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<gizah> Hi! I'm trying to figure out what the recommended way is to enable a templated systemd service, in my case it would be openvpn-client@company, I've tried via a SYSTEMD_SERVICE assignment in a bbappend file, however yocto isn't happy about that. Is there a recommended way, or is the best way to just create a symlink myself?
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<TheOneCurly> Unfortunately it looks like the symlink is the way to do it. The systemd-serialgetty service in poky does it that way: https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/tree/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty.bb
<TheOneCurly> I'm far from an expert but digging through my source tree I can't find any examples doing it the other way with template services
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<khem> RP: I am sending an update to the mpfr patch that I sent to fix build with glibc 2.41 to apply what got merged upstream. it will rebuild quite a lot of stuff since we use mpfr-native just so you know
<RP> khem: np, sounds good thanks
<RP> I keep thinking I might build M3, then more useful patches appear
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<khem> thats why I wanted to warn you, if you have something timebound then hold it, since my overnight builds are still not done :)
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<RP> khem: it depends how much I want to work this weekend :/
<khem> right
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<JaMa> my overnight builds from 2 days ago are still not done :)
<RP> have to love modern compilers
<JaMa> and backporting this to 2.0 for kirkstone https://git.openembedded.org/bitbake/commit/?h=2.6&id=5293a1b36eeb89f57577cb709ec7f293909039a1 might help as well, will send proper backport request once confirming it's the cause for meta-qti to rebuild everything randomly on different servers
<Crofton> need quantum computers to run the comi=pilers
<JaMa> do quantum computers use regular OS?
<Crofton> I doubt it :)
<JaMa> then we might be out of work once quantum computers are available, right? AI will be pulling all the miracles directly from quantum worm hole
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<JaMa> who needs computres when AI can add massive boobs to every movie :)
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<khem> JaMa: is not too distant
<khem> JaMa: what all do you build and whats your build host ? dont tell me its a ThinkPad T41 :)
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<khem> RP: is variable assignment whitespace done with some script ?
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<khem> would help me a lot of it was rebased on master-next
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<JaMa> khem: it's a lot of layers (some of them like meta-qti really bad) and multilib which almost doubles the time and it's not ThinkPad or any other toaster builder
<JaMa> but it's almost there :) NOTE: Running noexec task 101697 of 106053
<JaMa> I hope the "private" qti will get better soon now when they hired people like koen
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<khem> yeah, it seems to be a lot you are building, do you have meta-clang meta-browser too ?
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<JaMa> meta-clang yes, but own recipes for chromium based webruntime
<JaMa> and then meta-qti adds another llvm version on top
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<dvergatal> I have a maybe stupid question but is it possible to add a package from e.g. DEPLOY_DIR_IPK to SRC_URI ? because the parser at the beginning is complaining that the file in the SRC_URI does not exists and question is if it is posible to somehow not check that the file exist during parsing?
<TheOneCurly> Why can't you just add the recipe that makes that .ipk as a DEPENDS?
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<dvergatal> TheOneCurly: i want to add that ipk to my swupdate image
<dvergatal> to embed it
<dvergatal> inside but the problem is that when I'm adding the ipk into SRC_URI than it is being searched during parsing
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<TheOneCurly> Oh yes I see
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<dvergatal> yeah:/
<dvergatal> and dunno know how to do it nicely
<dvergatal> yeah because the checksum is willing to be done ;|
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<JaMa> you can add a task in swupdate image which will depend on the other recipe do_package_write task and then copy the .ipk file from DEPLOY_DIR_IPK
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<RP> JPEW: sadly the spdx changes caused the sstate tests to explode: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/valkyrie/#/builders/48/builds/1057/steps/14/logs/stdio
<RP> that one looks like an expandurl issue
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