RP: the nesting into directories is much better than before. I was more thinking about the float, crypto, etc and them being enabled/disabled.
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good morning
strange, `devtool latest-version po4a` is reporting current version 0.69 but it is in fact 0.49. Is there some kind of caching that I need to clear? (AUH related)
ah nevermind, I have to clean the local layer of the previous upgraded recipes...
lets say i have 3 machine conf machine1.conf, machine2.conf, machine3.conf. confs include:
Hi, taking over a yo to project here and lots recipes have SRC_URI pointing to savannah, that does fail, looking at the URI with a browser, all directories seem empty, not familiar with savannah project, any advice?
Guest87: yes, that directory is empty. so presumably the recipe never actually worked with an empty DL_DIR and it only worked as whoever wrote that already had the tarballs
as I said am taking over, only been there 2 days lol
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respectfully, sounds like you need to delete some cruft :)
rburton totally agreed
I need to change the content of GNU_MIRROR variable but not sure to what
I just posted what it is now
or was for kirkstone release anyway
brilliant thamks
in your head savannah == GNU
salsa == Debian
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alioth == old Debian
Guest87: is that a special-for-your-layer automake recipe?
or maybe just wanted/needed a newer/older automake version...
question every single locally carried recipe that is also present in oe-core or other layers.
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Are there any example of using systemd in a initramfs?
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an initramfs is just another image, so make it as usual
rburton: true. I was mostly hoping for inspiration on how people call `systemctl switch-root` to switch over. That and maybe some systemd-repart examples.
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Ah. initrd-switch-root.service is a thing. Did not realize that from the systemd docs...
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rburton: thoughts on merging the test release of autoconf?
rburton: I think I'm in favour
RP: i can fire a largish build with just that to see if anything changes obviously
i dont like random git snapshots but i don't like autoconf in general ;)
rburton: I don't like it either but this does bring us close to any eventual release
there is good time_t and largefile stuff in there
has upstream stalled or are they still working towards release?
rburton: stalled I think but they seemed really close
I'm also using siemens's Kas, not sure if that's very relevant, building for dunfell
the package that is causing me pain is docker-ce
is there a way to get all the dependencies of an image ? show-layers recipe does not give the whole picture
linex[m]: bitbake -g <image_name> ?
linex[m]: if a recipe is being built then it's being pulled in somehow, quite possibly though potential dependencies so it might be built but not installed.
I do not believe that should trigger the build though
you're wrong :)
recipe R may produce packages A and B
your image has A in
but if package B depends on C then C also needs to be built as part of building R
otherwise you go to install B and you get missing dependencies
the dependency chains can be long and unexpected but bitbake won't _invent_ dependencies
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yeah I figured my image is depending on another image, now I have to understand why, there's nothing in the image file pointing to that, it might be some kas behaviour I'm not understanding
kas doesn't do anything special
it just clones, writes a local.conf and calls bitbake
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it also does checkout and lose your local commits to the abyss :D
you can tell it not to do that :)
qschulz: There is an automated way to sign the kernel image and enroll the keys in U-Boot somewhere, if I remember correctly. Where is that again?
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jclsn: automated within Yocto you mean?
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yeah I discovered that after the crime :)
qschulz: Yes, I remember you saying that FIT image verification is implemented in Yocto somehow, when we were talking about it last year
jclsn: haven't worked for a while with Yocto and I don't remember discussing this sorry :/
In our old company we did it with HAB in the end and you encouraged me to use the openssl method from your Secure Boot A-Z
Alright, thanks anyway
jclsn: mkimage can sign fitimages for you yes?
and U-Boot can verify your fitimage at runtime too
Yes, that is what I mean
and you can have the kernel verify the rootfs without using an initramfs to switch_root but I have never used this one (and it's "new")
Thanks, will look into it
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Another question: Can you list a .patch file in a recipe that patches the same recipe it is listed in? I would assume no
That is what a .bbappend is for I guess
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jclsn: " in a recipe that patches the same recipe" ?
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Yeah, I made it clear^2 I guess
If that were possible, there would be no reason for a .bbappend
Or well, maybe there still would be
Hmm, anyone recall the history behind the TARGET_VENDOR change for multilib configurations, which makes multilib variants of recipes distinct from an equivalent configuration directly for a target? I'd assume this would reduce sstate usage for equivalent configurations. Something to do with the libexec paths in the toolchain multilib builds, perhaps? I know it goes back to the original multilib implementation, specifically the
target vendor fix from mark hatle. What differences are there in a lib32-core-image-minimal targeted for a 64 bit platform with the 32-bit multilib enabled and a core-image-minimal for a 32-bit platform with equivalent tuning?
That's all git would turn up, checking my mailing list archives next :)
kergoth_: From memory I think we wanted different lib prefix settings to have different vendors. You could match one lib prefix to match the specific target config but we've never picked one
kergoth_: I suspect for core we made the differ just to make it obvious which was going where
Yeah, was suspecting as much myself. Of course the PN is different anyway, so was curious. That goes way back to 2011 in your original work on it :)
kergoth_: My thinking was probably that we could resolve that later ;-)
kergoth_: sstate reuse wasn't a thing then either
Yeah, with current signature handlers and rebuilds of tasks based on checksums, it's probably less critical to isolate those via namespace. Could be interesting to experiment
we ended up making the build trees a lot more resistant to different configs than they ever used to be
It's tough with any long-lived project, really. Oh yeah, we did XYZ because of ABC that no longer exists :)
kergoth_: I'm still not sure we should rely on the build cleanup code but it does a good enough job now, most people do quite heavily :/
i.e. our old rules of only allowing machine changes in a TMPDIR and multi-machine support but not multi-distro
if we wanted to make that part of the architecture, some proper injection points into the taskgraph would be much nicer
JPEW: the way mingw32-common.inc sets MACHINEOVERRIDES .= ":sdkmingw32" makes me very suspicious, because it means simply selecting the mingw sdk changes *target* overrides.
JPEW: i need to go eat but if you have a moment to unpick that (I tried just deleting and it broke other things) then that would be great
it's actively causing breakage, ie target freetype builds trying to run windres