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Good morning,I get the following error on the do_install step when building net-tools: `build/tmp/work/core2-64-heuft/net-tools/2.10/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/msgfmt: Cannot convert from "ISO-8859-15" to "UTF-8". msgfmt relies on iconv(), and iconv() does not support this conversion.`
Could the this be a problem with my build host (Gentoo) or my image?
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hmm, could the spdx tasks run in parallel for larger set of binary packages? linux-yocto-6.12.13+git-r0 do_create_package_spdx - 13m37s feels slow on a fast machine with plenty of cores
core-image-base-1.0-r0 do_create_image_sbom_spdx - 38m20s, this too is taking way too much time for such a small image. maybe I should disable SPDX things completely..
mcfrisk: that's not usual, can you see what it's actually doing?
at least do_create_package_spdx was slowly processing each kernel module package. will check do_create_image_sbom_spdx in a new build..
I think the sdpx tasks are not paralellized at all, same for create_package_spdx which iterates serially over all binary packages which kernel produces tons of
that total number seems excessive though. i admit the image i had to hand was -minimal but it has ~43k total not 3.5M
I'm building a much more modular linux-yocto kernel config: wc -l core-image-base-genericarm64.rootfs.manifest 1468, grep kernel-module core-image-base-genericarm64.rootfs.manifest | wc -l 1283
because having all those drivers built into kernel make the kernel itself slow, and also slow down udev with tons of events in initrd
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Is there a way how to assign label to the generated rootfs ext4 image? Without wic
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Spdx tasks will run in parallel, but the need the build/runtime dependencies
The tasks themselves are serial, which could maybe be intended improved.
And ya, 3.5M elements will be slow. Did you turn on source tracking or something?
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JPEW: nothing special turned on, just building poky genericarm64 core-image-base. all SDPX tasks are horribly slow on aarch64 build machine with plenty of cores.
Hmm shouldn't be too slow then. Maybe you can share your spdx when it finishes?
nvm found the way
mcfrisk: oh, modular kernel config
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.... Ya the kernel cves are killing it. It reports them for each generated kernel package, and there are a lot
So lots of kenrel packages * lots of kernel cves
I wonder why autobuilder/CI didn't see issues with these
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mcfrisk: less kernel packages
nope, that's the wrong way to go. I don't think SPDX_INCLUDE_VEX should be enabled by default if it's this slow and explodes the exported data.
and IMO SDPX output should also be human readable
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mcfrisk: SPDX_PRETTY = "1"
The kernel is a bit of a pathalogical (but unfortunately common) case. Let me see if there is a better way to express it in SPDX so that there ends up being less relationships
mcfrisk: or `cat *.spdx.json | jq .` :)
so much time and resources wasted on SPDX things in default builds and I never look at the output, and it's not even human readable by default :/ I understand the what it is for but I don't think maintainers actually look at the data, IT management systems may get the imports eventually but I doubt no-one even looks at them..
mcfrisk: Feel free to turn it off if you don't want it
mcfrisk: you can make that argument for debug symbols too :/
I will try to see if we can make the pathalogical vulnerability case less annoying. The problem is mainly that we don't know which kernel packages that get built will actually be installed, so we can't take advantage of a lot of the "grouping" that SPDX allows
The normal CVE * packages is not a problem for most recipes, when there are less than 10 of each
buildhistory does export a lot of useful data for me, and that isn't enabled by default
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what's the best way to disable sdpx classes globally? IMAGE_CLASSES:remove = "create-spdx-image-3.0" only stops the image recipe handling
khem: rburton: I was considering finding a way to move the binaries back to /usr/bin instead of /usr/libexec
seems like this is what the cmake wrapper does with -DINSTALL_LIBEXECDIR
it sucks for Buildroot though as we would need to have this hack for all Qt6 packages
mmmm but it still uses the weak default /usr/libexec
yeah, but I think there was a valid reason that rburton had to move them to libexecdir which I do not remember
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can anyone remember where the qemush4 machine was?
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RP: I have sent a revert of crucible, it was not accompanied by version upgrade etc. so I think it made it simple to decide
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khem: thanks, that is appreciated
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RP: Ah... varsepsexclude isn't transitive? I have the flag on the create-spdx-3.0.bbclass, but it doesn't appear to block the var dep in the called python functions, which would explain the problem
Anyway, I think I can fix that easily enough
JPEW: that sounds right
RP: K, I finished my other stuff earlier than expected, so I'll take a look
JPEW: I didn't get to it with meetings unfortunately
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JPEW: pertinent task hashes will still get/ignore them regardless of transitive'ness
so yeah loongarch64 doesn't work again
do we remove the qemu machine from core if it can't build a kernel or bootloader?
maybe post-release and have a new rule that bsps in core are tested on the ab and well maintained?
rburton: its not officially supported arch so just ignore it
OE perhaps does not have such high bar anyway like yp would
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rburton: I'm in the "ignore it" camp. They obviously have a layer and patches that let it work somehow/somewhere