perhaps we should just add REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES = "gobject-introspection-data" in libgpiod2 recipe
tlwoerner: can you try something like this in your failing env - https://0x0.st/X0Ud.diff
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khem: libgpiod-2.2 already has autoconf support for --enable-introspection/--disable-introspection
but in our current builds, it is always set to --enable-introspection regardless of whether gobject-introspection* is in DISTRO_FEATURES
oh wait... let me verify that last statement
i'm not enabling it in my builds, but i bet it's being backfilled
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tlwoerner: yeah I can simulate the backfilling now
tlwoerner: can you confirm it with bitbake -e libgpiod | grep "^DISTRO_FEATURES="
khem: gobject-introspection-data is in my DISTRO_FEATURES, removing it allows libgpiod to succeed without ptest also enabled in DISTRO_FEATURES
in other words:
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if 'gobject-introspection-data' is in DISTRO_FEATURES, then you also have to add 'ptest' for libgpiod-2.2 to build successfully
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if 'ptest' is not in DISTRO_FEATURES, then you also have to remove 'gobject-introspection-data' (which is backfilled magically for you)
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OK that confirms with what I see here now as well
I guess, there is another dep hidden in test packageconfig which we need to enable when gobject-introspection-data is in DISTRO_FEATURES
* khem
stares at the libgpiod recipe
otherwise use
PREFERRED_VERSION_libgpiod ?= "1%"
thats what yoe distro does for some projects but not all
thanks for keeping the 1.x recipe available
yeah you should thanks some BSP layers to not move to 2.x :)
I would have punted it by now
nah, 1.x is much better. i prefer its persistence of gpio settings :-)
2.x has some interesting stuff IMO event polling and gpiod_line_config and gpiod_request_config allows specify line and request settings more flexibly. with 1.x all you could do was line level
anyway, the patch I posted is something we need I think for libgpiod
with some little tweaks
I will post it to ml and see if thats acceptabel to Bartosz then it can get done
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Why does all the tex stuff have to be in subversion
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qschulz: yes, but i prefer the 1.x way :-)
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is SRC_URI_machine:${machine_name} = "${url}" the proper way to overwrite a URI using a .bbappend file?
aduskett: SRC_URI:qemux86-64 = "..." would override the entire SRC_URI (except for any :append's) for qemux86-64.
ah ok
Saur_Home56: that is exactly what I want
However, if you only want to override the main URI and leave any extra file://s, you would use SRC_URI:prepend:quemx86-64 = "<new URI>" followed by SRC_URI:remove:qemux86-64 = "<original URI>"
aduskett: And of course I missed a space at the end in SRC_URI:prepend:quemx86-64 = "<new URI> "
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Saur_Home56: even better!
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jwinarsk: I suspect there will be other issues :/
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Hey! I have to use some secured package of renesas. All of this is a real mess (not sure if they understand how yocto works), for example, before building a package "security-configurator", we have to manually copy files in build/tmp/..../security-configurator/install (like two keys). So ofcourse: first we have to compile and then put the file manually in the created folder and after rebuild.
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RP: likely yes; the classic onion peel
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Tyaku: I can think of writing a bbclass which can add a custom task to do the needed and then inherit it in the recipes where it matters
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rburton: kanavin: do either of you know how to handle compiler flags with meson for Python recipe builds? I'm seeing stuff like this in tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/python3-numpy/2.1.2/sysroot-destdir/usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/numpy/__config__.py:
jwinarsk: you probably needed the extended version
RP: makes sense. I'll try it out in the near future. I'm moving to Fedora 41 later today; so a good test. The good news is I finally got the podman incantation correct, so I can stand my `meta-flutter` CI back up