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<ak77> do .cfg files apply to u-boot .config? some recipes use it, but I don't see an effect on build dir's .config
<RP> ak77: it probably depends which classes you inherit
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<rburton> ak77: should work if you're using the standard uboot recipe
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<Mayur> Hello guys,
<Mayur> I have a que regarding controlling SMS for our cellular Modem via Modem Manager / mmcli in Yocto.
<Mayur> I know that we can list and read the SMS via mmcli but what i want to have incoming notificattion / signal with something like DBus in our c++ application.
<Mayur> How can i get that? any idea will be usefull.
<Mayur> hint: we have already integrated mmcli and able to read some paras.
<mcfrisk> ak77: Yes, config snippets do work with u-boot. Sadly the default is to use per-machine static configs and not feature specific config fragments.
<rburton> Mayur: very much not a yocto thing, but i imagine you'd want to listen to dbus signals that modemmanager sends. eg https://www.freedesktop.org/software/ModemManager/doc/latest/ModemManager/gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Messaging.html says there is a Added signal.
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<ak77> RP, rbutton: I am using standard u-boot recipe
<ak77> mcfrisk: what does that mean ?
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<mcfrisk> ak77: u-boot build config is not created from MACHINE_FEATURES, or DISTRO_FEATURES, using feature specific config snippets on top of a minimal machine specific config
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<ak77> oh. yes. thank you
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<rber|res> Is there a way to add rust for target compilation to the meta-ide-support SDK?
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<vmeson> fyi, recent activity but no merge yet on ninja getting the job server feature: https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/pull/2506
<vmeson> I'd like to understand more about this claim: Fuchsia build ... this reduces the total time from 22minutes to 12minutes.
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<rburton> yeah!
<rburton> i can't remember who here was pushing that and if they've tested it
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<vmeson> rburton: heh, I've been pushing for it but wasn't the person who generated the patch set. I did test it lightly and hope/plan to do more.
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