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<mcfrisk_> rburton: I guess poky/oe-core selftests don't run on genericarm64 yet?
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<wojci> hnez, I think that #labgrid is quite dead. Was that German company behind labgrid not sold to Intel? Is it still active? :)
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<hnez> wojci: You are thinking of Linutronix. Pengutronix, my employer, is still doing fine and was not sold to Intel ;)
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<wojci> hnez, Ah. I see. :D
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<wojci> hnez, I'm kind of wondering about the design of Labgrid. I was expecting to be able to use the client from another network with just a SSH connection the the exporter, but it doesn't seem to work that way. The client sends packets directly and not using the host running the exporter.
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<hnez> wojci: Let's discuss this further in #labgrid. TL;DR for everyone following here: proxying via the exporter is optional: https://labgrid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html#proxy-mechanism
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<rburton> mcfrisk_: i thought they were...
<rburton> ah crap
<rburton> we never integrated the 'run in qemu' bit
<rburton> lets respin that and see
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<mcfrisk_> rburton: the uki patches had a refactoring bug, easy to fix. I'm adding testcase for x86* and aarch64 (I guess this will cover qemuarm64 and genericarm64). test can be arch agnostic but the build config needs to know if u-boot or ovmf gets compiled
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<Guest37> is there anyone who knows nxp and can tell me what amongst the five values are the hex addresses of pin muxing from reference manual https://github.com/endlessm/linux/blob/master/arch/arm/boot/dts/nxp/imx/imx6ull-pinfunc.h
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<bhstalel> Hello everyone,
<bhstalel> If recipe A just installs an executable that rdepends on a shared library provided by recipe B
<bhstalel> Does just specifying DEPENDS += "B" is enough in order for recipe A to find out in the package_data of each recipe in DEPENDS that B provides that library and then it adds it automatically to RDEPENDS ?
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<RP> bhstalel: usually bitbake can see the shared library dependency unless it uses dlopen or something
<bhstalel> I mean, if I have recipe A that provides the lib, but I never build it, and recipe B depends on it at run time.
<bhstalel> BitBake will find out that recipe B's executable depends on a shared library, does it just fire an error/warning, or tries to look in all recipes ?
<bhstalel> I think the recipe A needs to be built in order for BitBake to export that it provides a shared library, so when it comes to recipe B then it finds recipe A and added to RDEPENDS
<bhstalel> right ?
<luc4> Hello! It seems that Yocto often keeps data from previous builds. Is there a way to cleanup everything that is not actually part of the current image? For example, I built many versions of the same packages, and I think old versions are kept. Any way to clean everything and leave only what is currently used by an image (without rebuilding it)?
<kanavin> luc4, you can pretty much wipe build/tmp anytime between running bitbake
<kanavin> cleaning sstate is trickier, typically people use find to get a list of things that haven't been accessed recently, and wipe those
<luc4> kanavin: but doing that implies that next time I'll build my image, everything will be rebuilt?
<kanavin> luc4, doing what?
<luc4> kanavin: wipe build/tmp
<kanavin> luc4, no. it will get prebuilt objects from sstate and unpack them, which is as fast as your machine can do i/o and zstd decompress
<luc4> kanavin: ah I see, thanks then!
<kanavin> the only thing that will repeat is producing the image, do_rootfs and further tasks
<kanavin> try it. it's pretty neat to watch the first time :)
<luc4> kanavin: by "wipe" do you mean the good old "rm -rf"?
<kanavin> luc4, I do 'mv tmp tmp2' first then 'rm -rf tmp2'
<kanavin> that way you can start bitbake without waiting for rm to finish
<luc4> kanavin: ok, I'll try then :-) thanks!
<kanavin> luc4, there's also rm_work class that does this automatically, but I don't use it because I like manual control over what is kept in the build trees and what is deleted
<kanavin> but some ppl love rm_work
<RP> kanavin: It was fun to note a build with rm_work is 1 min slower on an SSD :)
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<Guest9> Hi,
<Guest9> I am trying to figure out whether the following can be achieved in Yocto.
<Guest9> Say I have a recipe, "mylib.bb", that ultimately installs a file called "libmylib.so" under folder "/foo/".
<Guest9> Say I have another recipe, "myapp.bb", that is a make-based C/C++ application, that needs "libmylib.so" and hence has a DEPENDS on "mylib.bb".
<Guest9> As folder "/foo" is an unusual installation folder, by default, the makefile+toolchain setup will not include it on the search path for libraries.
<Guest9> Can I do something in "mylib.bb" so that by adding it as a DEPENDS its takes care of adjusting the LDFLAGS (ie: modifies somehow TARGET_LDFLAGS adding the required "-L=/foo/") for "myapp.bb" ?
<Guest9> I know I can do TARGET_LDFLAGS:append directly on "myapp.bb", but that makes things harder to maintain.
<Guest9> Thx.
<rburton> Guest9: easy fix: install the library into $libdir
<rburton> workaround is to add -L=/foo to LDFLAGS as you have done, because that's the correct answer to your problem
<rburton> if you have _lots_ of libraries that install into that directory then you can do other things
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<bhstalel> Guest9: I am not sure if your /foo is picked up by do_populate_sysroot ?
<rburton> yeah thats another complication of using random paths
<bhstalel> do_populate_sysroot picks what is in SYSROOT_DIRS variable.
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<bhstalel> So, for your question, you need also to do:
<bhstalel> SYSROOT_DIRS:append = " /foo"
<bhstalel> rburton: exactly
<rburton> you could just extend LDFLAGS globally instead of in that recipe,
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<Granjow> Hi, I'm trying to apply kernel configuration from a config file I received (it is around 5k lines long), and I'm getting a myriad of info entries that “last val (m) and .config val (n) do not match” or similar. I have a .scc file which does “kconf hardware mylongfile.cfg”. Is this wrong?
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<tlwoerner> do tasks have to be written in sh or can we use bash?
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<bhstalel> tlwoerner: Yocto docs: "Shell Function Syntax: Write shell functions as if you were writing a shell script when you describe a list of actions to take. You should ensure that your script works with a generic sh and that it does not require any bash or other shell-specific functionality. "
<JaMa> at least dash is quite common for /bin/sh
<rburton> yeah i assume dash to be honest
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<Guest9> rburton, bhstalel
<Guest9> Thx for the mindshare.
<Guest9> I had already taken care of SYSROOT_DIRS (indeed a gotcha for those of us only moderately versed in Yocto). Thx.
<Guest9> Using standard folder is obviously also a solution, but, I am asking because that path is not entirely under my control.
<Guest9> A pity there is no built-in mechanism.
<Guest9> What about when building the "Standard SDK" ? Can the recipe "mylib.bb" influence the initial LDFLAGS that we get on the SDK environment ?
<yocton> isn't it a task for packageconfig?
<yocton> mylib would create a .pc file with it's custom LFLAGS and the recipes depending on this lib can get the paths from the same .pc file?
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<yocton> I meant pkg-config instead of packageconfig
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<Guest9> yocton - interesting suggestion - I'll explore that
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<mr-hip> I have copied all the poky files to a newly created partition.  I'm trying to install grub on that partition so it boots poky.  But grub-install says "cannot get canonical path of overlay".
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<mr-hip> I have copied all the poky files to a newly created partition. I'm trying to install grub on that partition so it boots poky. But grub-install says "cannot get canonical path of overlay".
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