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RP: khem: What do you think about making the reproducible test work even in case of a partially failed build? (ie: adding "--continue" to the bitbake cmdline)
That would let us see the reproducible state even in case of an unrelated build faillure
That shouldn't change much for oe-core, that would be most beneficial for the meta-oe tests
yocton: I'm torn on it and I think I've gone back and forth on this. The trouble is if things don't build, the reproducibile result is inaccurate
Inaccurate as in "We don't see reproducible state for package that don't build"?
yocton: imagine m4-native fails and then reproducibility passes since it didn't build anything
RP: I would ensure that the global build is only green for a successful build AND reproducible output
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yocton: what about the test result value in json though?
I'm not familiar with this one :-| I'll look into it