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<kilobyte_ch> I have packagegroup-core-base-utils in my IMAGE_INSTALL. This includes dhcpcd. How to get rid of dhcpcd in favor of systemd-networkd? This seems to have no effect: IMAGE_INSTALL:remove = "dhcpcd"
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<Oxbef> Hello all. I'm trying to come up with a strategy for app development for my organization and am struggling a little to find the best strategy and was wondering if anyone on here had some insights. Currently, we tell our program teams to write their own layers and essentially do full yocto builds for their development, but I am of the opinion that we should leverage the SDK in some way as it is designed for
<Oxbef> specifically supporting app development. We currently don't ship the apps directly in the rootfs, so I'm wondering if maybe it wouldn't be better to simply provide an SDK with the sysroots/toolchain and then just have the app teams build against that using Cmake and produce binary archives. Has anyone done something like this? I looked into the ide-sdk devtool feature a little, and it seems like a nice
<Oxbef> feature, though I'm not sure if I can easily tie it into our environment
<Oxbef> Any and all advice is much appreciated. (Especially if you've done something like this before). The goal is to have fast iteration times and to try to abstract complex build system concepts away from developers as much as I can
<fray> I think it depends on roll, application and how indepth the developers are. What I tell (app) developers is, build your app on the device (in qemu or on a board). Then cross compile it with an SDK, then integrate it into a layer. Starting with teh 'layer' has proven difficult, especially for novice app developers.
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<Oxbef> Thanks for the response! So you advocate for on-target development initially followed by the use of the SDK. So I imagine you have a development image that is provided to the appdevs which contains build/debug tools, then you've got an SDK associated which has cross development tools on it
<Oxbef> And for the final step of layer integration, that's when we'd have essentially a different image generated with the new apps included. Subsequent development would either use a full bitbake build or an eSDK?
<rburton> JPEW: is there an explainer for dumb people for how to embed cve data inside spdx?
<Oxbef> I'm a little torn just because, in my case, we will never actually be shipping the applications in the image, it all gets bootstrapped from an external location. So I'm wondering if there really is a benefit to creating layers at all or if it just makes more sense to build the apps on their own with a provided toolchain and then just manage the (few) dependencies explicitly in the image build
<rburton> perfect thanks
<rburton> obviously what I didn't do was look at the sdpx docs
<JPEW> rburton: There are couple other useful ones in there also
<JPEW> rburton: Ya, well, this one isn't the most discoverable
<JPEW> rburton: The official spec is here: https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/v3.0.1/ what you want is under "security", but it can be a little dense if you are familar with it
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<vmeson> FYI: There's a babeltrace2 update (2.1.0 ) for master but ptest cases added in the new version are failing. I've asked the developer to ship the update with some tests disabled. He'll hopefully send that tonight.
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<kanavin_> 0xbef didn't stay around long enough for me to ask to use yocto@ mailing list for a query like this :-/
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<Oxbef> Is there a general best practices one should follow on organizing source repositories? For instance, multiple repos for each app/lib, or monorepo for apps with tight coupling?
<Oxbef> For example, let's say we're only concerned with content that would exist in the same layer
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<AdrianF> Oxbef: It depends on many things. So the last thing which I would recommend is "on target compilation". That's why I developed the ide-sdk for a smoth cross workflow. However, we use different approaches. Usually we split the code into HW dependent code and pure business logic without direct access to HW interfaces. For the HW related code ide-sdk
<AdrianF> (with shared sstate-cache) works nice. For the business-logic developers usually work on their laptops running just a Linux and develop with unit tests. Finally they push to the CI and get the feedback from many ptest. ptest run in Qemu and on real hardware in our environment.
<AdrianF> In general I also think that there should be on build for the complete firmware including the applications.
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