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I have a .bbappend file that changes the URI and SRCREV of a .bb file, but yocto-check-layer gets quite upset about this. What is the appropriate way to overwrite a src_url and srvrev so yocto-check-layer passes the signature check?
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aduskett: make the modifications conditional to layer specific packageconfig, distro, machine or similar feature?
thus when adding the layer, by default it does not change anything in upstream recipes
:) yes, if the objective is to apply for compatibility.
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kanavin: That totally depends on your use case. We use versioned bbappends to do updates of upstream recipes. That way we get automatic tracking of when upstream catches up (since the bbappend no longer applies) and can then remove the bbappend. If we instead had used separate recipes, someone (i.e., me) would have had to manually keep track of all recipe updates. And if there is one thing I have learned from the cases where we have had t
o use a separate recipe due to the changes being too extensive, is that while initially intended to update to a newer version than what is in upstream, the risk of eventually ending up with using what is then an older version due to missing that upstream has updated to an even newer version is huge.
Saur, why don't you send the update directly upstream?
why put it into a bbappend first?
kanavin: Typically master of OE has already updated to the new version, but we are currently using Scarthgap. So we use the versioned bbappend to, e.g., update curl to the same version that is in Styhead. And when we update to Styhead in a couple of weeks, we remove the bbappend.
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But why would you miss an even newer version, if bitbake picks up the biggest (newest) version by default?
kanavin: It doesn't. Since our layer has higher priority, it uses the recipe in our layer regardless of the version in OE Core.
The reason I don't like the .bbappends is that when you put stuff in it, you then rely on the original recipe not changing behind your back in ways that break what .bbappend is doing. I guess for small-ish version updates it can work, but otherwise I'd still not do it.
e.g. when it's used to change SRC_URI
kanavin: Well, there are definitely pros and cons to it, but at least for us it is a very useful technique.
oh, and everyone should track master, instead of moving from one release to another :)
The problem with the SRC_URI is typically that one has to change the branch= parameter to match SRCREV, and since there is no corresponding SRCBRANCH variable, one has to change the SRC_URI.
Saur, I mean change it to a fork on a different server
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this is where I would draw the line, and ask to make a standalone recipe
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kanavin: that patch just merged into python so its a backport now
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Hi, is there a way to make bitbake treat compiler warnings as errors?
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hi, is there a more detailed document/reference on sstate-cache internals? for example, is there separate cache for recipes with different PVs?
e.g. foo_1.0 and foo_1.1 and foo_git
frieder: bitbake no but build scripts inside recipes can amend -Werror to CFLAGS etc. Recipes can also do that. Adding this distro wide is a bad idea since compiler versions get updated frequently and new warnings are triggered
mcfrisk: Ok, thanks. I see. Still, it would be nice to do this globally for a single run of bitbake, so that we can check if some recipe build throws warnings that need to be addressed. Just as a kind of extra QA check.
frieder: you can quite easily do this in poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf for your build, but note that recipe and their build scripts can still change the flags. every recipe needs to be reviewed that they also used the flags as intended and did not disable the warnings.
mcfrisk: Ok, understood. Thanks!
frieder, if you do this, pretty much every recipe will fail
the majority of them throw warnings that no one bothers to address
kanavin: Ok, thanks for the warning ;)
I've learned that drowning people in warnings is a bad idea, as they'll just learn to ignore them
a better way is to introduce a managed, small amount of warnings
then when those are addressed, again introduce more warnings
kanavin: yeah, I get your point. I need to rethink this.
frieder: if its code you own that you definitely don't want to have warnings then sure, add -Werror=... to the recipe CFLAGS
just don't expect the rest of the system to build cleanly :)
rburton: Yeah, that's basically the context. I just didn't frame it that way in my initial question.
frieder, just in case, adding -Werror to the component makefile itself is not a good idea, and we patch this out when upstream does it.
for the same reason: this causes breakage with compilers that upstream isn't testing with (which is almost always the case in yocto)
I've found only one way to increase quality, and that's to make qa tool results comparable. stopping new warnings from popping is more important than fixing all the tons of warnings in old codebases. I think there was a recent study on this
comparing compile logs isn't easy. other tools may be better.
gcc can emit the warnings and errors as a machine readable format
kanavin: ok, got it
i've been meaning to hack up a tool to extract them from a build
readable != comparable, comparing previous release build results with latest development build results is really important, IMO