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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
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<dvergatal> RP: it looks nice
<dvergatal> btw. is there a way to override lib file in my overlay just like bbclass ? because I was running the build with fixes from JPEW applied to my layer not to openembedded core and they were not working
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<DvorkinDmitry> meta-openembedded/meta-python/recipes-core/images/meta-python-ptest-image.bb: No IMAGE_CMD defined for IMAGE_FSTYPES entry 'isp' - possibly invalid type name or missing support class
<DvorkinDmitry> why? I have IMAGE_CMD_isp in my isp_image.bbclass
<KanjiMonster> DvorkinDmitry: which yocto version is this? Maybe it needs the new syntax ("IMAGE_CMD:isp")?
<DvorkinDmitry> KanjiMonster, oh yes. you're right! is new syntax compatible with Dunfell?
<KanjiMonster> DvorkinDmitry: AFAICT it should, as long as https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky/commit/bitbake?h=dunfell&id=1f7b04355c032cd0de4cbe9352745920964c8057 is included in your poky
<DvorkinDmitry> KanjiMonster, I'm not addint poky, but using bare openembedded instead. I've tested and new syntax seems to work in Dunfell
<DvorkinDmitry> KanjiMonster, thanks!
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<adrianf> olani-: Thanks for the hint. I already tried this, but I got a run.do_compile script with only one of the two functions. After trying it a second time (thanks to your tip), I can confirm that it basically works as you described. Now I just need to find a way to separate the two builds so the filenames don't collide. I'm not yet sure if this will
<adrianf> really work in practice.
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<zelgomer> does runqemu support booting with no rootfs? what if i want my target to boot into initramfs only?
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