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* RP is happier the patch counts in -next are reducing
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<dvergatal> does anyone here was using swupdate?
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<fullstop> I do
<fullstop> To be fair, it is still a work in progress but it can update a/b partitions now.
<fullstop> Can I append to a package's PACKAGECONFIG in a machine conf?
<fullstop> The layer is fine, but I'd like to add an option for one machine.
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<fullstop> ah, I had the append in the wrong place. All good now.
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<RP> JPEW: would now be a good time to mention another SPDX fix/improvement we should probably make?
<RP> JPEW: basically, archiver has an expanded_url() call and I think the spdx code should be doing this: https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/tree/meta/classes/archiver.bbclass#n366
<RP> JPEW: It will turn a gitsm:// url into all the component urls which is something people have complained about in the SPDX
<JPEW> RP: A cool. Yes
<JPEW> RP: Related: For some reason, when I change code in spdx30_tasks.py, it doesn't cause the do_create_*_spdx tasks to run like I thought it should?
<RP> JPEW: I thought we checksummed those files and the hash should change when the files change? :/
<JPEW> RP: I checksum sbom30.py because it uses classes the parser doesn't understand, I thought it could parse the simpler functions in spdx30_tasks.py, but maybe I was mistaken?
<RP> JPEW: it should in theory be doing that, yes
<RP> JPEW: you should probably inspect some task dependencies, see which functions/dependencies it can see
<JPEW> k
<RP> hopefully that might make it clear if/where there is an issue
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<fullstop> Is there a proper way to disable systemd-networkd?
<JPEW> RP: It just stops at do_create_spdx; it doesn't recurse into oe.spdx30_tasks at all, which is weird because it works fine for eg. sstatesig.py
<fullstop> For one machine I would like to enable NetworkManager instead
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<JPEW> fullstop: systemd has a `networkd` PACKAGECONFIG; try not including that
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<fullstop> JPEW: I've added this to the machine definition: PACKAGECONFIG:remove:pn-systemd = " networkd"
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<fullstop> It seems to want to do the right thing, but breaks w/spdx stuff later on
<fullstop> ERROR: systemd-1_255.4-r0 do_create_spdx: Cannot find any SPDX file for recipe base-files
<RP> JPEW: I'm having a look...
<JPEW> fullstop: Ah.... that's been eluding me for a while
<JPEW> No, but I did write the SPDX code
<fullstop> Do you know a way around this, or should I leave networkd in there and somehow mask it in the image creation?
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<JPEW> It's not (afaik) related to networkd specifically
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<fullstop> I will try cleaning base-files and rebuilding it
<JPEW> Ya, that was going to be my recommendation
<fullstop> that did not work.
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<fullstop> I will try cleansstate, then
<JPEW> fullstop: It's probably pulling base-files from sstate
<JPEW> RIght :)
<RP> JPEW: try adding spdx30_tasks to BBIMPORTS
<fullstop> cleansstate is often very slow
<JPEW> RP: Hhe, didn't realize that was a thing. OOps
<fullstop> I mean, I don't use it a lot, but it is painful each time
<JPEW> fullstop: Ya, it has to walk through all the sstate directories
<fullstop> this server is still spinning rust
<rburton> bitbake -C unpack base-files will force a rebuild from scratch and is faster than cleansstate
<RP> JPEW: that seems to make some functions show up
<fullstop> thanks, rburton, I will remember that for next time
<fullstop> at the moment I am stuck in cleansstate and don't want to interrupt it
<fullstop> although, if it's forced to rebuild, would interrupting it be bad?
<fullstop> force-rebuilding base-files did not work either.
<fullstop> This is a tomorrow problem at this point.
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<RP> JPEW: there are probably some others missing too :/
<JPEW> ya, spdx_common. I'll make to sure get all of them
<JPEW> (now that I know that's a requirement)
<RP> JPEW: I can't remember why this wasn't more automatic. I'm sure there was a reason at the time
<JPEW> RP: It's OK. IIRC the timing of the two was close together, so it doesn't surprise me that it slipped through the cracks
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<fullstop> JPEW: I'm out until tomorrow, but wanted to mention that my machine name has a hyphen in it. I could be reading things wrong about the error message, but it looks like the machine name is truncated at that point.
<JPEW> k
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