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Hi! I'm trying to figure out what the recommended way is to enable a templated systemd service, in my case it would be openvpn-client@company, I've tried via a SYSTEMD_SERVICE assignment in a bbappend file, however yocto isn't happy about that. Is there a recommended way, or is the best way to just create a symlink myself?
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I'm far from an expert but digging through my source tree I can't find any examples doing it the other way with template services
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RP: I am sending an update to the mpfr patch that I sent to fix build with glibc 2.41 to apply what got merged upstream. it will rebuild quite a lot of stuff since we use mpfr-native just so you know
khem: np, sounds good thanks
I keep thinking I might build M3, then more useful patches appear
JaMa: what all do you build and whats your build host ? dont tell me its a ThinkPad T41 :)
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RP: is variable assignment whitespace done with some script ?
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would help me a lot of it was rebased on master-next
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khem: it's a lot of layers (some of them like meta-qti really bad) and multilib which almost doubles the time and it's not ThinkPad or any other toaster builder
but it's almost there :) NOTE: Running noexec task 101697 of 106053
I hope the "private" qti will get better soon now when they hired people like koen
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yeah, it seems to be a lot you are building, do you have meta-clang meta-browser too ?
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meta-clang yes, but own recipes for chromium based webruntime
and then meta-qti adds another llvm version on top
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I have a maybe stupid question but is it possible to add a package from e.g. DEPLOY_DIR_IPK to SRC_URI ? because the parser at the beginning is complaining that the file in the SRC_URI does not exists and question is if it is posible to somehow not check that the file exist during parsing?
Why can't you just add the recipe that makes that .ipk as a DEPENDS?
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TheOneCurly: i want to add that ipk to my swupdate image
to embed it
inside but the problem is that when I'm adding the ipk into SRC_URI than it is being searched during parsing
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Oh yes I see
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and dunno know how to do it nicely
yeah because the checksum is willing to be done ;|
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you can add a task in swupdate image which will depend on the other recipe do_package_write task and then copy the .ipk file from DEPLOY_DIR_IPK