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<mckoan> good morning
<Guest98> morning
<tomzy_0[m]> morning
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<efeschiyan> hey there folks, I am looking how to put a single firmware blob within the kernel but my attempts in whacking yocto to do what I want it do to seem to be failing. I found that only 2 people - derRichard and qschulz - obviously had the same idea as me, at least from what I can find from libera's chatlogs - https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/yocto/search?q=CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EXTRA . is there a reasonable
<efeschiyan> way to make the linux-firmware sysroot be available during a kernel compilation process so I could pick a single blob and add it to CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EXTRA ?
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<derRichard> efeschiyan: let me check
<mckoan> efeschiyan: doesn't putting firmware blob within the kernel violate the GPLv2 ?
<derRichard> depends on the license of the firmware blob...
<mckoan> derRichard: usually FW has a specific license incompatible with GPLv2
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<derRichard> mckoan: usually but not always. it depends on the firmware itself.
<derRichard> and the firmware is not linked to the kernel (program). it is just part of the archive. like a zip file or a fit image...
<derRichard> efeschiyan: just checked how i solved it.
<derRichard> in the kernel recipe:
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<derRichard> and in the firmware recipe:
<derRichard> SYSROOT_DIRS += "${nonarch_base_libdir}/firmware/"
<derRichard> hope this helps
<efeschiyan> I tried task dependency in various steps but the SYSROOT_DIRS is probably is what I am looking for. I'll try it in a bit, much appreciated
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<efeschiyan> derRichard: thanks mate. that seems to be only half of the story at least on my side, I thought I was going insane - the linux-firmware_20230404.bb has SYSROOT_DIRS_IGNORE += "${nonarch_base_libdir}/firmware" at the bottom which ruins the fun - from kirkstone onwards is there and before that it wasn't; I had to override/empty that in a bbappend. after that I slapped do_configure[depends] +=
<efeschiyan> "linux-firmware:do_populate_sysroot"
<efeschiyan> in the kernel bbappend I am building and that made it work
<derRichard> efeschiyan: oh fun ahead when I upgrade ;-/
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<efeschiyan> yeah might save you some head banging. I was completely lost last week when I was trying to do that and finally decided to ask here
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<derRichard> efeschiyan: yes, thanks a lot for letting me know!
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<zelgomer> "Error: TEMPLATECONF value (which is /path/to/my/top-build/conf) must point to meta-some-layer/conf/templates/template-name" <-- why?? why would i want to put my templates in a meta-layer instead of in my toplevel build dir, since that's what ties all of the layers together?
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<jonmason> poky-tiny issue bisected to 6d5adecd028582bf548cfa47c3b0f9e76fbc2d1f "eudev: Add group sgx to eudev package"
<jonmason> RP: I assume you want me to open a bug for this
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<jonmason> Also, I've found the 3 lines that are breaking qemuarm fb in 6.4 kernel
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<RP> jonmason: I'm not sure which poky-tiny issue that is but yes please
<jonmason> "qemuarm64 login: <<< run_serial(): command timed out after 120 seconds without output >>>"
<jonmason> "WARNING: core-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_testimage: Couldn't login into serial console as root using blank password"
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<RP> jonmason: how does a new group break that? :(
<jonmason> RP: apparently. I bisected it to that patch and did a sanity/clean run (which I can do again without sstate if you want)
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<zelgomer> oh fuck this shit. fuck you guys for renaming a ton of variables because they contained the word white
<RP> jonmason: I don't doubt it, I just wonder what is going on
<RP> zelgomer: You clearly need to learn about impact of choice of language. I'm sure you'll work out a migration in the end.
<zelgomer> RP: get your religion out of my engineering
<jonmason> RP: I can take a look after I'm done with the qemuarm framebuffer issue. I'm out next week. So, not 100% I'll get to a conclusion before Friday
<RP> jonmason: ok, np, thanks
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<Guest67> does anyone busybox truncate the permission name of the owner/group to 8 characters?
<Guest67> for example, I have user/group created with 9 characters (abcdefghi : acbdefghi), but when viewing the permissions of the file, it's listed as (abcdefgh : abcdefgh):
<Guest67> -rw-r--r--    1 abcdefgh abcdefgh         7 Jul 24 14:19 test
<Guest67> the /etc/passwd and /etc/group looks correct though
<DvorkinDmitry> I have xxx machine. I need to create two more machines: xxx-X0, xxx-X1 to have all rules working (in my recipes) for xxx machine and if specified xxx-X0 - the rulle has been applied for machine xxx-X0 only together with the rules for xxx (base) machine. How to do that correctly?
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<zelgomer> DvorkinDmitry: this is where MACHINEOVERRIDES can help you. xxx.conf can add MACHINEOVERRIDES =. "xxx:" and xxx-X0 can add MACHINEOVERRIDES =. "xxx-X0:xxx:". now in recipes you can use VARIABLE:xxx = "..." or VARIABLE:xxx:append = " ..." to apply to any xxx machine, and VARIABLE:xxx-X0:append = " ..." (etc.) to apply only to the xxx-X0 version.
<rfs613> Guest67: yes, the busybox version only prints 8 characters of user/group name, see https://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/coreutils/ls.c#n532
<rfs613> in contrast the coreutils version has much more complicated logic to handle arbitrary widths, while keeping the columns lined up
<DvorkinDmitry> zelgomer, it would be beautiful solution, but in my dunfell it looks like it doesn't work
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<zelgomer> DvorkinDmitry: in dunfell use an underscore instead of colon for override syntax-- VARIABLE_xxx_append
<zelgomer> DvorkinDmitry: you might consider at least spending some time with the dunfell manual to look up MACHINEOVERRIDES or override syntax before abandoning a suggestion outright
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<DvorkinDmitry> zelgomer, thank you!
<DvorkinDmitry> is it ok to use "-" in machine name? or I should better name it xxxX0, for example?
<zelgomer> i think it's ok
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<adrianf> DvorkinDmitry: If I remember correctly it is OK, but the MACHINE variable is usually part of the IMAGE_LINK_NAME where the - of the MACHINE name gets replaced by _. This can be misleading when dealing with artifacts later on. I try to avoid it because of that. But it's quite some time ago when I was debugging this on our CI infrastructure.
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