Hi fellow Yoctonians! I'd like to add a recipe that provides a tool used to build another package. Is there something to take care of? Is the use of native.bbclass and '-native' suffix in the recipe customary or mandatory?
#AWS #CDK version of #buildbot for #Yocto #linux - might be interesting for more people.
We use it to test meta-aws with all supported releases and archs. (With shared SSTATE, polling changes of remote repos, kvm enabled testimage...)
manuel1985: If you only ever use it as build tool for other packages then yes. https://docs.yoctoproject.org/singleindex.html#native describes the two options. If the package may also make sense to install as a target then you can follow the second method.
manuel1985: if you inherit native and don't call the recipe -native then you're just asking to confuse people
you _need_ to inherit native to build native code
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was wondering if anyone knows if there is already an existing recipe for libtorchtrt and co somewhere ...
unless the recipe name would be different
guess thats pytorch
that's a "challenge" to build
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what could be a lightweight browser alternative to chromium to be used with Yocto ?
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rburton: Thanks for the advice provided above
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Ablu too
TRO[m]: We've often wondered what implementing an autobuilder on AWS infrastructure would look like but we don't have the money to be able to run such a thing!
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Hello, I have a NodeJs project that I would like to include in my image. I am on Kirkstone and building linux-fslc-imx for an i.mx8 target.
I have used devtool to create the recipe for me.
Now I'm facing an issue where one of the dependency npm packages "leveldown" is failing in the do_package step, for example:
ERROR: backend-1.0.0+gitAUTOINC+b46ad989d4-r0 do_package: QA Issue: File '/usr/lib/node_modules/backend/node_modules/leveldown/prebuilds/android-arm/node.napi.armv7.node' from backend was already stripped, this will prevent future debugging! [already-stripped]
When i add "INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "already-stripped" to the recipe i get:
do_package_qa: QA Issue: Architecture did not match (ARM, expected AArch64) in /usr/lib/node_modules/backend/node_modules/leveldown/prebuilds/android-arm/node.napi.armv7.node
It seems to me the prebuilt android-arm should not be used anyway in my case, so I should somehow set --build-from-source for leveldown? I have tried adding .npmrc with this command in the root but this did not help.
Looking at npm.bbclass I could not figure out if I should tell it to do something specific.
Would any of you know where to start debugging this?
<RP> "TRO: We've often wondered what..." <- I mean setting up a build cluster in a few minutes is great. The running costs should be low, just the builder (on demand) instance type should be considered carefully...
TRO[m]: we have around ~65 different "builders" active on any give test run and they use a fair bit of resources to run the builds so I suspect it would be expensive
TRO[m]: it would be interesting to see what "oe-selftest -r reproducible" would 'cost' or "oe-selftest -a --skip-tests distrodata.Distrodata.test_checkpkg buildoptions.SourceMirroring.test_yocto_source_mirror reproducible -T machine -T toolchain-user -T toolchain-system -j 15"
we run the latter four times on centos, debian, fedora and ubuntu
" ninja: error: manifest 'build.ninja' still dirty after 100 tries, perhaps system time is not set"
RP: ok will take a look (smurray is on vacation)
dl9pf: thanks
RP: We can have this discussion offline ;)
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TRO[m]: I've just had a lot of people tell me things about this over the years and in general people don't appreciate the scale of our servers/tests
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Hi! I think I've found a bug with externalsrc and dependency handling. When I call clean on an externalsrc recipe then call prepare_recipe_sysroot for a recipe that depends on it, I get the following "The sstate manifest for task 'dummy_cleaned_task:populate_sysroot' (multilib variant '') could not be found.". If I build the dummy_cleaned_task
fully it works fine, also works fine when I convert the recipe to not use externalsrc. I think the "if task.endswith("_setscene"): bb.build.deltask(task, d)" causes the problem somehow or breaks an assumption elsewhere because if I disable this it also works. Has anybody encountered something similar?
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psi34: it is probably worth filing a bug for that
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if I (r)dpend on a package with a certain PACKAGECONFIG is it possible to check this?
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Do we have a style/formatting guide for our Python scripts?
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tgamblin: personally, what black says
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rburton: thanks!
(nobody has ran it over the existing code)
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rburton: One of the other BL devs was asking but I didn't have an answer other than maybe pylint. I've suggested they look at black
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black is super-opinionated but there's a lot of zen from that
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zeddii: FWIW other builds all worked even on that worker
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RP: that is definitely strange. ninja just went insane.
zeddii: i want the above quote out of context.
* zeddii
will have to avoid japan if the quote gets out
zeddii: I doubt it is meta-virt related :/
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Does the devtool shall have userspace qemu enabled?
Today a collegue of mine was adding a recipe for a tool he wants to include in the docker build
It's a native recipe but he failed to mark it as -native and choose the wrong architecture as well
(the arch of the target, not of the build host)
to my surprise, he could execute that binary in the devtool shell. That was really puzzling me.
it probably just used your native compiler
did you check the binary was actually the wrong arch?
jepp, did so. I checked with `file`.
The file (pandoc) was precompiled. It's written in Haskell from what I know.
perhaps use MACHINE names for each combo?
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I need to overwrite the file, generated by another recipe. can't use .bbappend. What can I do?
why can't you use a bbappend? that's what they're for.
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tlwoerner: isn't what SOME_SETTING:the-base-board provides you?
RP: I like ${TOPDIR}/tmp-${DISTRO} because it keeps the same directory depth. Also deploy dir already splits per-machine artifacts, so I think it'd be convenient to explicit the distro in the build path too as a saner default setup.
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rburton, case I need to keep configs and files for this image in one recipe. I just need to overwrite the file that installed previously by OE
DvorkinDmitry: One way would be to bbappend the OE recipe to make it `rm` the file in do_install:append. Then your new recipe wouldn't conflict
DvorkinDmitry: But.... you might want to consider why your new recipe _has_ to be the one to install the file; it's probably not best practice to do that
JPEW, I see. I have two images for the same machine: first image has normal nginx, another has nginx + custom htmls + custom php config + custom nginx. all I need is just to add myrecipe (with this files) into image B. Seems it is not possible?
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DvorkinDmitry: Is that 2 different nginx's or is the "custom nginx" the config?
JPEW, in the first image I have to keep default nginx config (from OE), in another image I need to replace the default nginx config with customer's. Nginx binaries in both images are identical.
ah. We override the base nginx to use drop files, then you can easily add in other config fragments from other recipes as necessary
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JPEW, ok. I have a recipe that installs several php files into /var/www/localhost/html/ but index.html and the directory /var/www/localhost/html conflicts with the files installed by nginx*.bb. If I'll place it into another dir I have to change default nginx.conf to point to another dir anyway. right?
JPEW, and I run into conflict again...
I can't even replace the nginx setup in my .bbappend, case it is image-specific, not machine specific
Ya, then I'd just remove it completely in a bbappend and make new recipe(s) to provide it
JPEW, probably it is the best idea I can imagine too. was thinking about it, but hoped there are some magical key exists for such a situation in OE
DvorkinDmitry: Ya, that one is a little tricky
DvorkinDmitry: Can you maybe do your config in a file under "/etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf" or "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*"? /etc/nginx/nginx.conf includes those.
Ablu, I can. but I can't override default webserver settings for localhost,_default and * servernames then
DvorkinDmitry: You could overwrite parts of it, but yeah, doing a clean cut may be better in some situations.
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sounds like patches welcome for the nginx recipe to package the configuration separately as a recommendation
so you can provide your own
something like package daemon recommends daemon-config and has a subpackage daemon-default-config which rprovides daemon-config
then you can write your own package and install it explicitly, so the default config doesn't get pulled in
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vvn: but i don't want SOME_SETTING:the-base-board, i want SOME_SETTING:a-specific-add-on-board
maybe i just need to add my add-on boards to OVERRIDES or something
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tlwoerner: yep, either inherit a new machine config from the base board, or extend MACHINEOVERRIDES and update your recipes with a few :a-specific-add-on-board
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tlwoerner: MACHINEOVERRIDES may help
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what does this mean? "foo-1.0-r0 do_prepare_recipe_sysroot: The sstate manifest for task 'bar:populate_sysroot' (multilib variant '') could not be found."
i sometimes get workspaces into this state, i don't know how, and i don't know how to recover from it except to delete and recreate
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JPEW: are you planning to merge meta-mingw master-next in master?
abelloni: Ya, does it fix the problem?
I started a build with master and I got the problem
I then remembered I did my other builds with master-next :)
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