mckoan: someone deletes the source from DL_DIR, SSTATE_DIR contains artifact from former build; so will the source file be downloaded?
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thomasxweber: in that case the task do_fetch won't be able to find the sources, therefore will download them again
mckoan: thanks
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swirl: to be clear, if the sstate is present but the files in DL_DIR are not, you would have to rerun do_fetch to get them back. do_fetch would not run if everything needed was in sstate
while at it... how to remove files in DL_DIR that are not needed anymore ? e.g. no recipe references them anymore
ak77: DL_DIR can be shared between machines/distro/etc
yes. ok. but during development, versions get bumped ... there are lefovers
ak77: how do you know this "leftovers" are not used by different version? :)
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ok. fair enough. another one, i have in memory that I tried to move DL_DIR, and updated it in local.conf, and it triggered rebuild. is that so ?
shouldn't be if, as RP said, sstate has everything it needs. ...
what if I move sstate ?
(black friday is near... :))
ak77: were you using hash equivalence?
* ak77
scratches head...
moving DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR wouldn't matter. Losing a copy of the hash equivalence mapping in the build directory would
Can anyone please tell me how to resolve these issues
Problem 1: package packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target-1.0-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon from oe-repo requires libstdc++-dev, but none of the providers can be installed
package space-monitor-1.0-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon from oe-repo requires busybox-cron, but none of the providers can be installed
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ak77: use find to delete files that haven't been accessed for six months, or something
rburton could you please help me with my question
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Guest20: try to move step by step. find the providers of busybox cron, try to build them alone (bitbake busybox), check the logs in the "temp" directory for errors
Guest20: 'find' and ''
Guest20: 'find' and 'rgrep' (i like 'ack') are your friends here
and while I'm already here: quick sanity check: Our customer messes with "IMAGE_INSTALL" in his layer.confs. There's no sane reason to do that, right?
Jones42: it depends what you're trying to do but it would be a best practise, it is potentially very confusing
RP: thanks for the "somewhat-confirmation" :-) - I'm tring to clean up a big project and there are a lot of cases where they just add the packages provided by the layer to IMAGE_INSTALL.
yeah that's literally one of the DO NOT DO THIS slides in my 'how to write a bsp' presentation this summer
rburton: oh, great! I've seen the talk but must have forgotten that point.
Good to have some "authority" I can refer to while I'm digging their whole structure over :-)
also I've just figured out that their way of working also conflicts with core-image.bbclass...
mcfrisk: thank you for answers on "dobule lives". when is the next LTS expected?
"nice" product i am working on should be release in april 25 :)
Jones42: unconditionally adding is insane. I wasn't sure what "messes with" meant
RP: ah, sorry for not being more precise. I thought that IMAGE_* should not be modified by layer.conf in general. But I guess there's always exceptions to any rule
layer.conf shouldn't really touch anything apart from the layer setup and _maybe_ HOSTTOOLS
Jones42: I'm a supported of letting people innovate and do interesting things but that kind of change which can be done better elsewhere doens't make sense
rburton: please not HOSTTOOLS :(
we need recipe specific host tools
Jones42 rburton thank you very much for your inputs
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long shot, but: is there a way, possibly through some variable, to reference a file in a layer in local.conf, without knowing the absolute position of the layer directory? Like pseudocode MAGIC_FILE = "${TOPDIF_meta-demo}/files/magic-file"
kanavin: demoing a pipeline where such an asset is required. if the asset can be bundled into a "layer" like this, and then be set up using the usual layer setup tools, then I just think it is more convenient and reproducible than saying "place the absolute path on your machine into this variable"
LetoThe2nd, but where and how is it used? Typically if something is used in a recipe, then you add it to SRC_URI, and place it next to the recipe file
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kanavin: its used in a recipe, but an upstream one. so yeah, the next best way would be to use bbappends.
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RP: I'm rather enjoying sane rpm times again, this glibc-locale thing been bothering me for months
LetoThe2nd: so yesterday i had a colleague rant at me about how mender only supports LTS releases
rburton: ya I can also tell you which colleague :-)
rburton: updating master-next for him is on my to-do list
kanavin: I had noticed rpm was taking longer, nice find in fixing it!
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Hi, I want to add nodejs to the SDK. Am I right that I need to add nodejs-nativesdk the package list of the SDK?
that enables running nodejs natively in SDK environment. "nodejs" would enable using target nodejs in SDK.
Scorpi: nativesdk-nodejs too btw, nativesdk is a prefix
mcfrisk: I wand to be able to build nodejs related projects using npm in the SDK
RP: oops, thanks
Scorpi: for target or for the SDK environment?
mcfrisk: for target
* RP
doesn't remember how node works for cross builds
for building, it could be that the nativesdk-nodejs works. But there can be issues if something is architecture dependent
RP: this was my error (prefix, not suffix). Now I need to adjust the nodejs dependencies to provide the nativesdk part, too
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mcfrisk: actually, the build produces binaries that use /usr/local/oe-sdk-hardcoded-buildpath/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 as the loader
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Scorpi: if that isn't what you want, you're after something "cross-canadian" in our recipe namespace
not sure if I'm misunderstanding things, but to me it sounds like overlayfs essentially is a dance around four directories, and not something one could lay over a full rootfs filesystem, right?
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zeddii RP: patch sent
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rburton: thanks
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mckoan:sysbench does decent job too especially on smaller systems, it has less deps
khem: thank you again
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JPEW: I meant ask - the SPDX ID issue keeps corrupting builds when we change it. Are there manual dependencies we can add with SPDX functions to avoid this?
SPDX 2 or 3?
RP: I thought we had fixed those, sorry. Is there a bugzilla or logs I can look at