to allarch
JPEW: just spotted that :)
I cna't figure out why it's a problem now though
hi members
do we have any link to get openstack on yocto
and which all modules of openstack are supported by yocto