sigh, initramfs and .wic image names and links changed. kind of annoying to not be backwards compatible with those
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good morningù
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Hi, i'm just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction, i'm using arm-trustedfirmware-a, and with the meta-arm layer, and would like to set a particular commit version, but it seems like it doesn't use SRCREV?
if you want to use a different version then set PV and SRCREV_tfa as appropriate, but you;ll want to ensure the rest of the SRCREVs are appropriate
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it uses SRCREV_tfa because you can build TF-A with mbedtls, then it has two git fetches, so you need to tell it what one
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ah, makes sense thanks
i'm the co-maintainer of meta-arm (along with jonmason) so we're here to help, and are curious what bsp this is, etc :)
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I am on poky master and the cve-check.bbclass do_fetch fails. Is this a known issue?
cve-update-nvd2-native-1.0-r0 do_fetch to be precise
fails how?
(works for me)
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@rburton: it's trying currently - please wait to get the log
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@rburton: it worked now, after failing a couple of times to download the db. Thanks
you might have hit a rate limit that our code doesn't handle well
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i have MYVAR[key1]='...' MYVAR[key2]='...' in python() . How can I export MYVAR into BASH function and access to it?
the short answer is you can't: variables scoped to a python() block are out of scope when the block closes, as with normal python
bash functions have to deal with bash syntax, so if you've a complicated data structure: don't use bash
also remember it's not bash, it's sh
i know, but i'm weak in python. Right now I'm using d.appendVar() to export MYVAR to the SH. the only problem is I can't find a way to export the hashed array althrough sh supports it
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_bash_ supports arrays. sh doesn't.
so this is academic
thank you
don't assume bash in shell functions, they can run in sh