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Hello guys,
I have a que regarding controlling SMS for our cellular Modem via Modem Manager / mmcli in Yocto.
I know that we can list and read the SMS via mmcli but what i want to have incoming notificattion / signal with something like DBus in our c++ application.
How can i get that? any idea will be usefull.
hint: we have already integrated mmcli and able to read some paras.
ak77: Yes, config snippets do work with u-boot. Sadly the default is to use per-machine static configs and not feature specific config fragments.
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RP, rbutton: I am using standard u-boot recipe
mcfrisk: what does that mean ?
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ak77: u-boot build config is not created from MACHINE_FEATURES, or DISTRO_FEATURES, using feature specific config snippets on top of a minimal machine specific config
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oh. yes. thank you
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Is there a way to add rust for target compilation to the meta-ide-support SDK?
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