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<khem> halstead:is AB under maintenance right now ?
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<khem> vmeson: minifi-cpp is giving me headaches as it does not build with latest clang and I see its stuck at 0.15.0 and latest release is 0.99.1 from Feb this year, it was added by WRS devs, Can you help in getting it upgraded to 0.99.1 ?
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<ak77> hello.
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<mcfrisk> in oe-core selftests, can I set the target MACHINE? Or are the tests expected to run on all target machines supported by oe-core?
<RP> mcfrisk: in theory they're supposed to run for a variety of machines. I think we use qemuarm64 and qemux86-64
<RP> mcfrisk: we do skip some tests for some arches
<mcfrisk> RP: I'm adding tests to uki.bbclass for systemd based initrd variant, and test runs easily on qemu, u-boot firmware and genericarm64 target machine on aarch64 build host. the same config will not run on x86_64
<mcfrisk> so @skipIfNotArch(['aarch64']) will make sure test only runs if target is aarch64 based, I presume. this will include running on x86_64 and aarch64 build host. But can I set the target MACHINE to be genericarm64 since there are dependencies to kernel config etc
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<rburton> mcfrisk: there are a few tests that explicitly set machine because its not easy to have a generic one, so you could just set machine=genericarm64. there's a point that genericarm64 is a non-core machine so if it can work with just qemuarm64 then would that give similar coverage but work _everywhere_?
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<mcfrisk> rburton: ok, I will check qemuarm64 and qemuarm. the test works on genericarm64 but I guess that's not enabled for selftests. sadly there is major kernel differences between those but I'll check if initrd will work on them.
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<rburton> RP: so i'm looking at that buildhistory patch and i think the reset behaviour is more broken than the patch suggests
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<rburton> RP: basically, if reset is enabled then nothing from sstate is in buildhistory
<rburton> i'm sure that used to work...
<rburton> huh
<rburton> maybe it didn't. the package files hook runs on package_setscene, but if a package comes from sstate that wont run
<tlwoerner> qschulz: sounds great! i'll take a look at them as soon as i can (maybe later today)
<tlwoerner> i'm keen on this change
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<RP> rburton: there were changes in that area fairly recently to try and fix some things...
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<rburton> RP: some by you, and some by the same person who sent the latest fix
<rburton> test case time!
<RP> rburton: definitely]
<Guest40> can anyone please tell me, what needs to be done. if I need to add my applications in syslog.conf.Sysklogd is in poky->meta->extended. I am using scarthgap
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<Guest40> is it possible to do do_patch after do_install. I have created a patch in which syslog.conf has my apps as well. Yocto gives me error "missing upstream status in patch". Since syslog.conf is not yet there. I'll appreciate your response
<rburton> guest40: missing upstream status means your patch is missing an Upstream-Status tag
<rburton> if you apply the patch in a bbappend in your layer instead of patching poky, you won't get that warning
<Guest40> rburton I have created that patch through devshell, and adding this patch in my layer through bbappend
<rburton> add Upstream-Status: Inappropriate to the top of the patch
<Guest40> rburton I have seen syslog.conf in yocto's working directory. My changes are there, strangely enough I am still getting error. Can you guess?
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<Guest40> rburton thank you very much that has seemed to work. I appreciate your help
<antoniovado> hello, i'm trying to build python3 with sqlite3 module included, i see that the python3_3.12.8.bb already has sqlite3 among the depends. Am I missing something obvious?
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<rburton> antoniovado: are you just not installing python3-sqlite3? we split out the sqlite3 module into a separate package.
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<antoniovado> So I was missing something obvious, my bad, I was looking for something it in the layer index and could not find anything. Thank you very much!
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<RP> rburton: looking at the code, buildhistory and sstate look to be a nightmare :(
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<mcfrisk> are these issues with the vncserver running in CI?
<RP> mcfrisk: not that I'm aware of and it seems odd it is just that platform
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<mcfrisk> RP: ok, I was thinking if Xorg display issue could be linked to the psplash failures
<RP> mcfrisk: I have wondered if those are linked
<mcfrisk> but if it's only the meta-arm builds then issue could also be in driver stack there..
<RP> mcfrisk: right, that would appear to be the case
<mcfrisk> do the meta-arm builds really need graphics support? many of the meta-arm kas builds run tests without display (nographics novga for runqemu)
<JPEW> RP: When bitbake hashes library code, does it has the actual function content to determine the hash, or just the variable dependencies?
<JPEW> *hash the actual function content
<RP> JPEW: the content of the function
<RP> JPEW: I queued the hashserv API/clean script in master-next. I'm hoping you could review those...
<JPEW> Ah, I think something is wrong in the detection of when it needs to rehash then; If I change a function, it doesn't rebuild (no hash change), but then when it does re-run for some reason it gets a takshash mismatch
<JPEW> I did
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<RP> JPEW: ah, earlier, cool. Thanks
<JPEW> I think. I reviews the gc-mark-stream
<JPEW> Unless I missed another one
<JPEW> AH, I missed that one. I will look
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<RP> JPEW: I just checked and it does not hash the content, it only checks the dependencies
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<JPEW> Hmm... ok. I wonder why I see that behavior then. I'll dig some more
<RP> JPEW: the hash is used to know when it needs to reparse only (fn + filesize + mtime)
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<RP> JPEW: I think anyway. The code is called from lib.bb.parse.ast and calls codeparser:add_module_functions()
<RP> JPEW: maybe. I 'm confusing myself trying to parse the code too quickly :/
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<JPEW> I'll give it a look over
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<JPEW> The code ends up in the "extra" hash data when a fixed hash is used
<vmeson> khem (not here but I also replied by email): Yes, we'll update minifi-cpp to 0.99.1
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<RP> JPEW: right, so it does cache the value of the function with that. I thought it did, I just couldn't spot it at first
<JPEW> OK, that makes sense; I'm not sure why it's not detecting when I change the function then
<RP> JPEW: I'd be curious if deleting the codeparser cache file causes the hashes to change
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<JPEW> I was getting it with `bitbake -f`, but let me see if I can get a good reproducer with a clean sandbox
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<RP> JPEW: happy to help if I know what I'm looking for!
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<RP> JPEW: thanks. I've updated with some notes and a theory on what the issue is
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