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<thomasxweber> good morning. is this channel also for yocto user questions?
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<mcfrisk> thomasxweber: yes
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<thomasxweber> should sstate cache be disabled, when building a release image?
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<mckoan> thomasxweber: no. Why you have this doubt?
<mckoan> khem: thx. Actually I ended using sysbench. What do you think about it?
<thomasxweber> mckoan: are the sources necessary, if the result is already in sstate available? will the source be downloaded then?
<mckoan> thomasxweber: sources are in DL_DIR
<mckoan> the downloaded ones I mean
<thomasxweber> mckoan: someone deletes the source from DL_DIR,  SSTATE_DIR contains artifact from former build; so will the source file be downloaded?
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<mckoan> thomasxweber: in that case the task do_fetch won't be able to find the sources, therefore will download them again
<thomasxweber> mckoan: thanks
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<RP> swirl: to be clear, if the sstate is present but the files in DL_DIR are not, you would have to rerun do_fetch to get them back. do_fetch would not run if everything needed was in sstate
<ak77> while at it... how to remove files in DL_DIR that are not needed anymore ? e.g. no recipe references them anymore
<landgraf> ak77: DL_DIR can be shared between machines/distro/etc
<ak77> yes. ok. but during development, versions get bumped ... there are lefovers
<landgraf> ak77: how do you know this "leftovers" are not used by different version? :)
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<ak77> ok. fair enough. another one, i have in memory that I tried to move DL_DIR, and updated it in local.conf, and it triggered rebuild. is that so ?
<ak77> shouldn't be if, as RP said, sstate has everything it needs. ...
<ak77> what if I move sstate ?
<ak77> (black friday is near... :))
<RP> ak77: were you using hash equivalence?
* ak77 scratches head...
<RP> moving DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR wouldn't matter. Losing a copy of the hash equivalence mapping in the build directory would
<guest20> Can anyone please tell me how to resolve these issues
<guest20> Problem 1: package packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target-1.0-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon from oe-repo requires libstdc++-dev, but none of the providers can be installed
<guest20> package space-monitor-1.0-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon from oe-repo requires busybox-cron, but none of the providers can be installed
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<rburton> ak77: use find to delete files that haven't been accessed for six months, or something
<guest20> rburton could you please help me with my question
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<Jones42> Guest20: try to move step by step. find the providers of busybox cron, try to build them alone (bitbake busybox), check the logs in the "temp" directory for errors
<Jones42> Guest20: 'find' and ''
<Jones42> Guest20: 'find' and 'rgrep' (i like 'ack') are your friends here
<ak77> RP, rburton: tnx
<Jones42> Guest20: you find the log- and run-files of each recipe here: https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/structure.html#build-tmp-work-tunearch-recipename-version
<Jones42> and while I'm already here: quick sanity check: Our customer messes with "IMAGE_INSTALL" in his layer.confs. There's no sane reason to do that, right?
<RP> Jones42: it depends what you're trying to do but it would be a best practise, it is potentially very confusing
<Jones42> RP: thanks for the "somewhat-confirmation" :-) - I'm tring to clean up a big project and there are a lot of cases where they just add the packages provided by the layer to IMAGE_INSTALL.
<rburton> yeah that's literally one of the DO NOT DO THIS slides in my 'how to write a bsp' presentation this summer
<Jones42> rburton: oh, great! I've seen the talk but must have forgotten that point.
<Jones42> Good to have some "authority" I can refer to while I'm digging their whole structure over :-)
<Jones42> also I've just figured out that their way of working also conflicts with core-image.bbclass...
<ak77> mcfrisk: thank you for answers on "dobule lives". when is the next LTS expected?
<ak77> hmm. looks like every two years.
<rburton> yes
<ak77> yes. looking at this page now.
<rburton> april 26 is the next lts as the latest lts was april 2024
<ak77> "nice" product i am working on should be release in april 25 :)
<RP> Jones42: unconditionally adding is insane. I wasn't sure what "messes with" meant
<Jones42> RP: ah, sorry for not being more precise. I thought that IMAGE_* should not be modified by layer.conf in general. But I guess there's always exceptions to any rule
<rburton> layer.conf shouldn't really touch anything apart from the layer setup and _maybe_ HOSTTOOLS
<RP> Jones42: I'm a supported of letting people innovate and do interesting things but that kind of change which can be done better elsewhere doens't make sense
<RP> rburton: please not HOSTTOOLS :(
<RP> we need recipe specific host tools
<guest20> Jones42 rburton thank you very much for your inputs
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<LetoThe2nd> long shot, but: is there a way, possibly through some variable, to reference a file in a layer in local.conf, without knowing the absolute position of the layer directory? Like pseudocode MAGIC_FILE = "${TOPDIF_meta-demo}/files/magic-file"
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<kanavin> LetoThe2nd, what's the use case?
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<LetoThe2nd> kanavin: demoing a pipeline where such an asset is required. if the asset can be bundled into a "layer" like this, and then be set up using the usual layer setup tools, then I just think it is more convenient and reproducible than saying "place the absolute path on your machine into this variable"
<kanavin> LetoThe2nd, but where and how is it used? Typically if something is used in a recipe, then you add it to SRC_URI, and place it next to the recipe file
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<LetoThe2nd> kanavin: its used in a recipe, but an upstream one. so yeah, the next best way would be to use bbappends.
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<kanavin> RP: I'm rather enjoying sane rpm times again, this glibc-locale thing been bothering me for months
<rburton> LetoThe2nd: so yesterday i had a colleague rant at me about how mender only supports LTS releases
<LetoThe2nd> rburton: ya I can also tell you which colleague :-)
<LetoThe2nd> rburton: updating master-next for him is on my to-do list
<rburton> :)
<RP> kanavin: I had noticed rpm was taking longer, nice find in fixing it!
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<Scorpi> Hi, I want to add nodejs to the SDK. Am I right that I need to add nodejs-nativesdk the package list of the SDK?
<mcfrisk> that enables running nodejs natively in SDK environment. "nodejs" would enable using target nodejs in SDK.
<RP> Scorpi: nativesdk-nodejs too btw, nativesdk is a prefix
<Scorpi> mcfrisk: I wand to be able to build nodejs related projects using npm in the SDK
<Scorpi> RP: oops, thanks
<mcfrisk> Scorpi: for target or for the SDK environment?
<Scorpi> mcfrisk: for target
* RP doesn't remember how node works for cross builds
<mcfrisk> for building, it could be that the nativesdk-nodejs works. But there can be issues if something is architecture dependent
<Scorpi> RP: this was my error (prefix, not suffix). Now I need to adjust the nodejs dependencies to provide the nativesdk part, too
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<Scorpi> mcfrisk: actually, the build produces binaries that use /usr/local/oe-sdk-hardcoded-buildpath/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 as the loader
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<RP> Scorpi: if that isn't what you want, you're after something "cross-canadian" in our recipe namespace
<rburton> zeddii: fyi 22aaaa7a1a732a5288aa4a5785a77b6895959134
<rburton> i'll send a patch
<LetoThe2nd> not sure if I'm misunderstanding things, but to me it sounds like overlayfs essentially is a dance around four directories, and not something one could lay over a full rootfs filesystem, right?
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<rburton> zeddii RP: patch sent
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<RP> rburton: thanks
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<khem> mckoan:sysbench does decent job too especially on smaller systems, it has less deps
<mckoan> khem: thank you again
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<RP> JPEW: I meant ask - the SPDX ID issue keeps corrupting builds when we change it. Are there manual dependencies we can add with SPDX functions to avoid this?
<JPEW> SPDX 2 or 3?
<RP> JPEW: 3
<JPEW> RP: I thought we had fixed those, sorry. Is there a bugzilla or logs I can look at
<RP> JPEW: https://valkyrie.yoctoproject.org/#/builders/29/builds/487 was a failing build and it has "contaminated" mathieudb's following builds in painful ways
<JPEW> k
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<JPEW> K, I'll take a look
<RP> JPEW: some of these are with Hongxu's patches but even when we remove them, the issues then persist
<JPEW> I think some dependency is missing
<RP> JPEW: that is my guess too
<JPEW> Hongxu's patches are only fixes for when SPDX_INCLUDE_SOURCE = "1", which we don't do on the AB because it's _huge_
<JPEW> Yes that one is fine. I need to better understand the other patches that were sent though.... haven't been able to sit and look closely yet
<RP> JPEW: somehow those patches do break on the autobuilder though
<JPEW> RP: Ya, IIUC they are attempts to fix SPDX_INCLUDE_SOURCE, but they are a little invasive so I'm not terribly suprised
<RP> JPEW: the dependency issue does seem like something we should fix regardless though - the issues shouldn't persist when the patches are dropped
<RP> JPEW: I don't want to have to bump the sstate ABI number due to testing some patches :(
<JPEW> Ya. I think if we can find the missing dependency, it will (hopefully) fix the problem
<RP> JPEW: I hope so. I think you said it was due to the dependency code not being able to look inside the dynamic class code
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<Scorpi> RP: sorry, I did not get this. What is this "recipe namespace"?
<Scorpi> RP: my problem is that the build process in nodejs builds binaries that are executed later in the build process, but they are not native
<Scorpi> RP: nodejs-native works, nativesdk-nodejs is broken
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<khem> todays master I am seeing - https://0x0.st/XnGJ.txt
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<Saur_> zeddii: Was it intentional to tag meta-virualization with Yocto tags (yocto-5.0.5 and scarthgap-5.0.5)?
<zeddii> nope. not sure where they came from. I don't do any tagging. I'll remove them.
<zeddii> hmm. none of my meta-virtualization layers have any tags
<zeddii> oh. they aren't even ones I created.
* zeddii deletes them with malice
<zeddii> I'm a little bit concerned they could even create those.
<khem> reverting it helped the build
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<RP> zeddii: it was probably done with good intent to say that commit was tested as part of the 5.0.5 release
<RP> halstead: why did we start creating meta-virt tags?
<halstead> RP: Chee Yang sent a request to tag it. I almost double checked with you but went ahead.
<halstead> zeddii: Should I remove the tag and avoid that in the future?
<RP> halstead: I don't think release engineering should be touching layers "we" aren't the maintainers for without agreement with the maintainers
<halstead> RP: Absolutely. This is my mistake.
<halstead> zeddii: I pushed the tag for the release engineer using my access. He wouldn't be able to do it himself.
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<halstead> zeddii: It will not happen again. My apologies.
<RP> halstead: no harm done, it is just a tag
<halstead> Thanks RP.
<RP> except maybe zeddii's hair colour, I know mine is struggling too :)
<rburton> khem: oh if llvm-objcopy is terrible that's really going to annoy me
<khem> its not a complex tool
<khem> so I will be surprised
<rburton> also i wish subprocess should show at least some of stdout/stderr in the exception
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<RP> rburton: we try and patch that in :/
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<rburton> yeah i wrote that. its in oeqa, we should just shoehorn it into bitbake so its global
<RP> rburton: see def _print_exception(t, value, tb, realfile, text, context): in lib/bb/utils.py ;-)
<RP> the if isinstance(value, subprocess.CalledProcessError) and value.output:
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<rburton> khem: ah for some reason with clang systemd doesn't write the dlopen notes or something
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<khem> its possible, although that could be a different problem
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<rburton> ah no it just behaves differently
<rburton> binutils doesn't error if it can't find the segment
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<rburton> khem: remove check=True from the subprocess.run in dlopen-deps.inc
<rburton> i have a patch with a nicer comment that i'll post shortly
<khem> ok
<rburton> hm
<rburton> packages/cortexa57-poky-linux/systemd/libsystemd-shared: RRECOMMENDS: removed all items "libzstd (['>= 1.5.6']) libkmod (['>= 33'])"
<rburton> packages/cortexa57-poky-linux/systemd/systemd-dbg: PKGSIZE changed from 84037600 to 61126112 (-27%)
<rburton> packages/cortexa57-poky-linux/systemd/systemd-dev: RRECOMMENDS: added "libgcc-dev"
<rburton> packages/cortexa57-poky-linux/systemd/libsystemd: RRECOMMENDS: removed all items "libzstd (['>= 1.5.6'])"
<rburton> packages/cortexa57-poky-linux/systemd/systemd-src: PKGSIZE changed from 25136362 to 279312 (-99%)
<rburton> that's unexpected
<rburton> is -src packaging with systemd broken?
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<rburton> and of course llvm's objcopy behaves differently
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<RP> rburton: of course it does :/
<rburton> its even weirder
<rburton> its writing the file but the f.read() doesn't see the content
<RP> stdout vs err?
<rburton> nope, its writing to a file
<RP> fair enough, I don't have the context :)
* RP should ignore this
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<rburton> i do with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: and then subprocess.run() to write to f.name, and then return f.read()
<rburton> for some reason with binutils that works but with llvm's objcopy it doesn't see any content
<rburton> looks like with open(f.name) as f2: return f2.read() works
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<RP> rburton: I'd guess llvm is replacing the file so the fd is invalid
<RP> replaces the file vs binutils changing the contents
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