khem: "linux-yocto: Enable l2tp drivers when ptest featuee is on" breaks efibootpartition.GenericEFITest.test_boot_efi in oe-selftest :(
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are there some tricks that could make selftest execution faster, e.g. reuse download and sstate cache better? I feel like I'm downloading and building too much all the time
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setting SSTATE_DIR and DL_DIR in base local.conf before running poky/scripts/oe-selftest seems to produce a lot of cache misses. Even if I just compiled the same selftest config manually, then removed the config bits and run the same as selftest, everything seems to be recompiled as if there is nothing in sstate cache.
mcfrisk_: are you sharing a hashequivalence server to the selftest build?
mcfrisk_: out the box they will each start their own. I've been meaning to try and teach selftest how to improve that
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Hello, what is the best way to disable getty? I still want the service to be installed, just not enabled by default
RP: no I'm not. I'll have a look on how to configure this
mcfrisk_: I start a system wide local hash server and then point to that in all my builds (and selftest)
Create a ssytemd-serialgetty.bbappend with a do_install:append that removes the link is the best I can come up with, but are there any bett way?
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Hello, when recipe-sysroot[-native] was introduced in Yocto, or it was there since the first release ?
RP: a client is stuck at 2.0 (Jethro) for example, and I want to propose the upgrade to dunfell, kirkstone, ..., the risk for the client is that system recipes will upgrade too, and the system may behave not the same way, how would you approach this situation ?
bhstalel: I'd explain the security implications of using something that old and that there were significant advantages to upgrading
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RP: Exactly, I did the same, but I am thinking of a way to present that the solution is technically possible, by, for example, getting full list of old packages, and the new list with the new versions, and do the test on the system that nothing will break
bhstalel: A proof of concept could help if you can afford to do that work
RP: I am thinking of proposing an internship for that idea, an intern can do the job (basically learning Yocto the hard way in this situation hh)
bhstalel: that's too difficult for an intern
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there is a lot for an intern to learn there
mckoan: for sure its difficult, but in Tunisia, I will gift the community with a 50+ hours of free Yocto training, that will help the intern learn Yocto, then I will the support along the way
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A loot to learn
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I am thinking of giving a new "Back to basics" talk again this year, maybe "Back to Basics | Yocto toolchain" or "Back to basics | BitBake Fetcher"
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I would like to create a recipe that downloads a tar.gz archive then unpacks it and installs files in the rootfs. The archive consists of several lua scripts and prebuild shared libraries. Is there a way that bitbake automatically detects what should be installed where or should I manually lists all the required files in the do_install?
pbiel: that depends on the layout of your archive I guess
pbiel: you'd probably have to give bitbake some info about where to put the files unless the archive matches the target
bitbake is good but not psychic :)
RP: your opinion of the "Back to basics" idea ?
bhstalel: I'm not the target audience so hard for me to say!
RP: usually, back to basics videos gain lot of attention, and remove the "Yocto is complicated" idea for beginners
bhstalel: that is always nice to do. I just don't know how many beginners need info about the toolchain for example
RP: I mean the idea is to present the compilation process, what is a toolchain, how BitBake determines the type of compilation, sets up build,host and target variables, how it creates the toolchain, and finally how you can use that toolchain (extract the SDK), ...
While typing all of this, I realised that yes, this can be quite difficult for beginners,
bhstalel: it can. I think part of the challenges is "toolchain" means different things to different people
* RP
curses the ssh test. Probably best jonmason is asleep
entropy problem, or are the ssh keys static...
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mcfrisk_: maybe. I thought we used pregen host keys
I am confused, but, I know there is automatic runtime deps check, but by any chance, is there a way that BitBake knows what compile-time recipes to use, automatically (adding to DEPENDS automatically) ? I don't think so
no, it doesn't do that
bitbake being psychic would have helped...
Saur_Home84: I could have sworn we had a bug opened for that at one point!
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Hi, what is the easiest way to build a 4.19 kernel in scarthgap? Strategies?
ThomasRoos: what is the issue you're running into? I'd find a 4.19 recipe and see what happened...
RP: pregen keys used, some other load issue then
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RP yes, compiling after pointing to latest version in branch works. But it is not booting with systemd... guess there are config options missing.
took recipe from zeus
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ThomasRoos: systemd tends to rely on the latest and greatest from the kernel too so it may actually be missing functionality
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RP: OK, I have updated the sqlite ticket, I will create a new one for the pyc FileExistsError one
mathieudb: thanks
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Hello! I'm in a weird situation: I built a new image using scarthgap. The build process is now at the end, but apparently bitbake fails saying that do_rootfs failed. The log file, however, does not seem to report any error at all. At the end, I see "DEBUG: Python function do_rootfs finished", after a long sequence of "downloading/installating". Any idea what I could do to investigate the problem? I also tried to ad -v and -D, but
I can't see an error log.
The log reports that the command "..opkg --volatile-cache -f..." is returning 255, but the remaining portion of the log does not seem to show a specific error.
luc4: check the task log for details, in tmp/work/*/$IMAGE/1.0/temp/log.do_image*. bitbake output does not contain all of the details
mcfrisk_: yes, that is what I read
for example when rootfs is generated using opkg, the error messages are in the do_rootfs log file there. and output is a bit cryptic for example when two files try to install same files/paths
or post-install script fails. the output may even missing completely. adding "set -x" to the post-install script in the recipe helps
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mcfrisk_: I really cannot see an error here. However, it happened during the build that disk space finished. I therefore freed some space and ran the procedure again. Maybe something broke during that interruption? I tried to cleansstate, but nothing changed.
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luc4: bitbake -c clean $IMAGE, there can be stale data
do_rootfs task uses the selected package manager to create rootfs. package managers error output logs are cryptic at times. but information what went wrong and with which binary package is there in the log
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mcfrisk_: weird, just before the error, I see this line "+ exit 0", then "do_rootfs: Python function do_rootfs finished". Which sounds good. But next, the error log is presented, saying "do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'". cleansstate and clean do not seem to help.
RP: seriously i'm so close to sending a patch to opkg to let it have a control tree out of the source directory
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ooooh i know what i did wrong, damnit
silly me
luc4: you can wipe the tmp directory and try again, but I'd try to understand what went wrong. you can try force running the rootfs task, bitbake -f -c do_rootfs $IMAGE. but if clean did not help then somewhere in tmp is a lot of corrupt data. I hope not in sstate
RP: were all the fails from insane that you looked at also due to DEBIAN/
because yes, logic error, and i never tested dpkg locally
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mcfrisk_: that command seems to give the same result. The failing command seems to be opkg: https://pastebin.com/3PfZQ3Pq. The last line is probably this "Configuring kernel-v7-module-wishbone-serial-6.6.22-v7". Maybe I should clean the kernel?
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luc4: do_rootfs error message is not clear, look for errors/warnings earlier in the task log
unable to install package(s), basically which package and why? are binary packages trying to overwrite files from other packages, or are post-install tasks failing
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mcfrisk_: I really cannot see anything like that. Well, I guess I'll have to try to rebuild everything :-( thanks for your help!
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rburton: I didn't look in detail
rburton: I saw do_package_qa and thought "ross" ;-)
to be honest, that's fair
luc4: full disk can cause annoying errors, hope your sstate is still ok and only tmp build directory was affected
RP: sigh, yes. I ran the test on genericarm64 and it passed. I need to try qemuarm64 too. will need to wait for x86_64 wic and uki selftests to complete first, they are still slow :/
is it better to just drop the tests, they cause too much issues
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We are using clang-tidy, from the sdk, built from meta-clang, and we have to add a bunch of -extra-arg that points to the SDK path anyone else uses clang-tidy from yocto to check their application code? Those extra-args looks like this : `-extra-arg=--sysroot=${TARGETSDK_DIR}` `-extra-arg="-I${TARGETSDK_DIR}/usr/include/"`
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RP: if that was the only failure from uki, can you revert the failing test? I don't think the failure is from uki or wic changes, it's just the test which has some dependency in genericarm64 which is not in qemuarm64 machine config. I will fix this ASAP. so sorry breaking tests all the time
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RP: that seems a kernel issue isn't it ?
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khem: I added that test for systemd-boot and its config generetad by wic, something wrong in the boot setup. it works on genericarm64 but fails on qemuarm64. could be u-boot efi firmware related
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khem: I think I got to the bottom of the link I sent earlier, was a space issue in the image
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RP: yeah that makes sense
mcfrisk_: you mean drop the tests part of the series?
yes, or just the failing test. I guess x86 variant and wic and uki tests are passing
mcfrisk_: that would imply marking the test as x86 specific :/
RP: I was wondering if I should throw glibc git into one of AB builds
khem: could do
RP: the tests currently are x86 only, no aarch64 atm. my patch adds one aarch64 compatible test
and that one is working on genericarm64 but failing on qemuarm64. I'll sort it out. you can drop the whole series or disable the test. I'll either send a new revision or fix for the test.
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mcfrisk_: thanks, I've just dropped it again for now (as well as most of rburton's patches, it isn't just yours!)
RP: no problem, really sorry for the breakage. trying to get to same test matrix as your CI
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mcfrisk_: it happens, sometimes things are just awkward. The new CI pieces on our side are speeding things up which helps
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Has anyone ever used wic/bmaptool to install on more than one drive?
I would think it's theoretically possible, but likely not a tested use-case for either tool.
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moto-timo: i think wic is limited to a single output file
rburton: good point
rburton: I did have a wic image with /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, but it doesn't write the second disk partition table I don't think. And it tried to install to /dev/sdb8 (it was the 8th partition in the wks file)
better to create two images and investigate bmaptool installer changes to handle both.
(installer shell script would run twice is my hunch)
if you're talking about two actual drives then yeah run the copy twice
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