ChanServ changed the topic of #yocto to: "Welcome to the Yocto Project | Learn more: | Join us or Speak at Yocto Project Developer Day at Prague, June 26th 2023: | Community: | IRC logs: | Having difficulty on the list or with someone on the list, contact YP CM Letothe2nd"
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<mckoan> good morning
<Guest40> morning
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<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<Guest40> morningg
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<mckoan> YP DevDay in Prague is around the corner \o/
<ad__> hi gm, if i would build an application (current image/machine targets arm), that runs on x86_64, for debug, what should be the proper way ?
<mckoan> ad__: cross-debugging ?
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<mcfrisk> ad__: build an SDK for your target machine and image, then use gdb etc from there.
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* RP guesses a lot of people are travelling now?
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* RP is a week out :)
<qschulz> RP: enjoy!
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<RP> qschulz: I wish I meant what you think I meant :). I was thinking EOSS was this week. It is a US holiday today and some people are travelling to EOSS early
<RP> kanavin: There is some sort of reproducibility issue that has crept in to zstd:
<RP> there is an additional linkage to _ZdlPvm@CXXABI_1.3.9 (operator delete(void*, unsigned long)) but I don't know why
<kanavin> RP: I'll take a look
<qschulz> RP: oopsies. Here's to hoping you find the time to schedule some time off then
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<RP> kanavin: Grepping the binaries shows C++17 in one case and C11 in the other. Probably as a result of
<RP> kanavin: why it is breaking, not sure
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<RP> I'll stop poking at it if you're going to look
<kanavin> RP: right, maybe it queries the host compiler? I'll take it
<RP> kanavin: thanks
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<LetoThe2nd> RP: most will be missing in Prague next week ;-)
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<RP> LetoThe2nd: and others missing today for other reasons which I why I'm getting confused
<LetoThe2nd> RP: yeah i know, and their other reasons are even incoherent.
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<mckoan> LetoThe2nd: this will probably be the last time in europe?
<LetoThe2nd> mckoan: no, why?
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<mckoan> LetoThe2nd: I see that the resources for the conference are getting very limited.
<LetoThe2nd> mckoan: well, a lot of companies are cutting costs at the moment, and indeed those might shrink a bit in the next time. but I don't expect that to a) last forever and b) kill conferences.
<rburton> mckoan: EOSS is the replacement for ELC(E) and is going to alternative hemispheres. Europe this year, America next, etc.
<rburton> Once a year instead of twice
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<ad__> mckoan: mcfrisk : sorry, what i need is not to cross-build from x86_64 to arm, but build my cusom app with x86_64 target (native)
<ad__> *custom
<rburton> can you not debug on target?
<ad__> i can do this with special makefile in the repo, but would be nice to know if yocto can handle this
<rburton> gdbserver etc means you can gdb on the target device
<ad__> ok. My request is instead to build for local host
<ad__> since app can work on both arm and x86_64
<rburton> well, do you mean a cross build which just happens to be the same architecture, or a genuine native build
<ad__> yes, like genuine native build
<rburton> BBCLASSEXTEND=native in the recipe then build myrecipe-native
<ad__> rburton: oh great
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<Guest40> may i ask a question about emmc and u-boot? it's not exactly about yocto, so i dont want to ask my question directly. maybe someone can suggest a channel.
<rburton> there is a uboot channel
<qschulz> u-boot actually :)
<rburton> yeah that :)
<Guest40> rburton qschulz so, rookie on duty! goes there to ask silly questions! :D
<Guest40> thanks
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<RP> more failing ptests, this time glib/ :(
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<rburton> throw a link my way and i'll glance at it shortly
<RP> rburton: still waiting on the full saved output when the build compeltes
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<manuel1985> PREFERRED_VERSION_whatever needs to be set in a configuration file, doesn't it?
<Guest40> khem im still getting error on core-image-base build. even after your update(
<Guest40> in addition, i tried to build only imx-boot and got following output:
<Guest40> an issue has been opened regarding this.
<kanavin> RP: I think I found the culprit in zstd
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<linex[m]> hello,
<linex[m]> I've been struggling to find a python module I need in a build: `getpass` not sure where to look to find in what package it is included, any hints ?
<linex[m]> thank you
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<RP> kanavin: what was is?
<tgamblin> linex: Python is split into several smaller packages. getpass is in "python3-unixadmin", so if you add that to your build (or your recipe's RDEPENDS) it should be present in the image
<tgamblin> linex[m]: ^
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<kanavin> RP: \043 is not portable between shells, dash expands it to #, bash does not
<RP> kanavin: oh, interesting. Well spotted!
<linex[m]> tgamblin: thank you! is there a way to know in which package a module is in ?
<rburton> linex[m]: $ oe-pkgdata-util find-path **/
<rburton> python3-unixadmin: /usr/lib/python3.11/
<linex[m]> 👑
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<rburton> there's also the manifest in the python3 recipe, but asking pkgdata might be easier
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* tgamblin has been using grep to search the python3 workdir all this time
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<DvorkinDmitry> what address should I send the patch for yocto-kernel-cache for my BSP and how to say it is for 5.4 branch ?
<qschulz> zeddii: that would be a question for you I believe ^^^
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<mckoan|away> e
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<jbo> Hey guys, a question regarding the SDK: I built a custom image and populated an SDK. a friend of mine would like to develop custom software using that SDK. is the shell script generated by bitbake<image> -c populate_sdk everything I have to provide? That script is HUGE and seems to have a ton of stuff in it. is that a fully self contained thing? or would he need anything else?
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<rburton> it should be everything yes
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<jbo> awesome, thanks!
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