and instead of having sources fetched by bitbake fetcher based on SRC_URI it unpack own prebuilt files and ends with checksums of many files in do_fetch tasks and from 10 builds I did yesterday on different servers I got 9 different checksums because the ordering was different (which was fixed in bitbake in nanbield, but never backported to kirkstone - because most people don't use so many checksums and with
externalsrc you probably don't really expect the same src dir to be identical on all the builders
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and unfortunate side effect of this bug is that the sstate signature of these do_fetch tasks is different (and filename is different), but bitbake-diffsigs doesn't show why, only that the task hash is different
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JaMa: smurray: thanks. Sounds like "fun!"
indeed, but I've seen some good people starting to work for them, so it can only get better (I hope)
they do good hw, but bsp is even worse than amlogic
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