can't find MCMACHINE variable. is there are something like this?
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DvorkinDmitry: what is MCMACHINE?
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zelgomer, i found this variable in google. somebody said, if you're doing MACHINEOVERRIDE this variable contains original name of the machine
i also wonder if there's a misunderstanding here with MACHINEOVERRIDES. this variable does not override the value of MACHINE, it's a list of override tokens used when building for the given MACHINE
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zelgomer, oh! ok. i'm building two images for machine XXX. One contains DTS0 + systemd network settings, another contains dts1 with another systemd network settings. How can I separate them? I can specify the DTS, but don't see how can I specify the systemd network settings for the same machine, but for different configuration?
'm building two images for machine XXX. One contains DTS0 + systemd network settings, another contains dts1 with another systemd network settings. How can I separate them? I can specify the DTS, but don't see how can I specify the systemd network settings for the same machine, but for different configuration?
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DvorkinDmitry: i don't know, you could either define two machines that are mostly common but have this variation (e.g. XXX.conf and YYY.conf both include commonZZZ.inc) and then you chose the dts and network settings from those respective recipes using override syntax
or another option is to select those things with a variable that you set either from two different machine files (again XXX.conf and YYY.conf both include commonZZZ.inc), or you have a single machine and configure the variable for specific builds with local.conf