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<JaMa> https://lists.openembedded.org/g/bitbake-devel/message/17414 will save one nuclear power plant worth of electricity in builds with meta-qti :)
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<vmeson> JaMa: meta-qti-bsp or meta-qt[456] or some other layer that I can't find?
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<smurray> vmeson: former, I believe
<JaMa> yes, meta-qti (not the public one)
<JaMa> it uses all weird and not-recommended ways to break your builds (including AUTOREV for https://git.codelinaro.org/clo which just had planned maintenance https://status.codelinaro.org/ so all the builds failed
<JaMa> and instead of having sources fetched by bitbake fetcher based on SRC_URI it unpack own prebuilt files and ends with checksums of many files in do_fetch tasks and from 10 builds I did yesterday on different servers I got 9 different checksums because the ordering was different (which was fixed in bitbake in nanbield, but never backported to kirkstone - because most people don't use so many checksums and with
<JaMa> externalsrc you probably don't really expect the same src dir to be identical on all the builders
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<JaMa> and unfortunate side effect of this bug is that the sstate signature of these do_fetch tasks is different (and filename is different), but bitbake-diffsigs doesn't show why, only that the task hash is different
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<vmeson> JaMa: smurray: thanks. Sounds like "fun!"
<JaMa> indeed, but I've seen some good people starting to work for them, so it can only get better (I hope)
<JaMa> they do good hw, but bsp is even worse than amlogic
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