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Hi everyone! if recipe in one layer depends on recipe on other layer, what do I have to do that recipe builds after the other one is already built
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DEPENDS as if they are in the same layer
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JaMa they are different layers
then you should add LAYERDEPENDS to indicate that the one layer depends on other one because of this DEPENDS
guest57: yes, I've read that
JaMa you mean LAYERDEPENDS=mylayer in my dependent or something else? Would this BBFILE_PRIORITY help if I give the lower lower priority
mckoan|away is now known as mckoan
DEPENDS is all you need for what you've asked
JaMa should I add LAYERDEPENDS in conf file of dependent layer or in dependent recipe?
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JaMa now I am getting this error "but this layer is not enabled in your configuration"? What should I do now
guest57: enable the layer in build/conf/bblayers.conf
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mcfrisk under build/conf/bblayers.conf I have two layers meta_aaa and meta_bbb. Under meta_aaa/conf/layer.conf. I have added LAYERDEPENDS_meta-aaa = "core meta-bbb". Don't you think it is already enabled
is meta-bbb/conf/layer.conf setting BBFILE_COLLECTIONS to meta-bbb or something else?
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hi there, i have a VM with 32 cores, and i set the variable BB_NUMBER_THREADS to 16 and PARALLEL_MAKE to '-j 16', although it seems bitbake consumes all cores and my build regulary fails because of this. anybody has an idea why this happens?
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ray-san: 16 times 16 is more than 32, and likely the build fails due to lack of physical RAM instead of saturated CPU usage which eventually eases off. I don't recommend building on virtual machines due to CPU, memory and IO overhead and reliability issues.
so that i undestand it correctly: every bitbake thread spawns it's make procress with -j16 ?
JaMa mcfrisk thank you very much. It needed to be layer name without meta
JaMa even though layerdependent is there, yocto starts compiling the recipe from meta-aaa before all the recipes in meta-bbb has finished
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Hi qschulz
Saw your msg on thank you for reviewing, this is my first contribution so I might miss something. The answer to your query is I have created that file from scratch, I used the header for the same codebase battery-acpi.c file. Could you please let me know what
is expected here?
DixitP: o/
applets/battery/battery-sysfs.c is created from scratch by you?
is it inspired by some other file?
qschulz Yes, from scratch. Inspired by battery-acpi.c only. Browsed libacpi to understand how it works under the hood. that's it.
DixitP: ok, I was worried you "just" took a file from another project and used it
DixitP: so pfew... IANAL so not sure what to do here exactly. What I would recommend at the very least is to reuse the same header as in battery-acpi.c
this means, specifically the SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later line
I'm not sure (C) 2008 Intel. makes sense, but if you got most of the inspiration from that file, I guess it's fine?
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qschulz that makes sense, I will modify the header as per battery-acpi.c and share the updated patch. Thanks for your inputs
some projects mention what they based their work on, c.f. ttps://
but yeah, a bit of a corner case there, I never know what to use for copyright holder :)
qschulz Same here. I am new to contributing here too, so I will go ahead and get to know how can I modify and share again LOL.
DixitP: glad to see your patches landing on the mailing list, good job for a first contribution, the signed-off-by is there, the patch is the body of the mail, full plain-text, 10/10 :)
DixitP: ask if you're not sure, there's no harm in not knowing/asking
essentially, you'll need to pass -v 2 to whatever tool you're using to generate the patches (git-format-patch/git-send-email)
for modifying an existing commit, git commit --amend could help too
see the [YOCTO #SOMETHING] followed by the link
this is what we would like to have
qschulz Got it.
yo DudX
LetoThe2nd: hello
mckoan: 👋
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Hi, has anyone tried building a linux-yocto-rt or linux-yocto kernel with meta-clang? I hit some errors in our software stack so I tried a minimal repro with just poky and meta-clang and get the following error in the configure task: "No rule to make target 'oldnoconfig'.". I've tried with both master (kernel v6.10) and scarthgap (v6.6).
paging khem zeddii ^^^
guest57: "yocto starts compiling the recipe from meta-aaa before all the recipes in meta-bbb ha" did you list all recipes in meta-bbb in the DEPENDS of the recipe?
and why do you want to build all the recipes from some other layer?
your original question was about 1 recipe depending on some other recipe from different layer
ray-san: yes, each bitbake job (BB_NUMBER_THREADS) spawns make/ninja/etc with -j(PARALLEL_MAKE)
(there is active work to use a single jobserver to throttle things much more effectively)
rburton: thanks, got it....i have reduced my parallelism, it is much more tame now
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Hello, I have an issue with scarthgap: everytime I rebuild my recipe, i am getting pseudo inode errors. For example: inode mismatch: <path> ino 55227306 in db, 55619449 in request.
for every file that gets installed. The only way to fix is to do a -c cleanall on the recipe and rebuild.
I am building inside a podman container
is this a known issue?
the whole yocto source tree and build folder is present on the host and mounted in the container
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michaelt: not sure about podman, but with docker i don't have these issues
michaelt: does it happen only with your recipes or with recipes from upstream as well?
yeah was going to say, buggy recipes can do that...
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only my recipes
can you share one?
usually the problem is poking at files in the install location ($D) without being in pseudo context
eg you added a task between instal and package that is not fakeroot
or having some source files outside $S
sorry can't really share, but I for example have recipes inheriting cmake, or kernel modules
e.g. when using multiple git repos checked out next to each other (instead of subdir of the "main" one, so that both are excluded from pseudo tracking)
michaelt: see the fixes in public layers and check if something like that would be applicable for your recipes
ok.. well it is strange, because it is always in do_package, for example in a recipe in build/tmp/work/<machine>/<pkg name>/git/package/lib/modules/<kernel_version>/update/
in those folders i got inode mismatchs
and the recipe is a simple kernel module, with sources already checked in
doesn't look strange to me, but hard to guess what went wrong without seeing the sources or the actual errors, so you will need to debug it yourself
true, anyway thank you for the hints
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overlayfs-etc.bbclass reads a file from the path defined in OVERLAYFS_ETC_INIT_TEMPLATE in a ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND python function
afaict there's no dependency to the contents of that file...
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how could I add that.. ? or at least the timestamp?
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I guess the overlayfs-etc.bbclass has a bit problematic design... (not saying I would have done it better)
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JaMa thank you very much for your reply. I actually only wanted my kernel recipe from meta-bbb to be executed before my recipe in meta-aaa starts building. Now I have added in recipe DEPENDS += "virtual/libc virtual/kernel". It's working now!
mckoan is now known as mckoan|away
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hi, I'm having a stupid problem with a .bbappend file. I'm adding/installing a new file at do_install:append(). I added it to the list of FILES:${PN} with also the ':append' legends. However, bitbake throws me the installed-vs-shipped error
Am I missing something ?
now it is fine and was protesting about RDEPENDS... not my day
rfuentess: append doesn't add whitespace, so remember to add some when you add it to FILES
also its FILES:${PN}:append in case you were doing FILES:append:${PN}
rburton: thanks. I saw the error too late
probably I'll remember it for the next time
rburton: this also applies for SRC_URI:append ? because if yes, now I'm confused. I have the same issue
:append never adds whitespace
FOO="1" FOO:append="2" results in FOO="12"
okis. I'll be more careful now :)
again, thanks
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Hello guys, a short question. I have a new team-member with this MR: ( He wants to overwrite defconfig in sw-update and also potentially add more stuff. For me it looks very unorthodox. What do you think?
ah yeah, and in this example there are just some files "added".
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yeah don't do that
thomas_34: if those files are in the SRC_URI for the normal recipe then just adding them in a files/ directly alongside the bbappend will do the right thing
rburton, this young padawan wants his "additional" files for swupdate checked in, into a git repository...
can they not be in the layers git repository?
If I force him, it can of course. I'm interested in that case. Is there any example of a "software"/package which is build from multiple git repositories?
For example, recipe A builds software A, deploys in /home/A. Recipe B fetches config AB, and deploys in /home/A ?
Is that valid for bitbake or not allowed?
AB rdepends on A
I'm not sure if this okay for bitbake, that recipe AB is modifying "destdir" of A
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you can't poke at other recipe's build tree
you can ship files that go into the same directory
but you can't overwrite them
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Perfect rburton, thank you very much.
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I have a recipe for a piece of software that a dependency added bindgen support to, which complains during build about need I have added meta-clang to my layers.conf/default.xml, the repo is checked out. I added libclang to my DEPENDS but it doesn't seem to be picked up :\