ghc-bootstrap-native = binary tarball, packaged as a recipe
ghc_8.10.7 = recipe with source tarball, to generate ghc-native and ghc (cross compiler)
ghc-native depends on ghc-bootstrap-native
ghc depends on ghc-native
bitbake is complaining about recipe-sysroot-native collision between ghc-bootstrap and ghc-native, when building ghc, but no components of ghc-bootstrap-native are needed by ghc
ghc-bootstrap-native is only needed once, to build ghc-native
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hi, trying to compile for colibri imx6dl with kirkstone, python3-cryptography fails for some reason: ERROR: python3-cryptography-36.0.2-r0 do_compile: 'python3 setup.py bdist_wheel ' execution failed.
is this a known problem?
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Hello everyone, out of nowhere I have started getting error in function Executing shell function complete_initramfs 1.0/rootfs/proc’: File exists | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command. Does anyone have a clue what could be the root cause. It has always functioned!
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Is there an easy way to specify the partition labels that get defined for image creation? I've not had any luck specifically with the boot partition label, if memory serves. I'm coming back to this problem after a break in looking at it
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BrianL: yes. for example with wic, the wks partition definition can specify partition labels. See the many .wks files in poky as examples.
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It still doesn't let you change the boot partition label, which still gets 'boot' attached to it
I'll double check, though.
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JPEW: how many DUTs do you have per labgrid exporter?
moto-timo: 1
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in the Intel labs, they had one raspberrypi per each DUT (for their tcf framework) https://github.com/intel/tcf
JPEW: ok, I need to rethink my hardware choices... one exporter per DUT is too expensive for what I chose so far.
We found that we had to do that at scale (we have 42 DUTs) so that we could take exporter/DUTs offline for maintaince
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Ya, its more expensive
Fortunately, labgrid doesn't _force_ you to do it that way, it's nice and flexible
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JPEW: one coordinator for all 42 DUTs or more?
zeddii: how would I use yocto-kernel-tools to verify CONFIG_WDAT_WDT=m is actually going to make it into the final config? Meaning, it cannot work without CONFIG_ACPI_WATCHDOG=y and that is somehow "silently" being missed now. I just watched your May 2021 kernel tools talk hence the query.
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maybe I just have the warnings off for some reason, but it seems like bsp/intel-x86/intel-x86.cfg needs CONFIG_ACPI_WATCHDOG=y